Why do liberals and leftists seem so obsessed with sex?
Why do liberals and leftists seem so obsessed with sex?
umm.. are you serious? we're not
conservative are, though. Just look at this fucking board.
Brainwashed in schools by Freud, listening music that consist nothing but Sex, Drugs & Rock n Roll and generally believe that anything depraved is automatically good because it's against "social norms".
Because they don't get any
they search for meaning
lack of long term planning, coupled with the focus on pursuit of ephemeral pleasures
should be obvious if you look pretty much any news article dealing with "lifestyle"
What a fucking retard non-point.
Why aren't conservatives the ones pushing for normalization of pedophilia and all of this other shit then?
No self-discipline, no self-respect, no creativity, and no moral compass.
I'm sure that's also the main reason why we have so few marriages and children anymore. 50% "Women have careers" and other 50% "Sex and the City".
Peter pan syndrome. They still have the minds of horny teens.
Sodom and Gamorrah. Non believing degenerates who cant find peace on this materialistic earth. I Almost pity them. If only they would find Jesus they could be at peace and not be faggots in public.
Sex is the peak of worldly pleasure. They think that's it. How wrong they are.
Only thing ever strong enough to overshadow the nihilism ever present in their soul.
Sex is reproductive and it continues humanity.. There's a reason being a virgin is equated with being a loser y'know
Cheap pleasure is all they know, they confuse it with meaning. It’s why they are so depressed and angry
If you have a girlfriend only because of sex (and that's seems to be the only reason liberals have one), than it will lead to promiscuity and lack of reproduction.
Those on the left fall under the aegis of Dionysus and can be best thought of as cognitively female. While those on the right fall under the aegis of Apollo and can be understood to be cognitively male.
In other words the left is uncontrolled chaotic growth and with that comes overactive sexual impulses and pleasure. The right on the other hand is hierarchical, ordered, and rational. Which should emphasize ascesis regardless of position.
Fuck do you expect from mentally ill indoctrinated cunts that have been abused at a young age?
Dissertations and space exploration?
Fuck outta here!
I hate you schizoaffective autists with your half-baked, roundabout matter-of-fact theories.
I knew someone who was the same with Jungian theory. He thought Steve Jobs was his dad so he drove to California to meet him. You're worse because you're utterly inventing things
i see you have never heard of the powerful cult of Alexandria
because they're the jewish party you stupid fuck.
Like if the right isn't...
Ok well liberals and leftists have less children than conservatives and religious people but they also are the ones pushing for more and more of it, more exposure, etc.
Because of Sigmund Freud
Party of Baal
Liberals =/= leftist. I wouldn’t lump them together. Lefties are fucking abominations.
No I completely include MUH BASED CLASSICAL LIBRULZ and MUH BASED LIBERTUHRIANZ in this too and lump them in with modern-style neoliberal-leftists anyway since they agree on most moral issues.
The French Revolutionaries were classical liberals and wanted to pursue and normalize all sorts of degenerate sexuality.
Most libertarians I've met have been potheads who couldn't shut up about sex-positive feminism and shit.
Most of the jews are democrats, and the ones that are republican are rino plants.
This "Jews vote traditionally left" is just a meme. Trumps daughter is Jewish, most of the people who funded Trump are Jews (Sheldon Adelson especially), and so on.
yeah only about 82% votes democrat
take off your meme flag jew if you want to be taken seriously. Jews are communists, they vote left.
Because through sex you control the people and the nation, the more "free" a nation is in that regard the quicker it falls to outside forces as the inner society is too focused on its hedonistic desires.
They are deranged that's why.
Jews fund both parties in the US. They also heavily funded Trumps campaign. Like if the right isn't Controlled Opposition neither.
Just think of Bush and Neocons and Interventionism.
This. They search for meaning and come to define themselves by singular qualities. The NPC meme can be further expanded on in this regard. It's like they pick a few traits to define them and that's all they allow themselves to be. And so they end up devolving into crude stereotypes.
the has completely bought into the relatively new cultural paradigm that "sex is everything", which is why their insults tend to revolve around penis size and virginity-status.
If you had to assign a gender to the political parties, Republican would be male, and Democrat would be female (females make up the majority of the Democrat party).
Women can't really argue facts, their brains don't work like that usually, all they can argue is emotion, and so they try to make Republicans (i.e. men) feel insecure about themselves via the one "weapon" women have: sex.
Remember how Democrat shills and even politicians for over a year went ON AND ON about "Trump's tiny hands", as if that was even relevant to political discussion. It's not relevant.
But to Democrats (women) it IS relevant.
There's a reason why women around the globe were banned from any type of political authority or power for millenia.
>the has completely
woops, meant to say
>the left has completely...
Because if you get a nation more fixated on pleasure, essentially pain you can divert them from the real issues. All these dumb celebs, music, entertainment, education, news is the arsenal the elite use. If society were not so distracted and afraid there would be no more society, well at least a society that is so sick and broken
Because Freud. Also it's easier to control a population if it's constantly delivered sexual pleasure.
I'm assuming sex ain't much better than masturbation, and honestly, in the grand scheme of things, masturbation feels like nothing
the answer to your questions are in this book.
Sex is definitely better than masturbation, but it's not the end all be all. There are far more important things in one's life.
Sex is much better than masturbation, but currently it's being killed by the jew as well. One night stands FUCKING SUCK, but making love with a girl you actually care about is incredible.
This is the truth, but it's not worth abandoning your morals. Finding your mate is an incredible life feat. Good luck user.