Why are rightwingers offended over a woman swearing in a bar? I say we attack their policies instead...

Why are rightwingers offended over a woman swearing in a bar? I say we attack their policies instead, they're easy targets, and stop being offended over stuff like this and dancing.

Attached: rtv.png (665x671, 67K)

fuck off

Attached: shill.png (1637x945, 244K)

women don't belong in bars. they should be at home watching the children.

Are these the same right wingers that got offended over a red cup at Starbucks? News flash, it’s a handful of old ass religious fucks that watch Josh Fuerstein videos.

Niggers ganna nig

Nice conspiracy retard. Look at the amount of likes on that tweet. 230k. The more energy we waste getting offended over nothing, the more backlash we get.

This. A few angry boomers doesn’t represent the entirety of the right.

No one cares about this bitch.

twitter is a jewish company that uses bots and shills to influence opinion. Do you believe everything you see on the internet? Your memeflag tells me you are a jew and are trying to dupe us with propaganda.

She's the biggest sensation on twitter after Trump.