It's not really happening because the house is full of retards and milkers AOC, but it's getting closer to happening

it's not really happening because the house is full of retards and milkers AOC, but it's getting closer to happening.

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nice trips, but gas yourself.

I don’t really see the problem

The old argument of “no we don’t want to ban all guns, we are just worried about x” had gone out the window.

They have dropped all pretense and it suits us. They hate guns, they hate that you have guns and they hate the people who have them.

Most people have guns, most people like guns - it’s now easier to rally these people.

Yeah, the dems aren't even trying to be subtle anymore. We are the enemy, and they have declared total war on us.

no no really, gas yourself. go to your local hardware store and buy some bleach and ammonia. mix them together and breath deeply next to it for at least 30 minutes.


>can't read the sticky
>even admits it means nothing

again, you first

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>just go to Jow Forums

Jow Forums is not a suitable place to discuss politics. It has so much traffic that a threads like this would quickly get bumped off.

as it shoot because this thread is literally nothing of value, this shit gets introduced every new session

Well at least private gun sales will only be criminalized on Tuesday, and the rest of the week we can keep doing them with no problem.

>people don't want to talk about what I want to talk about
>I'm going to post off topic on a weapons board which specifically prohibits discussion of politics


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> cruela coming for your guns now
hide your dogs hide your guns

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Nah, youre the faggy redditpleb is you think that gun politics can be discussed on pol at all. The reason we have the pol thread ban is those fags posting a new bait thread every 2 minutes. Just like pol.

Nice of you to crop out that it's a Breitbart "article", makes that headline seem almost believable.

HR 8 doesn't do anything whatsoever to criminalize private gun sales. It requires that private gun sales have a background check.

Go fuck yourself directly back to Jow Forums

AOC hasn't even taken office yet.

>HR 8 doesn't do anything whatsoever to criminalize private gun sales. It requires that private gun sales have a background check.
So... you don't understand what the word "private"means, then.

Protip: If I have to pay an FFL to facilitate the sale and ask the FBI for permission to do it, then it's not really "private" anymore.

Now fuck off back to Comet Pizza.


Fuck you for making me laugh at a dad joke.

t. Comet Pizza district manager

It criminalizes private sales because if I sell a gun to my dad, thats now illegal.

dumb nigger

So the only people to get arrested from this will be those dealing with strangers who happen to be ATF. No one is going to bother background checking their friends.

>hates Jow Forums
>is concerned with article source
>defends gun control
Maybe you should fuck off somewhere else?

>all these boot fellatio enthusiasts
Fuck nu-Jow Forums.

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Lets assume that all law abiding citizens follow that. How maby people would be calling in for a BCG on a "no longer private" private sale? I can tell you that the system would slow down to an absolute crawl, at best.

I guess you cant make that sale now since the BGC cant be proccessed.

It all started with gun grabbing trump banning bump stocks. The dems know he doesn't care about gun rights

Why only ban gun sales that take place on tuesdays?

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isn't immigration wonderful??

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This is honestly kind of important to know if private transactions get banned. My state already had a system set up for this to discourage straw purchases with some de-facto background checks (permits required at transaction). Besides who doesn't have a few extra guns around they're considering selling?

Everyone knows all they want to do is ban guns 100%. It's only a couple fudd yellow dogs that say they don't even though they know they do.

dems have been gun grabbing retards for years now but nooo it's clearly drumpf's fault that they're acting grabby and retarded

we should have voted for hillary, she would've supported the 2A, right?

I can't see this backfiring for them in the slightest in 2020. They could have layed low, but now they're going in like rabid dogs.
>no source

Just imagine a democrat controlled federal government post-Trump.

If they're going full retard with just the House of Representatives in Congress, imagine the shit they would try to pull with both parts of Congress and the presidency.

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god dammit Carlos!

Tree of liberty getting awful thirsty

>get dem majority
>government shuts down
orange man bad, it was her turn

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Thank god I live in wisconsin

This. Jow Forums has no discussion on it at all.

You must be new here, else you'd realize most rules are ignored here.

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Take it to /mlp/ then. That board should be slow enough.

Republicans still hold majority in Admin, House, Senate, and Judiciary

They don't hold majority in the house, that's why this is happening.

New House sworn in 2 days ago so they dont anymore. Although I'm less concerned about Dems and more concerned about Trump screwing over the Republican party. He hardly managed to deliver anything with the whole government a Republican majority the last two years. The next two years are going to be a trainwreck with a blue house.

you chicken shit's are never going to do anything

>HR 8 doesn't do anything whatsoever to criminalize private gun sales. It requires that private gun sales have a background check.

Why don't we just require private drug sales to have a background check?

If it works for guns, why not for drugs?

DON'T WORRY, TRUMP WILL APPROVE it because he's an anti-gun ny faggot

>appeases Dems and Trump supporters wont turn against him over gun control
>even if they did their only other option is to vote Dem
Trump's still playing 3D chess

no, he's just being a faggot and if he keeps going like this, i don't think he will win in 2020.

That sounds like a pain in the ass for US gun owners. Are you really that desperate to suck partisan democrat cock?

Cruela Deville is ATF oh shit

so, they are no longer private

Don't do this, it makes dmt

Worth noting, it's very easy to go full retard to please your base when you know it can't actually go through. The more sinister potential is in the "compromise" bill shit like this could generate.

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You know what. Don't you think it's a bit funny they're run by super pacs inside their own party which ignores direct democracy, but they're all in favor of removing the electoral college for the rest of the country not involved with them in their own little political party? I assume you have to constantly read their propaganda to say something like that, and still not be able to think for yourself and look at what they really do.

This guy gets it. They're just trying to look proactive and appeal to people and any resulting "compromise" is a victory

That’s what 8ch Jow Forums is for.

This thing looks inhuman, and I masturbate to sfm monster porn on a near daily basis

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This is already how it works in cuckifornia.
Welcome to the show, lads

BASED. I love how everyone told me to "go back to Jow Forums" whenever I would warn them about this stuff happening.

*gets nigged out of existence*

I fucking hate you civ-nat naive cuckolds.

White power, white globalism, Heil Hitler, 1488 for eternity.

Forgot image

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Why didn't you guys vote

There’s a reason it’s called Jow Forums- politically incorrect, and not Jow Forums-politics

That said anyone who came after sandy hook and buys this shit the mods are shoveling should fuck off.
The only reason we have that gay ass sticky is because fags kept posting “is this it 4 r guns” after every shooting without checking the catalog. We don’t need that shit sticky anymore.

false flag.
go back to voting for hillary, fag

>talking about cripplechan outside of cripplechan
Sterilize yourself

>hurr durr ignore politics it doesn't matter

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huur durr the democratic party is gerry mandered by political funders they call super pacs that act like an electoral college in their own ranks, now they're trying to eliminate it on a national level adversely effecting all the states that aren't getting their funding while they cry republicans are gerry mandering
Just go back to pol and reddit to complain about orange man bad already.

both sides propose stupid shit all the time that goes nowhere

they're just announcing to everyone that they're assholes who won't actually do their jobs

I thought it was unconstitutional to em place laws that can not realistically be enforced. How the fuck are Sheriffs, PD's, and ATFfags gonna stop Jeremiah from selling his forty five to his cousin Billy Joe the third on the farm? I'm not sure how you can properly appeal shit to the supreme court and I know it takes forever for them to even consider if they are gonna look at it or not, which is also unconstitutional (speedy trial). But I mean, come the fuck on. This is just blatantly wrong on all levels.
>All gun legislation is unfounded and straight up against the principles of the constitution
>Signing bills into law that are also against the principles of the constitution
>Having said bills turned into law that are impossible to actually enforce is also unconstitutional
Even a fucking kid in middle school could see the obvious contradictions to our supreme law of the land.

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>civic nationalist yukari.png

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I dont think we should talk about gun control here guys
we should go to Jow Forums and discuss this there where it can be properly monitored and shut down when people start connecting the (((dots))) and realize the jews have opened your borders as thanks for fighting wars for israel and spending trillions of dollars and bailing out banks

now they want you disarmed because your the minority in your own country and are gonna criminalize groups of 4 white people getting together and want to give tax breaks to interracial couples for not being racist

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Trump supports this

Trump supports a gun registry
Background checks
Since the Parkland shooting, Trump has said he wants to strengthen background checks, at times appearing to support universal checks that would apply to private sales and gun show sales.
“Very strong improvement and strengthening of background checks will be fully backed by White House,” Trump tweeted Monday. “Legislation moving forward.”

>even if they did their only other option is to vote Dem
Obama was better for gun rights than Mitt Romney and that went better than Trump is doing for us now, As long as not a gun grabber Clinton type I would vote dem against a RINO gun grabber

why do you faggots think the power gives a shit about your gun hobby? How is it you think your niche vote has any leverage?


Every dem is a grabber.

>How is it you think your niche vote has any leverage?
>hurr my vote doesn't matter
thinking like that will mean you always lose

Based go back to Jow Forums redditspacer

Dems are all gun grabbers. Some just dont have there hands in your sage until they are in office.
RINOs are of course closet dems who just cant come out.
In the end they all want power at the expense of the power of the people. So they can sit in office and collect checks without really doing much.

does this ban all private party gun sales or just the ones between white people?

>reminder jews outlaw guns in cities
>they all get CCW permits and sell them to other jews
>jews get busted for bribery and carrying guns
>jews allowed to keep guns/permits and get community service for multiple firearm felonies
you know. because those gun laws arent meant for them. just the goyim.

oh and they get their own private police force in their own neighborhoods that chooses what crimes get prosecuted and have vigilante mobs attacking goys for driving too fast in their hoods.
I think its called shomrim.
and they own the police departments.

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and the republicans are passing red flag laws?
what a coincidence both parties work together when their interests align.
what else do they work together on?
wars in the middle east
aid for israel
gun control
forgiving immigration violations and decriminalizing border enforcement

hmmmmmmmmm its almost like both parties want the same thing........strange....

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>Jow Forums is not a suitable place to discuss politics. It has so much traffic that a threads like this would quickly get bumped off.
wow its almost like there are jews that monitor threads on Jow Forums and want these threads to be forced to go to Jow Forums where they will be immediately sunk
what a coincidence

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>t.baste libertardian
I've got news for you bud, there's very little separating Romney from Pelosi and if you think you'll seperating them with a meme issue like salt raffles, you're delusional. Gun rights voters have made themselves into the pussy hat wearning wing of the right, except you have next to zero allies in business or media.

>he still thinks votes matter
well just in case they still do they are making sure your vote will be outnumbered by 6 dark skinned people who dont care about gun rights or the constitution since senator shekelberg promised more welfare and budlight if they vote to get rid of the 2nd amendment

oh and even if your vote did matter?
lookup prop 187
decades ago people realized paying billions to support millions of foreigners was a drain on the state
so it was voted into law
what happened? why are borders still open and immigrants living off tax payer money?

>the (((courts))) came down and said OY VEY STATES CANT ENFORCE FEDERAL LAWS
so it got overturned and its been game over ever since
the jews won before most of the posters here were born
it will never be reversed, the policy will never get changed. the only place that can have its military enforcing border security, walls and no NGO's flooding its country with millions of migrants is Israel.
anything else is racist and against the law.

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>HR 8 doesn't do anything whatsoever to criminalize private gun sales.

>It requires that private gun sales have a background check.
>... so they're not private.
>... so if you have a private gun sale it's illegal.
>... somehow this doesn't criminalize private gun sales by making it against the law to have a private gun sale.

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>It requires that private gun sales have a background check.
that's a fucking registry
>41 states have legal private party sales. no background check, no registration, completely off the ATF radar.

No more ARMSLIST threads?

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its called pilpul
Im so exhausted by the amount of jewish tricks I cant even be civil with normies any more

>immigration control act of 2035
>taxe hike to 50% for people with blue eyes, blonde hair, or freckles
>establishes quota of 250k immigrants to be imported monthly to the least diverse states like maine or wyoming
>well thank god they are finally doing something about all this immigration!!!

Attached: maine.png (1024x552, 400K)

>always thought this was from the manga and she was just depressed no one wanted to play with her
>find out it's from a gangbang doujin and that's her consolation prize
Ignorance truly is bliss bros

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im surprised

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Fuck off. Look at when that sticky was posted.

Jow Forums really was bought by a merchant trading house in haifa wasnt it?
there's jews on every board but the ones here are just fucking aggressively shameless

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it's because the HPA is getting another vote. Neither will survive but both sides have to flop their saggy old dicks out onto the table to show who's boss.