Why are Christians so stupid?

I understand that medieval Christianity was pretty based but modern Christians are just retarded.
>Earth was made in 6 literal days
>Everyone on Earth is the result of mass inbreeding between the descendants of two people
>A global flood a couple thousand years ago killed everyone but 8 people resulting in more incest
>Free will exists despite overwhelming evidence successful societies are genetic
It's so fucking stupid. I like the Bible and some KKK tier interpretations of Christianity but Christians themselves are buy and large massive shills who always emphasize their dumbest beliefs. And that's what makes Christianity cringy af. No one cares that you love Jesus. They're just afraid to be publicly Christian because they subconsciously associate it with the reality denying retards and are ashamed.

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>I'll accept that God is omnipotent but making the earth in 6 days? That's just retarded.
No, OP, you ARE the retarded! Your existential philosophizing is trash and you should feel bad.

The problem with Christianity is that it need to evolve because being a christian is gwtting more and more ridiculous. We need Christian values but they cannot be accompanied with the fairy tale crap of the old testament and the birth of Jesus and his Magic Powers curing people with "Faith". You can follow Christianity without believing that Jesus is the son of God and that he resurrected in the third day, if Jesus just was a normal man with a lot of Knowledge that reached divinity thats enough instead of a god that become a man to teach lessons.

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Pic related. Jews like op hate us this much.

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>Guys we need to be Christian except we need to get rid of all the stuff about God and Christ
>We just need to follow Christ's teachings. Except for what Christ said about being the son of God. We need to ignore that because it's stupid.
Stop trying to ride Christianity's coat tails. You have nothing in common with us. You're using us to try to appear more moral. Get out.

because you and everyone else who hates
christians are even dumber than they are
or you'd go out of your way to show them
their errors and since you can't you bitch
on Jow Forums like a larping goat.

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Or maybe you're just wrong but have your head too far up your ass to see the kjv English translation isn't the infallible word of God.

1. Yom the Hebrew word in the Bible doesn't mean day, it means a period of time.
2. That's some chicken before the egg shit.
3. Tina eruption nearly wiped humanity out. There was a lot of in breeding.
4. Free will is very complicated and. Some Christians believe in predestination.
I never deny my faith and you should consider reading the Bible yourself and form your own opinions because many people lie about the word of God.

If I were a jew I would be using slander, not providing constructive criticism.

You. I like you. You get headpats.

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>Christians themselves are buy and large massive shills
Your favourite god's fake, champ. Don't be an idiot your whole life. Time to grow up.

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Nigger, I know full well that "maybe" I'm wrong. You can't claim to know shit about existential philosophy if you don't acknowledge that there are infinitely many possibilities regarding the circumstances of reality. We could all be in a computer simulation, any given thing could just be a hallucination, yada yada yada. If you want to come here and say "It's a possibility that Christianity isn't right" then that's fine. That's not what you did. You tried to justify your opinion using arguments. Bad ones. You tried to say that you'll accept the existence of an omnipotent God but not of a planet, made in 6 days, that has the appearance of being older. Your logical reasoning was faulty. If you can't even make a thread without being wrong in the first post, why do you think you're so right about metaphysics? Come on.

I'm an aspie. I don't have the social prowess to persuade anyone in face to face interactions.

You're the one who's immature. You're trying to fool yourself into believing that you can sense anything that's real. Any important truth of the world will just present itself for you to examine. It's silly. It's childish. You're calling me an idiot, ironically, because you want to think less and I'm making that hard for you.

>You can follow Christianity without believing that Jesus is the son of God
I knew Catholics were the enemy all along. Repent, Sinner!

Imagine being such a massive faggot that you can’t appreciate the Bible stories for the morals they teach
That was the entire point, retards, the Catholic Church admits it and your argument only applies to Protestantshits
Not that it matters, I know over half of this thread are pagan larper faggots who will side with fucking Protestants and atheists if it means they can bash the church

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> muh something from nothing, muh metaphysics n shiet, it follows hence that the abarahamic jew god who murdered all the Egyptian newborns and send his son/himself to earth who walked on water is totally legit and justfiable

Why do Christkeks just appropriate Greek philosophy and use it to justify their retardation? Plato would shit all over them if here were alive

1. Free will doesn't mean an absolute freedom of the will such that you could will something contrary to your nature, only that your will transcends material circumstance such that you may pick in between several possible options available to you.

2. The hyper-literalist approach to scripture by certain evangelical types is pretty stupid and a somewhat modern strain that popped up in the early 20th century or late 19th century as I recall, however these types don't represent all Christians now or historically.

Stop going to chuch goy. Become a nihilistic degenerate instead.

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It's all Martin Luther's fault. Allowing the common man to think he can be an authority on understanding the word of God was a mistake. Most people are not able to think well enough to take such a burden without guidance. That's how you get a bunch ignorant hillbilly Christians practicing degenerate versions of your religion

You poor, poor idiot. You thought you'd get an automatic reck on me if you would just paint me as some guy trying to "appropriate Greek philosophy." What you didn't know is that the point I've been making stems from Descartes, not the Greeks. Descartes is the one who said "I think therefore I am," alluding to his belief that nothing can be objectively true except for one's own personal existence. Socrates and Plato, meanwhile, had the mentality of 'I will believe whatever seems to me to be the most true.'

I've said nothing wrong. You're trying to strawman me into arguments I haven't made because you can't handle the truth.

The morals in the stories don't stop niggers in Philly from shooting each other. You can't make people go against their nature. Most people claiming something is a Christian value are just projecting their own nature onto scripture. That's why gommies think Jesus was one of them. Or at least they do for a little while until they realize there's a reason gommie nations are atheist.

>Earth was made in 6 literal days
I believe it's possible. Otherwise, young earth has alot of scientific support.
>Everyone on Earth is the result of mass inbreeding between the descendants of two people
No, just modern whites. Like it or not, inbreeding has a deformity rate of 7% compared to 4% otherwise.
Anyways, non whites dont come from Adam and eve.
>A global flood a couple thousand years ago killed everyone but 8 people resulting in more incest
It was 5400~ years ago, actually. Basically, yes. Considering the change in earth's magnetic strata, there would still be people post flood that would live for several hundred years, and if they reproduced every other year, and this continued for multiple generations of people... you could quickly repopulate.
>Free will exists despite overwhelming evidence successful societies are genetic
What point are you even trying to make?
>No one cares that you love Jesus. >They're just afraid to be publicly Christian
I hope you see the irony I see.

The last panel never happened. "Magic animals" in the sky have just been replaced by "magic ideas". The current state of academia, for example, is alarmingly similar to that of religion. Now you may think that's a better state of things, but don't think for a second you've left religion behind.

Morality isn't the point of Christianity. What Christianity offers is forgiveness of sin and freedom from it. Trying to follow a moral code with Christian influences does nothing to help with the fact that you'll fail.

Christianity is a Jewish cult, it isn't even its own religion

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Most theologians with power aren't honest intelligent people like and though. They're mostly corrupt zionists, gommies, and fags. I went to a Catholic high school and college. Of course once I grew up I didn't want to believe utter retardation that just harms white communities like gay zio-communism. If it weren't for CI and KKK flavors of Christianity I would probably be a deist because Protestants are stupid and Catholics are corrupt.

Same reason you're stupid, you're both human. Humans are real stupid if you hadn't heard.

>It must suck being you.

Get off our board kike

Do you have any opinion on Eastern Orthodox?

The corruption of the denominations was predicted in Revelations, in the letters to the seven churches. Thyatira is Catholicism. Jezebel is the Catholic church. Sardis is Protestantism. It's all part of the plan.

In terms of current state they do look the best. I never thought of them much before but I think there's a good chance they might be the one true faith.

>It's all part of the plan.
How does the plan end?

>time to grow up
That's a lot of talk coming from someone using a file with "godtards" in the name.
Fucking Aussies are fucking retarded sunbaked cunts who have more cancer potential then they do smarts.

God wins.

Fuck you cocksucker, you wouldn't say the same about Islam or judaism would you, fucking faggot sissy cocksucker nigger lover kill yourself bitch

Did you know, despite over 50% of the US population being Protestant, there isn't a single Protestant on the US Supreme court?

That's no coincidence, at the top level of US society, protestants are virtually nowhere to be found. It's because Protestant Christians have totally failed to create a high-culture that will nurture an elite class. It's because their beliefs and doctrines are so deranged that they lose all their intelligent people, and fail to nurture and retain intelligent members. And any time they do get some degree of power, they are so naive and lackadaisical, they are taken advantage of and used.

Their doctrines are turning them into a naive, ignorant slave class, and that's pretty much what they've turned into. It didn't used to be like this of course, but things have gone extremely south. OP is not alone, he's reacting to some of the extremely toxic elements of the church that drive people away

Because any system of ideas so full of contradictions ends up disintegrating over time until finally all they can do is cling to various literal or metaphorical versions of the same conflicting ideas and the ones who prefer literalism were always the dumber bunch, the metaphoricizers are too cowardly to admit that the shit is just arbitrary, cobbled together, and made up. The God Tier "Christians" never thought that Jesus' being a sacrifice would make sense, especially not if he were the "son of god", nor found that to make sense, nor found Satan's rebellion to make sense, nor the stupidity of it being a sin to disobey God in order to know Good from evil, and so on. They are literally the only ones worth saving anyway.

Church age stuff is conjecture and not backed by the bible

Literal biblical interpretation is an invention of the modern era

>genetics prove animals all derive from a very small population
>genetics once again prove there was a second event that reduce that genetic material

turns out they weren't that wrong, at the very least more right the retards like OP

Sauce bitte