Ilhan Omar and AOC 2020. Trump won't stand a chance

Ilhan Omar and AOC 2020. Trump won't stand a chance.

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You know they both have to be 35+ right

I wonder if the deep state satanic pedophile cult elites have shown AOC her blackmail video yet.

Can’t wait for these mutts to make complete fools of themselves

she's a latin sarah palin. really dumb, really fuckable, really sultry brunette

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Jesus fucking Christ sage and hide this shit. Stop shilling this ugly horse cunt and her towel head friend

Do we really need 100 threads about this woman every day? Its like how the liberals can’t shut up about Trump but even sadder because she is a much smaller fish

I would go balls deep in AOC

one is like a tampon
the other like a maxi pad
the only people that could find them remotely useful
are rank holes


I would actually bootleg their lesbian porn.

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if the Americans vote for a muslim and a communist i will laugh for 10 consecutive years

i will probably die of laughter

Excuse me...
This crypto-muslim communist nigger was president for 8 years.

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uuhhh... touché
but this two prostitutes are more flagrant about it

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Breathe in, hold, pull trigger, breathe out. All I need to think about when i see those two lovely ladies.

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How many more fucking goddamn spam threads will there be of these niggers?

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He's right you know.

It's the weekend, ShareBlue, take a day off.


Look at that massive owl bracelet

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You'd die a lot earlier than that when you turn into the next Venezuela. Drown in your progressive shithole

>Trump won't stand a chance

He will if he stays back about 600 ft, the effective blast radius of a vest-borne IED.

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haha not happening retard ;)
show your flag, memeflaggot

Holy shit that necklace. Weaving spiders BTFO!

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GLP has a thread how the Mudslime was funded by George Soros with sources.