Where is the real thing?

Where is the real thing?
Is this it?

Is Jow Forums the only vestige of white identity?
Or am I missing something? Where is the unified force against the Great Enemy the Jew? Where is OUR last stand?

We don't even have a National Alliance or the American Nazi Party anymore.

Where is it!?

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Help me bros.
I've been here since the Trump election. Truly redpilled for about 1.5 years.

I listen to american dissident voices. I've read A Culture of Critique.

What else can I do? How can I serve to stop what is happening?

It's me, I'm white identity. AMA

Jow Forums is a board of peace and full of brown skinned people

Why haven't you reclaimed what has been taken from you?

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Get right with Jesus before it gets worse.

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Why are we so weak? Why are we doing nothing?
There is literally nothing - no one to even turn to.
Where is our leader?

If William Luther Pierce was still alive - I'd join him in an instant. We have no one.

Am I supposed to toil away for the rest of my life and die in some multiculti hellhole??
Why won't we do what must be done?

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>How can I serve to stop what is happening?
one simple step: call ICE on every establishment that anyone even close to brown works. do this daily young hero

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Firstly, 98% of Americans here are not white, just look at who turned up to the hwndu meet up... All brown.
Only true whites these days are the Aussies desu.

Though it's hard to fathom we still have a bit to go before the all important 10% figure is reached. We're still in a "waking up" phase, though of course our enemy is long past that.

The best thing to do right now is take care of yourself and spread the word to people you deem receptive.

I'm on the same page, of course at some point something must give. We're all a part of a collective ego. When the time is right, when enough people know, the id will speak to us and movement will happen.

This isn't deference, action must be taken.

But the system itself is evil.
They will make a big show about the border wall and """ending illegal immigration""" but nothing will truly be done.

We need a revolution.
All politicians need to be found at the end of a rope.
All media representatives need to be dragged into the street and put up against a wall.
We need to reclaim what is OURS.

Is there anything other than Jow Forums?

>I listen to american dissident voices.
Excellent place to start user. As for what you can do, live, work, marry, make babies, and prepare for the inevitable.

>Is there anything other than Jow Forums?

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What i the inevitable never comes? I'm afraid.
Whites are, by nature, tolerant.

Our enemies know this and have modified their brainwashing techniques against us.
Jow Forums helps me cope because at least someone, somewhere feels the same as I do.

But I'm, afraid that most people don't. And lap up the shit that the media masters feed them.

I've told my family much of what I know.
My mother believes me because she is a woman and loves me. My father is skeptical because he has consumed the media all his life.
My brother believes me but is an individualist more interested in his career.

I'm talking about an organization. I don't need emotional support. I need action. I will continue spreading the word to whomever is receptive, but I dont think that is enough. Where is our leader?

>My mother
no son. your OWN family

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This bitch hasn't been staying up long recently, I think the mods are sick of her face. Don't be surprised if you get deleted.

>where's the rest of it
This is it man. There's no secret army or hidden society of white people anymore. You want white identity? This is it, you're looking at it. I hope it makes you angry

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I'm jaded and a coward.

I'm angry.
But more angry at the fact that Im not as angry as I should be. I'm not angry enough to act on my beliefs.

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>I'm not angry enough
It's more of a sad realisation of what's to come, right? Well me too user, me too

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Like poetry. Just die on your own filth then, goy.

What am I to do, englishman?
I can't go out and start killing the producers of CNN.
We don't have a leader. There is no group to stand with.
I am jaded towards women, and a coward socially. I am not a leader. I would gladly join a group if one existed.

You do what you can. Just find a good girl, get a real well paying job, have kids and take care of them. That's all you can do. For now.

>Where is OUR last stand?
It was about 60 years ago dumbass and we lost.

>that face never gets old...

What was the question again?