Why don't Chinese people value different cultures? Is it because Chinks have no culture nor history?

Why don't Chinese people value different cultures? Is it because Chinks have no culture nor history?

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Why won't Putin or Trump condemn?

Communism is Evil. Pure and simple. Imagine in this country progressive people forcing Christians to have unnatural sex or swap genders, renouncing God even.

>tfw you will never be force fed a nice BLT and pinot noir by qt commie jailer

If you don't think Christian persecution is coming to the west soon then you are blind.

This is why i think its fucking hilarious when these nigger shitskins praise the declining white demographic. Have fun with the 1 billion chinese, im sure theyll pay extra in taxes to ensure you get 3 squares

These are the same people who want to pay 10 dollars for a blowjob

free bacon and alcohol how nice of them

The blind leading the blind. It’s already here.

China is right and we should do the same. Islam and muslims are worthless.

good things muslims arent people. if youre stupid enough to believe in the pedophile quran you deserve the rope not a education camp fuck niggers

Don't misunderstand me, I do believe it is coming.

based chinks

Fuck off you mudshit mutts. Chinks are doing what we should have been doing since fucking ever.
Don't want to assimilate? To the camp you go. Easy and simple.

There is no difference between the "three" religions. You and islam worship the same demon.

Chinese child porn > Islamic child porn.

>no culture

muttland has a history of about 200 years faggot. before that the land you call your own was inhabited by savages.

This is good. Islam is just a mutation, a perversion of existing religions.
They were called Mohammedians for a reason.

Communism is a culture.

It's based on traditional values.

>magine in this country progressive people forcing Christians to have unnatural sex or swap genders, renouncing God even.

Other than the atheism bit, the other stuff was USSR propaganda to weaken the West. The USSR was very traditional.

Based Chinks, anybody defending arabs needs to be force fed a bullet.

If the camel fuckers don't like it, they can fuck off back where they came from. I stand with the commies in keeping this backwards lot contained, they are sub-human and belong in cages. Ok thank you

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Do you understand what precedent is? If it can be done to them in the name of atheism and the communist party it can be done to you too! That's what the agenda is you moron. The globalist are Godless communists at best, satanist at worst. And this is coming from someone who is no friend of Islam.

>Danish boomer draws a cartoon
>Embassies go up in flames
>Chinese government institutes the Final Solution to the islamic turkroach question

So this... is the power of Allah.

we fucking nuked u twice and kept soldiers on your shithole island for decades, raping your asian bitches on the reg. you need another lesson in shutting your fucking rice eating mouf?

Maybe if you ate rice you wouldn't be so fat

I just hope people realize that China is the enemy. They have been all along. We've basically been at a ceasefire since 1953. North Korea is their proxy.

Please don't make us look bad, kid

China is so based i love it

China is the real jew.

It isn't China sending millions of Euros to die for Israel following their foreign policy, then flooding Europe with millions of Muslims and nappy haired negroes. Every Chinese person I've met is culturally conservative and well-mannered, meanwhile America and her allies are some of the most degenerate countries imaginable.
I look forward to the day your country is destroyed.

Gib Uyghur wife nao

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Not only are they already doing that, they're also attempting to use the federal government to force Christians to accept that shit as compliant with the doctrines of their faith.

Why don’t muzzies value Chinese values. The Chinese like pork and they like having a drink. Muslims come along and try to turn everything into a falafel stand.

I think it's because they've seen how other nations commit suicide rather than offend people.

That's probably an active goal of the progressive left user, when you said that I imagined them fully in power and I can see it being that way.

Communist mass slaughter turned the Chinese into psychopaths.


Why is a QT like that being forced to marry a slope sub human like that?

They do this shit all the time just not in public

>Go to China
>Claim to be Muslim
>Free bacon and beer

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>no culture nor history
what do you live under a rock?

You means the Mudslides are getting free beer and bacon? Poor them.

Government is actively breeding out Uyghurs muslims so they send the males to reeducation camps and force their females into marrying Chinks,

Chang over there must have been rewarded a wife by the government because he has high social credit.

Imagine American obese people replacing every single Muslim in those prisons. They could singlehandedly take down China by eating its gdp. There would be huge amounts of trucks send to these camps just to make sure the Americans are kept fed. A hundred thousand Chinese chefs cooking, grilling, preparing meals for the ten thousand obese Americans. A hundred billion dollar enterprise.


kek, I just love how different Western and Chinese civilization is. They'd do shit that we could never dream of doing in this day and age.

>Commies vs muslims

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But they're not immigrants. That's literally their native land china is trying to assimilate. Shouldn't you sympathize with nations losing to globalism?

from the start china has been the dominant civilization on this planet. except for the period from 1839 (opium wars)until 1997 (financial crisis) due to foreigners. since then they've been steadily growing and coming back, never forgeting how the west fucked them over. always commiting to their own people, never internal seperation, always unity. they had the opportunity to colonize africa, but rather chose not to. we might not understand their ways, but why should they care.

>Native land

I swear. All these separatism movements are popular in the west because these people feel like they're too good to pick up an actual history book since it's not their own country.

If they did then all support for these would plummet instantly.

China doesn't see itself as a nation-state. It sees itself as a civilization-state. The purpose of the Chinese state is to protect Chinese civilization. They place protecting that above even that of protesting the Chinese nation (using the polysci definition of that word).
China has no use for other cultures. China doesn't see diversity as a strength. China sees Chinese civilization as the alpha and omega of existence. Anything that gets in the way of that is to be destroyed. Muslims within the borders of China are an easy target for eradication.

>10k Americans eat China into another communist starvation party
This could, no joke, be possible. An American can singlehandedly eat 20kcal worth of Chinese food and be hungry an hour later. There's no stopping an American with unlimited Chinese food.
t. American

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Figures, fucking bug people. Just another flavor of nigger.

No, it's because valuing different cultures is a weakness the chinese don't have

You know I dislike all religionfags.

But comparing muslims to christians is ridiculous. The Muslims are just one step higher in the level of vile ideologies that they support, than the subversive evil kikes. I dislike most of the middle east, jews especially, muslims second. They need to just kill each other already and stop hurting the world.

So based China considers religion and particularly Islam, a mental disorder. And justly so because that's exactly what it is.

So they shouldn't put Christians in camps because they can and would, if they moved to china, integrate into that lifestyle. Muslims just can't and wouldn't if they could.

>oooohhhh nooooo they made me enjoy a cheap beer and eat pork chops

Fucking ridiculous. They should be happy china didn't just harvest their organs like the soulless bugs they usually are. Maybe they're evolving, no longer soulless ants idk.


The religion of piss is the most violent repressive religion.
However, communism is as bad.
No one should be forced to eat and drink substances they do not wish to consume.

chinks know how to deal with mudslimes
it's about the only nice thing I can say about China

you receive what you give
mudslimes have it coming

This will end in Uyghurs conquering China because chinks are ultimately insect slaves

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Chinese persecute Christians and will even more in coming years. It's the fastest growing religion in China

I hereby convert to Islam and change my name to Muhammad al bin Goatfucker. See you in China, faggots!

Bathe in pig blood

They are idiots. Their muslim population wasn't that threatening, especially since they are asians. Ever since they had an excuse to go after Muslims they have actually managed to radicalize some of those people into doing terrorist attacks. They weren't cut from the same cloth of Arabs.

That is true, but the Chinese see Islam as a larger threat because Muslims already tried making their own country once.

Oh please that is bullshit. They never assimilated into Chinese culture, refused to learn Chinese, etc. I hate commi-chinks but I do not mind them eliminating ragheads. They do the same in the west (muslims) in terms of refusing to assimilate.

And thats bad why?

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christians in africa are murdering children and old woman because they are "cursed". not that I give a fuck either but christianity is jew religion for jew worshippers.

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Those are niggers. They don't need a reason to murder random people, and those superstitions predate Christianity by thousands of years

I can't believe nobody realized this is sarcasm. Well done, user.

China is providing humanitarian aid to Uigurs with brain disease.

Pork and wine is a luxury many poor people can't afford.
OP is a faggot as usual.

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I haven't seen that chink pasta in a long time. It's good to see it again.

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Oh wait, I forgot. China does have a history. A history of cannibalism.

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That's the one I wanted to post but I forgot what it looks like, thanks for jogging my memory

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... were I not able to already buy enough bacon and beer to the point I would die in 2-5 years of constant indulgence (fuck all I want now is a BLT w/ onions) I would do this.

I had a Chinese Muslim friend for a couple years. We got fucking wasted together every week and he even tried weed after telling us how in China he would get killed for it. One time I made a ham steak for the other dude we drank with and the Muslim guy was fine with it. He was a good guy.

How utterly horrible. Imagine being forced to eat pork and drink beer.
Just think if somebody did that to the chosen people.

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>Korean war
>American victory

I know this is just a copypasta but that guy has to be an American on a proxy. Only an American could be deluded to believe that just like they believed the Vietnam war was an American victory.

Muslims are the most entitled cunt on the planet.
Back in the days, the Jews would send them into Gulags in Siberia where they wish they could eat pork.

In Denmark they also complain about the Potatoes you serve in your camps.
And they want you to believe they are fleeing from terrifying war.

Hi, chink here

I'm currently chinking a white qt, can I have Jow Forums's approval? No bully pls.

Because their identity is 100% focused on the survival of the state, all other things are secondary.

That’s why they’ve been around for 3,000 years and also why they will outlive the U.S. and other developed nations.

Let tge chinks do what they like to porkis,
Look at it this way.... Less muslim population than before.

FORCED to drink booze and eat pork?!?!?!

A lot of American niggers are nominally Muslim or at least at some point got a fake new Muslim name like so many Black sports players.

Would promise of FREE pork ribs and FREE booze lure Blacks to China and out of USA???

Nah, USA has KFC. Your niggers are there to stay.

why isn't Antifa stopping this Muslim holocaust in China?

I've gotten drunk with Saudis before, plenty of Muslims especially the well off ones don't follow those rules

Based. Fuck abrahamic religion. Remove the fucking root before it grows.

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Because China was a great civilization on it's own and they still appreciate that.

Atheists are the Darwinist niggers of epistemology

Don't you have elderly jewish widows to feed?

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still waiting for the outrage on this

Absolutely based.

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Hello fat boy

Based Chinks, masters of the psy op.

>native to china
In that case Shinto-Buddhism is native to all of asia and Japan should reclaim their rightful territory.

Free pork and booze, fuck ya. What are these people complaining about?

Wtf I love China now