Other urls found in this thread:
>breathing heavily
>vidya on the go
checks out
And you're the one taking creep shots of another man.
>German flag colors
>Breathing heavily
>All the check marks proving rapist materials
To social media we go!
She got aroused. Cmon she aint fooling anyone.
>Be white male
>Lose job and get ostracised
God damn, those tits
There is no German flag on his shirt. The colors are in the wrong order.
This hag is too stupid to recognize that.
>Running to train station
>Check time tables, great, still 5 min left.
>Sit down with big distance to damaged looking girl holding smartphone
>get out my smartphone
>SJW: RAAAAPE-Oh my god. This is going on twitter.
I know this girl Asher Wolf, she is a jewish journalist who is really gagging to get a fuck from an alt-right guy. I flirted with her once on twitter and she was very reciprocal.
Germans are cucks, so that is weird indeed
I just checked twitter... she isnt even joking either. This is some fucking kikery if ive ever seen it.
Look at those fat jiggly tits. Gorgeous.
Haha ok G*rman. He'a obviously a shitskin and she's right to be worried.
DESU I would do a 360 and GTFO of there
>There is no German flag on his shirt. The colors are in the wrong order.
Expecting Antifa to have common sense??? Snap out of it Hans
You're one to talk.
How can a nation still be so butthurt after all these decades?
ugh, germans breathing, why is this still a thing?
She's a mentally ill Jew. Checks out.
Looks who's talking...
Why does she rub up against the twink? Does she know him? If not, can she not see that is a faggot? Why would she up herself against a faggot in a belly shirt?
Probably her brother or some shit.
>intense gaming ensues
A completely unfuckable chick trying to imply that someone wanted to rape her.
>in your dreams honey
>This silly boy isn't getting me any attention! RAPE!
jesus christ those tits.....
nice thread
Are you an infantile faggot or do you just talk like an infantile faggot?
Jesus you're obsessed with male looks aren't you. Take a break from Jow Forums if the first thing you noticed was a man's physique in that video, fucking vain queer.
How to spot the liberal
>Hello? Anyone?
she looks like she fucks white guys
Im so lost
Would make sense. The estrogen that made those fat fucking milkers also turned the other men into faggots.
You, also, now must produce the milkies. Fag.
She's from Melbourne, care to explain why Melbourne has so many degenerates, strayafriends?
>have a panic attack
>eyeball of the privatized panopticon whips out their networked camera and calls for a crusade against your existence
Pretty hard to do that in Asia.
Great. There’s more than one of you. I can’t say I’m surprised. You’re either an open mouthed hipster, a pedophile, or some unknown sort of freak. In any case, you all bury the same.
>when your mom is proud of you for waiting in line because she forgot something
why is she so on edge over some dude wearing a soccer jersey?
I wish. The Fuhrer only let then shower with cyanide
memeflag included, you're a fucking tard.
That's what you think.
Ugh fucking Nazi.
I'm starting to unironically believe hysterectomies were a legitimate medical practice at this point. This is what happens when a bunch of hysterical women don't have anyone to slap them around.
Choke on roma cock you greasy stick of Dacia fuck. Since you asked, I’ll explain. Assuming you can scrape that gypsy jism out of your brain: I use a memeflag so I don’t have to explain to Black Sea urchins what the fuck an expat is. Now fuck off back to your caravan. It’s time to fist the goat.
It’s just weird that she keeps saying GERMANY like it’s some sort of taboo word
>be Asian twink
>go to grocery store
>only buy a jar of pickles
I've never written a more realistic series of events in my life.
>tfw i haven't seen a gypsy in literal months
you're a sad husk of a person. besides the fact that you're the only one raging in this thread, you don't even identify yourself with anything. i can't even call you anything more than a flaming retard.
Where the fuck is this supposed iron cross?
In her mind.
Literal months? You’ve been on vacation then? There’s a flag for you. I’m a US expat living here you improbably distended anus. I thought y’all were Orthodox folks. You know, the kind generally opposed to pedophillic babytalk. Or are you an expat too? In either case, fuck off back to bothering lobsters, fingering anchovies, or licking toilet brushes. Whichever hobby it is your kind get up to. Purely as an historical aside, it’s hard to imagine you as the progeny of the people who put Ceaucescu and his wife up against a wall.
cheesus christ
Her face literally looks like a mask and her tits are way to bouncy. Is this an AYYYY larping as a human?
Looking at the face of this Asher Wolf person, and so many like it, I think these figures are created by a powerful AI to be the essence of a hatred arousing thing so I click on it.
>Is this an AYYYY larping as a human?
I'd let her literally probe me, if you know what I mean...
>that jiggle
So 3d hentai IS accurate
>way too bouncy
That's how tits are supposed to be.
Roasties usually have a token twink bestie
Good one jeroem
>Oh my gawd this is like literally gamergate all over again!
The horror.
t. Poo
idk about the flat face, but i'd nail her for those tits alone.
Hahaha, that's right gwailo, we have the best women. Milkers and attitude.
How fucking autistic can you be?
Looks like a German national footie polo, God fucking forbid he enjoy a football
so do jews just not understand how insane they look to everyone else or what
>those absolute milkers
wew to the extreme
Being that he isn't in the first half of the vid you're premise is wrong clearly
It's 2019 stop trying to be so fucking retarded
Its common for girls not to wear bras here and its great
it's a German national football team polo shirt
It's actually spelled Jerome, Papadapalopopoctopusolous
Not in dutch, you illiterate US imbecile
>look at this ugly cunts twitter
>500k tweets
How the fuck does someone tweet THAT much? Jesus Christ.
I’m shaking
We laugh but this shit will get people killed on the future, atleast in burgerland.
All it takes is some crazy faggot reporting you to the police, then boom they’ll confiscate your guns (regardless if you have them) and likely kill you in the process because he didn’t say Simon says hands up
It's insane that you cannot even do the simplest, most innocent thing without ending up with a pic online from some twerp leftist kike faggot nigger. There is something deeply wrong with our society.
This isn’t 1870. Literally just go to any large enough city in East Asia and there’s White men there. Especially if you have tinder.
She just retweeted this lol. Apparently condemnation is now not good enough for the left. They truly have lost their minds.
I see Keith has lost his Snuggie
Asher Wolf has become a sort of celebrity tweeter in Australia. In reality she's a hypochondriac, a doctor-shopper, and a welfare bludger, who claims to be in so much pain that she can never work again, but that doesn't stop her from tweeting six hundred times a day. She's like an Australian Melody Hensley, if you remember her.
>Keith Olbermann
yeah i think this is a dead one folks
Oh, God... I noticed the fag before her tits. Twice.
I failed didn't I?
I just found this out the hard way. Tried finding the tweet from OP and it's taking ages to wade through her shit.
>playing runescape
She must've been intimidated by his maxed hardcore ironman
Because "she" is another twink with fake tits. Brotip: REAL tits don't jiggle like in a shitty vidya.
And? Who fucking cares you vapid cunt? This goes to both her and you, OP, you stupid fag.
>he thinks fake tits jiggle
Single mum too I think, and ugly cunt