i have a fucking shitty quranic name neither myself nor my parents are muslim or religious but how do i go about changing it without being cringe and fucking with my core identity and dealing with the negative ironic detachment cringelord meme culture voice in my head? my dad has actually encouraged me to change my name but pokes fun at me for taking it seriously and talking about it, how would i deal with being called my old birth name by people who knew me by my birth name? what if i ever introduced someone who knew my birth name to people who knew me by my new name, wouldn't the overwhelming atmosphere of cringe and pretentiousness just fuck everything up?
I wanted to change it to something that really means something to me / describes me and when translated has an actual meaning but i feel like this is all retarded and cringe and i'm being a stupid faggot, i wanted to name myself Paraxenos Arcanum Thrylos which is both greek and latin for Bizarre Mysterious Legend because i have a really edgy tragic fucked up insane upbringing / backstory that nobody would believe but that name would just ostracize me even further, i don't want any religious names or meaningless names but those are the only ones i can choose to fit in, i wish i was never fucking born i hate myself so much, does anyone know any meaningful non religious names that aren't pretentious and weird?
>i actually like the meaning of that name and feel like it suits me >fucking pixar finding nemo bullshit >will probably just get called a fucking fish and be bombarded with finding nemo movie references
Thats a cool name. You on the other hand appear undeserving of such a cool name. Stop being a whiny faggot
Christian Martin
how the hell am i supposed to get myself taken seriously if i walk around with an autistic NPC video game character name nobody can pronounce?
if i'm at a bar with some people and they wanna call my name it's too much of a mouthful and really fucking weird to go "HEY PARAXENOS! WANT ME TO GET US ANOTHER ROUND OF SHOTS?"
just imagining that or anyone else using any other name other than my birth name makes me cringe, how am i supposed to get used to a new name if everyone that knew me by my birth name constantly reminds me of my core identity?
My name is Andreas. It's extremely common in Scandinavia and Germany, but it's of Greek origin Andrḗïos, and the equivalent to English Andrew.
Meaning: >manly
Biblical figure though, one of Jesus' desciples, but it's not Christian per se, so help yourself to it.
Benjamin Howard
But you commit suicide doing the job
Ayden Butler
I changed my name because I'm an immigrant and no one in my new home country can pronounce it. Where I live, you go to the registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, fill out a form saying why you want to change your name, they do a background check on you, you pay a fee and get a piece of paper saying that you have legally changed your name. You then go to your school, work, bank etc with that paper and get your name changed in all your records.
You can use behindthename.com/ as a starting point to search for names based on ethnicity and meaning. There's no rush, so take your time. Find a name that you like and think about it for a while because the novelty may ware off. I would recommend picking something that people in your home country can pronounce.
Jayden Green
>wikihow.com/Change-Your-Name i know how to change my name asshole don't you think i googled that already ree >My name is Andreas. It's extremely common in Scandinavia and Germany, but it's of Greek origin Andrḗïos, and the equivalent to English Andrew.
>Meaning: >manly
>Biblical figure though, one of Jesus' desciples, but it's not Christian per se, so help yourself to it.
i don't want anything associated with religion or mentioned in religious text, and i don't really feel like the name "manly" really captures the essence of who i am, maybe if the word "manly" had another indirect meaning to it like chester meaning "fortress" because i'm enduring and have put up with a lot of shit
but i don't really feel like chester is a name that would integrate into the u.s because it's a british name
the nickname and subsequent name the people who knew me at a school i went to abroad for a year but then dropped out of would call me was "harry" but that's also a british name and one that would look out of place on a resume and people kept making allusions to harry potter and being hairy REEEE i would never want to harm western civilization, maybe if i blew myself up in a mosque for revenge but i'd have to make sure everyone was muslim and there were no visitors or normal people that might happen to work there and be there
>I changed my name because I'm an immigrant and no one in my new home country can pronounce it. Where I live, you go to the registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, fill out a form saying why you want to change your name, they do a background check on you, you pay a fee and get a piece of paper saying that you have legally changed your name. You then go to your school, work, bank etc with that paper and get your name changed in all your records.
You can use behindthename.com/ as a starting point to search for names based on ethnicity and meaning. There's no rush, so take your time. Find a name that you like and think about it for a while because the novelty may ware off. I would recommend picking something that people in your home country can pronounce. none of the actual names people have relate to me how did you even choose a name for yourself that wasn't after the bible, torah, some color or meaningless thing?
What's your name OP? I'd go for a full Latin name if I were you, which would be Insolitus Arcanus Fabulosus in your case.
Eli Sanchez
To Australia from Romania.
My name was Ioana. I chose a Japanese name that's spelled phonetically.
Leo Sullivan
OP pls, nigga my full name got three Z's in it. Youre fine.
Kevin Nelson
>not Dirty Harry You got your references all cucked up.
Just because a name is mentioned in the Bible, doesn't mean it's biblical origin. And why exactly does it matter? A lot of old scripture is historic rather than spiritual, and what the western world is based on. It's not like people named Aaron walk around in shame, just because it's the same name as given to the brother of Moses.They might know that it means "elevated" og "high mountain", and that's all there is to it.
Adrian Jones
You can make up a name that you like the sound of or name yourself after a fictional character you admire. You can even name yourself after a location. For example the Dutch last name Van Der Zee (from the sea).
Kayden Hernandez
>What's your name OP? it's quranic but it's rare and you could find me if you knew it but my middle name has TWO FUCKING MOHAMEDS IN IT AND I HAVE 4 QURANIC MIDDLE NAMES REE my entire fucking name is just mudslim and i hate it >I'd go for a full Latin name if I were you, which would be Insolitus Arcanus Fabulosus in your case. >Fabulosus even i feel like that's silly
the first name is nice but it reminds me of insolent
the entire thing is still unpronounceable and unusual to people and silly and stupid in most peoples eyes that's nice i guess
there are more exotic / asian names in australia though, not the U.S, it's all just johns williams bobs jacobs and smiths are you black?
your name isn't quranic though, it's just some weird name with 3 Z's
if you had 4 fucking middle names with 2 mohameds and your name sounded like a fucking middle eastern terrorist like mine is you'd want to fucking kill yourself yeah but i detest all religion and religious scriptures and i'm not going to name myself after some ancient abrahamic cult that likes to snip off the tips of little kids's dicks >You can make up a name that you like the sound of or name yourself after a fictional character you admire. You can even name yourself after a location. For example the Dutch last name Van Der Zee (from the sea). i don't admire any fictional characters or know of any sounds or have the ability to make a completely new name myself
if i was to name myself after a location it wouldn't make sense because i'm technically "from" a shithole
the whole point of wanting to change my name is so 1. i feel like i can relate to something that is at least relatively meaningful to me and 2. something not weird or strange that people know and can pronounce
imagine if i was trying to apply for a job and the hiring manager was thinking about what my name would look like on a name tag and it was fucking "paraxenos"
Yeah, those are all valid points. It took me over a year to find a name I was 100% comfortable with so don't pressure yourself.
How do you know you don't have the ability to make up a name if you haven't tried?
If you used Harry before but didn't like the Harry Potter references, maybe look for other H names and filter them based on pronunciation and meaning. Again, www.behindthename.com is a good starting place.
Good luck.
Austin Brooks
Nemo seems pretty cool desu. Uncommon but not unfamiliar, easy to pronounce and not pretentious. The only real problem is really the "sharkbait bruhaha" jokes, but that's better than a lot of names.
James Rogers
There's also Captain Nemo from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
Or Omen which is Nemo backwards.
Or Nero like the Roman Emperor which sounds similar to Nemo but isn't fish related.
Leo Moore
kek you fucking niggerfag. I have a gay ass, cucklord kike name and I'm not even a Jew, or a Christian. but I'm confident in my fucking self and my personality and everybody already knows me by that name so I just stuck with it. I can't even imagine being a whiny little fag like you who cries about needing a new name. my identity is in what I am what I've done, not what people call me.
Benjamin Hernandez
Is there an anglicized version of your name? It's kinda the opposite but I knew a dude named Iskandar but he went by Alex. It's a solid middle ground since you don't need to change your name.
Charles Johnson
Yeah but this post isn't about you or your name so STFU and GTFO :)
Hunter Mitchell
heh. I almost expected a cry baby reply like this from a weak pathetic faggot like u
Leo Thompson
Great job, we're very proud of you.
Ryder Martinez
>yeah but i detest all religion and religious scriptures and i'm not going to name myself after some ancient abrahamic cult that likes to snip off the tips of little kids's dicks I already told you it's Greek. There's nothing Abrahamic about it. Furthermore, you have the mind of a 15yo leftist reactionist. Anti-religion isn't cool anymore, commie.
Xavier Martinez
well said
Luis Sullivan
Can I hijack the thread? My surname's fisherman in my mother tongue. Evrybody makes fun of me and I want to change it.Problem is, what do I do? How do I do it?
Oliver James
stop catching fish
Zachary Bailey
You would have to look up the process in your country, but for me in Australia, I went to the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages. You pay a fee and file your paperwork with them.
Jaxon Garcia
See, that's the shit I have to put up with.From teachers to students. All my life.
Easton Wilson
I know the how. My grandpa made a slight change to his a few years back. But I can't find the right moment. I'm at Uni now. Do I change it before I leave for a PhD? How does that work? The diplomas and the papers, I mean. Did you get any flack and ridicule for it?
Adam Ortiz
Hunter Thomas
..... I don't think you need to worry about your name being cringe because you seem to have that covered with your personality already.
I changed my name before I graduated from my Bachelors degree so I would have my new name on my Degree. I was 21 years old.
I then took my change of name certificate to my work, my bank etc and changed my name on all my legal documents. I don't know if a university will re-issue a degree with a new name so maybe ask them about it.
Noone made fun of me but then again I didn't pick a silly name like Watermelondrea Swan-Raven.
I think the 'right time' is when you know for certain that you've found your name. Don't make a quick decision that you might regret and be stuck with.
I'm21 myself, going into 3rd Year this October.Should I change it next summer? How does your card update at Uni? All your data and stuff like the Uni Pass.
I don't want to change my name though (well, I want to get rid of one,I have two,and it's a hassle). I want tochange my surname. Best I've come up is Doom, since my mother's surname is like 3 letters away from it. But I feel my dad's gonna be dissappointed. Yet I cannot find anything from his side that means something or has any point.
Luke Myers
The only thing I can think of, frommy dad's side, is Stark. He's a Sarakatsan from his mother,so I figure if asked,I can shorten it to "Stark". I aim to go abroad for my PhD, so I'm looking for an anglicized name that will help me intergrate.
Colton Hill
If you have found a name that you like and are happy to answer to for the rest of your life, then go ahead and change it. Same thing if you are ready to get rid of one name.
I went to my University's administration office with my paperwork. I had to sign a form, the receptionist updated my digital record and then they issued me with a new student card with my new name on it. All my course details remained the same, just my name changed.
I think you need to ask your Dad what he thinks and see how that makes you feel about changing your name.
Aaron Murphy
>I think you need to ask your Dad what he thinks and see how that makes you feel about changing your name. He's a bit of a hypocrite. He was a degenerate Biker and even wanted to change it himself.Hegrewup in Australia,and wasbullied when he cameback, so he overcompensates by pretending to be an Ultra Patriot. I don't think he'd voice any concerns, but maybe he'd be hurt. I've been bringing it up for a while, none of them seem bothered by it.
It's just that I don't have any great legacy behind me. And if I want to succeed in my field, I'll need to leave.So why not just integrate into that place. First impressions matter. When someone named Fisherman comes into the office, your mind makes connections. But when you hear a more familiar name,with a different meaning, more netrual, you have a different reaction.
Eli Lewis
Good points. You can create your own legacy :) You can become whoever you want to be.
Stark is easy to spell and pronounce. I just suggest checking if it means anything in any other languages be safe. You don't want to change it and then find out it means 'idiot' in another language. The first thing I thought of was the Stark family from Game of Thrones. It's also an adjective in English: her character was in stark contrast to that of her brother.
Anyway it's 3:30am for me so I'm going to go to bed. Good night and good luck.
Isaac Carter
Stark means strong in English and German. I got it from Iron Man, since I've been reading the comics since I was a kid.But I don't know, maybe it will look fake or tryhard.
Blake Clark
Okay I'm back. Give it a go. Practise saying your full name in your mind and see how you like it. I live in an English speaking country and would not have a bad/judgemental reaction to anyone called Stark.
Okay, now I have to use the bathroom and then I'm really going to bed.
James Gutierrez
>fuck, if you change your name, how would you ever be taken seriously you just irl shitpost when it comes up, whoever you're with laughs at whatever bantz you dispense by way of explaining it, and then they go right back to taking you seriously again
>Alexander means "defender of men; protector" >Alexios "defender; protector" still sounds modern-ish but more autism satisfying than Alexander >Epiktetos "newly acquired" meaning is super fitting bonus comedy points for ebin tittays aspect >Felix "lucky; successful" >Kosmas "order; decency" >Marcus >Marius >Martin all "Mars" i.e. god of war >Nicholas "victory of the people" >Phillip "friend of horses" >Phokas you fuck! >Stephen "Steve" >Zopyros "glowing" for all your CIA niggering needs >Zotikos "full of life"
whatever first name you go with you should make your new middle name be Gohtfuker
Carson Smith
just give yourself a normal name you fucking idoit
Angel Parker
Maybe if they think you're cool enough they'd give you a nickname like "hey parax you want a shot?" Or "hey xenos, you want a shot?" You can always just go by a nickname, I have a couple of friends with really ethnic sounding names so they either gave themselves an unofficial name change to either a more catchy but easy memorable ethnic name or they just gave themselves an anglicized name that only their friends call them and know them as.
Easton Nelson
>Zotikos Gohtfuker Anonabad >abnormal naem look at this pleb faggot. look at him and laugh
Aaron Cook
Hire a lawyer to get your name changed from Mohammed al-Suicide Bomber to Dungeons & Dragons Elven Lord Douche Cataplexis Anaphylaxis.