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Was Obama a bad president? If so why?
Oliver Brooks
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Logan James
He left the white house smelling like niggers, and married a man.
Jaxon Martin
She is so ugly and painted
Samuel Cook
1) used the IRS to harass Conservatives. No other President has used the government to attack our own citizens.
2) spied on American citizens
3) used his power just to promote himself and divide America
4) promoted gay crap
5) had Dinesh D'Souza arrested like this is a third world nation dictatorship
Henry Hill
Brought in record amounts of Muslims
Angel Wilson
Owen Diaz
>Was Obama a bad president? If so why?
Jack Lew – Chief of Staff to the President
David Plouffe – Senior Advisor to the President
Danielle Borrin – Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement; Special Assistant to the Vice Preisdent
Gary Gensler – Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Dan Shapiro – Ambassador to Israel
Gene Sperling – Director National Economic Council
Mary Schapiro – Chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Steven Simon – Head of Middle East/North Africa Desk at the National Security Council
Eric Lynn – Middle East Policy Advisor
Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010) Chief of Staff to the President
David Axelrod (2009-2011) Senior Advisor to the President
Elena Kagan (2009-2010) Solicitor General of the United States
Peter Orszag (2009-2010) Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Lawrence Summers (’09-’11) Director National Economic Council
Mona Sutphen (2009-2011) Deputy White House Chief of Staff
James B. Steinberg (’09-’11 ) Deputy Secretary of State
Dennis Ross (2009-2011 ) Special Assistant to the President, Senior Director for the Central Region to the Secretary of State
Ronald Klain (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Jared Bernstein (2009-2011) Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
Susan Sher (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the First Lady
Lee Feinstein (2009) Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor
Mara Rudman (2009) Foreign Policy Advisor
Andrew Cooper
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Al Franken (D-MN)
Herb Kohl (D-WI)
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Joseph Lieberman (Independent-CT)
Carl Levin (D-MI)
Bernard Sanders (Independent-VT)
Charles Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Gary Ackerman (D-NY)
Shelley Berkley (D-NV)
Howard Berman (D-CA)
Eric Cantor (R-VA)
David Cicilline (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Bob Filner (D-CA)
Barney Frank (D-MA)
Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ)
Jane Harman (D-CA)
Steve Israel (D-NY)
Sander Levin (D-MI)
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Jared Polis (D-CO)
Steve Rothman (D-NJ)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Allyson Schwartz (D-PA)
Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Henry Waxman (D-CA)
Anthony Weiner (D-NY)
John Yarmuth (D-KY)
Reminder that jews make up just 2% of the US population and just 00.25% of the world population.
Brayden Parker
his waifu benis tho
Jaxson Lee
>promise to help "The Hood"
>"The Hood" didn't change at all, minus becoming very politically opinionated towards Obama because "Muh 'Black' President"
Zachary Carter
ITT: racist nutjobs
Ryan Roberts
Obama is Osama.
Jaxon Brooks
>No other President has used the government to attack our own citizens.
Oliver Cox
LOL, im sorry
I didn't know there was a nude leak already
Levi Cox
They were there justifiably and they were not killed or tortured. They are not victims in anyway.
Tyler Ramirez
This was after being attacked on US soil, the standing administration really had no choice, the American people would have demanded similar action regardless of who was in office. Just a bad time in history. Obama was just fucking terrible on all accounts. Can't believe that nigger held office as President for 8 fucking years, and held office as a senator before that. He also personally, along with his administration, caused irreversible damage to the image of America.
Jackson Robinson
They look pretty fucking stoked about it too
Samuel Price
>what is due process
William Myers
He wasn't as bad as LBJ. Maybe some illegality with Obamacare, but as he said, no one in his administration was indicted. And apparently, that is some kind of achievement considering today's standards.
Landon Sanchez
In times of war, social shit like due process goes out the window pretty damn fast.
Thomas Myers
War is hell and the japanese had proven to have infiltrated spies into the japanese community here on mainland USA and in Hawaii. It was a different time and intellectuals today, educated with anti-American indoctrination coming out of leftist controlled education centers all over the country are misserving those students.
Jack Perez
If it was necessary to prevent spies, then why were less than 2,000 Japanese interned from Hawaii, where they made up a third of the population?
William Phillips
Armed Isis and illegally invaded Syria.
Elijah Reyes
Were there any Americans living in Japan??
Blake Reed
Yes and they were interred.
Carter Walker
If you're attempting to justify imprisoning US citizens without due process, I'm sure you can do better than comparing us to the perpetrators of Unit 731 and Nanking.
Daniel Smith
He signed the 2012 NDAA which allows for indefinite military detention of US citizens without a trial. He stealthily got rid of the 6th amendment and nobody even gives a fuck.
Parker Morgan
William Garcia
Keep projecting retard
Jonathan Morris
I'm not even going to mention all of the terrible things he did. Black people elected him, and he did NOTHING of what they were expecting for police brutality. So he didn't do anything useful, and didn't even do the pointless things he was elected for. Trump is about to do more for black people than he ever did.
Thomas Gray
Nolan Bell
And why were orphaned Japanese infants interned as well?
Joshua Gutierrez
Quads of truth
Austin Reyes
Yes I did and it was I said it before. You are the one nit picking and looking to call America racist when today ,2018 Japan is still Japanese.
The internment camps were justified during war and the Japanese that were interned understood. It is people now asays that hate America that lie about history. The Japanese are some of the most racist people on the planet. God bless America and the crew and Admiral of the BIG E CV6-Enterprise that took the fight to the heart of Japan for a final victory. Hoorah!
Dominic Williams
Because they needed to be with their parents
Jonathan Turner
or people to better take care of them according to their customs since Japanese are so racist.
Aaron Brown
If it was a necessary precaution against spies, then why were less than 2,000 Japanese interned from Hawaii, where they made up a third of the population?
>what is an orphan
Luke Hernandez
Yes, it took one spy to help the Pearl Harbor attack.
Ayden Bennett
Then why was the Japanese population on Hawaii not interned?
Asher Ortiz
>locking up people you don't like is totally fine
>being dragged out of your home and locked in a camp doesn't make you a victim
Hunter Powell
It was war and it was justified. It also started 1941, things were done differently.
Ian Wood
It was war and it was justified
Look at the reality today.
Colton Cruz
Smuggled guns to mexican drug cartels.
Oliver Morris
And like I said, less than 2,000 were ever put into that camp. There were more than 150,000 Japanese in Hawaii.
If the government was truly acting out of pure logic, then why did they go to all the trouble to lock up every single Jap on the west coast, yet leave the ones closest to the enemy virtually untouched?
Dominic Phillips
He was the greatest president in human history.
John Kelly
please show me the Geneva convention laws that state you can round up civilian men women and children and put them in camps just because they are of Japanese decent.
Aiden Miller
>1) used the IRS to harass Conservatives. No other President has used the government to attack our own citizens.
I’m pretty sure obama condemned this and every media personality did too. Trump offered to pay the legal bills if one of his supporters beats up a protester and the government is shut down right now and trump said most of the furloughed people were democrats.
2) spied on American citizens
As we are doing now too. Drone strikes have increased under trump. And Julian Assange turned out to be a crooked blow hard
>3) used his power just to promote himself and divide America
Trump has doubled his club membership dues and raised his hotel prices in DC. I don’t understand why you guys think obama was divisive .
>4) promoted gay crap
Who cares? I even actually like unisex bathrooms, it saves line time
5) had Dinesh D'Souza arrested like this is a third world nation dictatorship
He plead guilty like a guilty guy though
Matthew Myers
Completely fucked Europes demographics forever because he gave into Jew pressure in Libya.
Jayden Evans
read your own post
then read your own post againthen this again carefully, even go to the link and read Then fuck off SAGE
It was war and it was justified, PERIOD.
Camden Nelson
Also this.
Sebastian Nguyen
Jaxon Rivera
In terms of doing the actual job, of representing his countries interests... he did a horrible job. He spent more money than any president combined, in fact he spent more money than all previous presidents/congresses combined... and our goverment has been around for a while.
Ryder Cook
>la la la I can't hear you
Read your own link. Less than 2,000 of the Jap population in Hawaii was ever interned, despite obviously posing far more of a risk than the smaller population on the west coast, farther from the war.
If you're going to violate due process, you should at least have logically-sound reasons for it. The reasoning behind this was not logically sound, and we rightly paid reparations for it.
Henry Morris
Obamacare almost killed my beat friends dad multiple times cause it wouldnt cover insuline
Cameron Gonzalez
Not everyone that was japanese in the country was interned. The people that needed to be interned were, the rest could be allowed to stay where they were. Most of the people not put in camps were because they were living in places where it did not matter.
It was war and it was justified.
Josiah Jackson
Why did it matter more on the west coast than in Hawaii? Why did it matter more on the west coast than in the east, where all the secret R&D was happening?
There was no logical basis to the internment.