what's it like to be a dad? is it everything you hoped for? do you wish you could go back to being single?
What's it like to be a dad? is it everything you hoped for? do you wish you could go back to being single?
I don't know about being a dad, but I am a husband. And it's not a good thing. One thing I wish I knew is that when you get married, your responsibility level goes up, not down.
It’s like this: Stop doing anything you enjoy. Give up all your friends. Get used to mucous and sticky crap on everything in your house. Prepare for the realization that your genetics are fucking retarded. Give up any aspirations of fostering a strong son - boys today are fucking snowflakes. Oh, and you’ll rarely have sex, constantly be financially precarious and you’ll have obnoxious children’s music stuck in your head for 20 years.
the only thing that worries is me this snowflake culture, I really have to make my childeren strong
Do you actually have kids or did you get these ideas from the (((media)))?
That’s done and over. “Toxic masculinity” is what they call man behaving normally. Boys have no desire to go outside, play, explore, get dirty... The only trees my boys ever climbed were the ones I made them climb and then only after I climbed them first. They never leave the house. Not one pickup game of ball in the street. Not one friend they go visit on their bikes. Not ever. They just want to look at screens all day. Then, when they hit about 13, comes the deviant fucked up fetish porn obsession. It’s just so depressing...
Spend a couple hours listening to The Wiggles and then you tell me.
fuck im really contemplating to marry a bad bitch that isnt a thot to get the strong genes
Future parent here. How much internet/TV/smarphone time did you give to your children?
I was thinking about witholding it all till very late.
Just because you have a shitty life doesnt mean everyone had to
That's got a lot more to do with parenting than boys inherently being pussies. If you're not happy with how your child is turning out, the reason is probably how you're raising it.
Can you elaborate?
>withholding it
is irrelevant if your kids' peers don't also withhold, because they'll receive the influence- and then you're just an enemy for holding out on them
You need to join a homeschooling community.
There are literally Muslim invaders training kids to shoot up your school.
You don't need to go full blown Amish, but I would suggest joining the Mormon religious community, even if you're apathetic atheist, religion is a good tool for instilling values.
I don't know of any inherently atheist or secular communities that consistently practice virtue. I'm not shitting on individual atheists (I am one btw), just saying.
Why would you let your kids listen to kike tv.
When your wife isn't busy homeschooling them their entertainment should be legos or sticks in the backyard.
>Prepare for the realization that your genetics are fucking retarded.
Hi shlomo.
>They just want to look at screens all day.
That's your fault for giving them screens, idiot. Can't blame them or culture for them wanting the quick entertainment that electronics provide.
Good suggestion, the trouble lies in the insulation factor. If you don't train your children to resist within the mainstream population, if you remove them elsewhere there is the very real chance that when things go to shit they'll have no grasp on current events. I worry that my children wont be stronger than me
>muslims invading my country
>schools are a war zone
>a few months ago I read about a case where a bunch on 3rd grader muslims gang raped a 1st grader
>20-30 year old men who claim to be kids are put in grades 6-9
>homeschooling is illegal here
I'm not sure I have it in me anymore to bring a child into this hellhole.
Where the fuck do you live? That's monstrous
>When your wife isn't busy homeschooling them their entertainment should be legos or sticks in the backyard.
How to fuck up your kid 101. Not only wont they learn shit, they won't have any social skill, you isolate them and fuck up the most important thing which is community and play for a kid.
Don't get any, don't need more bible belt hicks that shoot up malls
Sounds like Germany
That’s where you’re wrong, bucko.
Mormons are fucking out of their mind crazy. Sick ass cult. Vicarious baptisms of the dead by children as an indoctrination technique a la waterboarding, open ended religious canon dictated by one church leader, coffee = hell?!? - it just goes on and on.
That said, if you can find a non-crazy homeschool situation and commit time and effort to that, it does sometimes really pay off.
No offense, but you say that like you’re disappointed with how your life turned out so you don’t want to be disappointed in your son.
I mean, is that really the biggest thing you worry about? You don’t worry about things like genetic defects or terminal illness as a child?
The more time you spend worrying about your sons identity, the last time you spent being a productive member of the society in the last time your son has to be happy.
I’m really not trying to be too critical,
But you do sound like one of those people that will be disappointed if your son into it being any different than how you envisioned.
No i'm not dissapointed how my life turned out at all. Grew up in a shitty poor enviroment, with a absusive dad and a neglecting mom. Still I raised to the fucking top, i'm ending up with a 100k sallery a year. and i'm still extremely attractive. Ok not the really top, but it feels that for me from where I started.
I value strenght for this very reason. i want my kids to be strong and have the right morals, i'm not worried to much about genes because mines are pretty great. and i'm quite picky with woman lol
Also it sounds like you're afraid of tough people or dislike them.
Pussified people get fucked up when something bad will happen like a war or natural disaster or a crime.
Pussififying all the people is not the solution like most people libtards think.
Just teach people the right morals
>>a few months ago I read about a case where a bunch on 3rd grader muslims gang raped a 1st grader
post link for said article.
It's awesome, but nothing like being a husband or a single man again.
There's going to be a shitload of responsibilities, fights with your wife, lots of fatigue and almost zero sex.
But all that will pale into insignificance every evening when you tuck in your kid(s) to sleep and smell their tiny locks and read them a bedtime story and kiss them goodnight
At that moment - every night - you will thank whatever God you believe in, and know that this is what your were born on earth for.
~ Dad of a 12 year old son and 6 year old daughter.
My tax returns went god-tier. I can still go to children's museums. I know the current trends and fads. I don't have to sell my toys. I have justification for driving a bigger car. I can show my parents how it's supposed to be done. I don't look like a beta cuck for being married and not able to sire a child.