So, it's a long story but anyhow I'll try to explain it as best as I can.
Started working over summer. Met this guy the very first day I came there and he came to me and introduced himself and he was a genuinely polite and cool looking guy. We work in pairs with electric forklifts, we were both stationed with different partners so we would see each other whenever we would pass each other with forklifts which was quite often since the storage isn't as big. Anyhow, The guy would always joke around and he would comment his partner to me and make jokes about him when he would pass by and I would always laugh. He soon started complimenting me all the time how I was hardworking and stuff like that. Soon after he would pass by me spank me while I was reading my delivery papers and passed it off as a joke to other guys at work. Anyhow, It was funny the first couple of times but then he started touching me all over the place. Sometimes he would come behind me, hug me and then make small talk with me. By that time I already liked the guy a lot. He even touched my dick a few times and made it look like a joke while he was passing by. At that moment I honestly started thinking he as gay.
Anyhow, over time we would go for drinks after work and I would come along sometimes and at the start the guy always asked me if I wanna come because he was intrigued by the fact that I don't drink alcohol nor coffee. He would always aspire to make me drunk and kept saying stuff like I'll take you out with me and make you drink yourself drunk. Over time my partner with which I am working with started commenting how the guy that was touching me has some serious gay fetish and is probably gay. I laughed it off and said probably yeah.
Both my partner and his partner are close mates and they like to hang out so we would go for drinks after work the 4 of us, sometimes some other coworkers would come as well. >>
After some time I added him on fb and started messaging him about random stuff and we would talk. Soon after I messaged him why is it that he is so touchy at work and what to make of his hands all over me all the time and he passed it off as a joke. He said how it's boring and dull at work and that he has to make some entertainment otherwise it's too boring.
I was trying to make him talk and make him come out by saying stuff like yeah right mhm and such lines just to make me seem unconvinced with his story. But he said no way brother I'm all for women. I told him yeah right like you haven't experimented with men before and he said nope I would never go that far he said.
I told him that my coworker/partner accused him of being gay with his touchy scenes and he laughed it off and said He doesn't really care what others think. After that he started treating me differently. He wouldn't go to lunch with me and made excuses that he was hungry and just went with the first guy he talked to. Then he started talking less and less with me and he didn't touch anyone anymore. I was pissed off because he started treating me like I don't matter and made lame excuses all the time and so I confronted him on PM and asked him to meet up for lunch the next day saying I need to speak with you privately. He was hesitant and tried to make me say what's up over PM but I refused and convinced him to come with me for lunch the next day.
The next day I barely waited for lunch just to talk to him and when we finally got to that time he tried to wiggle out of going with me by almost going to lunch with another coworker which asked him if he wanted to go. I was around and listened and got infuriated that he would actually say sure let's go to the guy. I came behind him and called out his name and said dude we had an arrangement for today, remember? he said "We're just going to the store" I was like, "We had an arrangement man". Anyhow, We ended up going together alone.
Parker Rivera
I asked him that lunch what's up with him being so distant and why he was ignoring me all of the sudden and he said I was overthinking stuff and imagining it. He said He was friends with everyone at work and he treats everyone equally which is complete bs if you ask me.
Anyhow, I have no clue what to do now or what to make of it. He said one time he never fucked anything 3m infront of him so I thought he was a virgin but then the other day he claimed to have slept with a girl he knew from before. I asked him at lunch about it and he overly explained it but I didn't buy it at all. The other time he said he never slept with anyone and now he said he did and then he said he didn't sleep 3 months with anyone because of this work. A lot of inconsistencies if you ask me. That's why I don't believe him.
I seriously think he is gay because 1 time there was a funny moment at work where 2 highschool guys came to work at our place and they did everything together all the time and the supervisor came and bashed them whytf are constantly together because it is not efficient at all. He said why tf are you 2 holfing hands like fags. Everyone around at the time laughed at them but not the guy I was talkong about. He was a bit away but he heard it alright and when came to him laughing and asked if e saw it he wasnt happy at all but rather serious and said yeah I heard. I thought at the time that either he is tired and not in the mood or he is gay and doesnt like when someone makes fun of gay guys. Also, we work at a storage where there are basically all guys and there are a couple of ripped guys who look good and he was always looking at them when they would come and always went to greet them like they were something special. Honestly I would confornt him and ask directly if he is gay but I am afraid he would just say no and become even angrier.
Adrian Gutierrez
What scares me most is the fact that he now he is avoiding me and barely speaking to me so I have no idea how to speak with him alone because he runs away with other coworkers to lunch every day so I dont even get the chance. That day when I confronted him and asked him why he was avoiding me he barely ate enough at lunch while usually he is a glutton and eats everything and then some. It was a very hot day that day and I couldnt eat much either but it is the same for me every day while he bragged te day before when it was also hot outside that he can always eat his full. He was also spaced put later after lunch and even chew his nails a bit and stared into nothing. I think I really hit him that day and he realized he fucked up but he cant fix it now because he is probably scared what people will think of him if he hangd out with me since he was constantlu around me at the begining. My partner at work likes him but he thinks he is ay so that may be why he is so reluctant to hang around me so much. 1 time he even huggdd my partner and said for 10dollars Ill een suck your dick and my partner who is a married man was disgusted but it all passed as a joke.
Henry Taylor
The only reason why I havent told him I am gay as well is because I have to be extra careful to whom I say it because Everyone is a gossiper at my firm and will become a laughing stock and whats worse my family works there as well and they dont know about that fact either so I cant really afford to risk it. I would have sex with him in a heartbeat but I have no clue what to do now. I hate the fact that I accused him of being gay because of the touchy situations because now He is being distant. Also, when I just started working there there was 1 girl that started working there as well and she is beautiful and since I know practically everyone at firm he came to me and said dude did you see taht girl she is gorgeous you have to get me her name. I had no idea who the girl was since she doesnt work there it was probably a customer. He is working with a guy who is desperately into women but cant get any because he is ..well uninteresting and alcoholic and what not.
Dominic Clark
Some guys don’t want labels. While other guys (You) insist on running around labeling people. So, you blew it. If you would have just went with the flow you could have very easily ended up in bed with him. Now that he knows you gossiped with coworkers about his sexuality he knows you can’t be trusted so he’s over you.
Justin Ward
You are probably right. I blew it big time. Do you think there's any chance of redemption? Like, he still answers my messages and stuff it's just that around others he is pretending to be uninterested. I think the only way of fixing this is to confess directly to him and hope for the best because if he responds badly then, well, RIP
Caleb Stewart
You’re better off dropping it. Just learn to be DL, it’s all about discretion and not questioning what it is or why it happened.
Justin Edwards
So, you think there's no chance of him coming around if I apologize and confess to him? I mean I would literally spill my heart that's a huge risk for me.
Jack Wood
No. and I eep your secret. Clearly you’re not learn from this. He’s not into labels, OK, so now you want to contact him and label yourself... you’re so dumb, just stop.
Aiden Russell
I never said anything about labeling myself lol...I had a different approach in mind and I intend to do so because I genuinely think the only reason he is avoiding spending time with me at work is because he knows my partner thinks hes gay. I spent few times alone with him since then and he was perfectly normal about it. What puzzled me and made me ask him what all that meant was the fact that he started saying stuff how he is banging some girl and I really thought he was serious about it. He didnt want to show me her picture because he says he likes to keep his private life private and separated from work because people talk about everything but themselves.
Also how is it my fault I mean the guy has a really roundabout weird method of seduction if it is seduction and not a big misunderstanding. For all I know the guy could be straight after all. He said so himself. His literal words were never and not even then would he go serious with men so Ofc I am puzzled with all the crap hes dealing.
Parker Anderson
>I never said anything about labeling myself
>confess to him? I mean I would literally spill my heart that's a huge risk for me.
Ahhh that’s labeling yourself dumbass.
Exactly not what he wants. Like I said, you showed him your gossipy and act all drama like a schoolgirl when it comes to casual sex. He’s not going to be with you and that’s why.
Michael Walker
He clearly has gay tendencies/curiosities, and some level of attraction to you. But it seems that he is not ready to make it "real" and act on it. Maybe he never will be. I think all you can do now is cool it off, stop pushing him on it, give him space. Just be co-workers.
If he ever comes around and decides he's ready to give it a try, it'd have to be his decision. If you keep chasing after him, he will keep running away. If you stop, pull back, and cool off, he might realize he misses the attention and come after you again. Or he might not.
Jacob Young
I rectum that y’all are purdy gay there pard. I ain’t never heard of a dude huggin’ or touchin’ another hombre’s weiner.
Agreed, I honestly gave up on chasing him since I dont see the point in it honestly. If he wants a friend I am more then willing but I wont pester him anymore when hr is not ready for it.
One theory I believe in is that secrets makr best friends because if you know something very personal for someon and that someone trusts you to keep it safe it makes your bond insanely stronger. Which is why I planned on making small talk with him outside work just to make him feel open minded and safe around me. He says he doesnt like talking about private matters but he talks about it anyways becausr you cant make small talk 10h a day with the same people. Sooner or later you will have to spill something. I guess I will just have to be patient with him. Maybe it will work maybe not but at least Ill know I tried my best.
Asher Bailey
I think you're right, but you kinda have it backwards: When you trust someone and feel like they're a good friend, you feel comfortable opening up and sharing secrets.
I hope it works out for you dude, best of luck. But for now, he's clearly freaked out, and the best thing you can do is play it cool and keep it professional unless he acts like he wants to be friends. He clearly got freaked out - both by the realization that his flirting/"goofing around" could actually lead somewhere if he wanted it to, and by the realization that his co-workers were noticing his actions and coming to conclusions about it. I'm a believer in the "Kinsey scale," it's possible that he's just gay enough to slap a man's ass "just as a joke bro," but he doesn't actually want to take it further than that kind of thing. Or maybe he will, all you can do is wait and see.
Benjamin Jones
Look he’s the get drunk, say how horny he is, blames it on the alcohol the next day, type of curious. That’s the extent of a relationship that guy would have had with you.
Dominic Johnson
He told me once that when he goes out he goes to drink not to hook up. He said a girl aproached him once started making small talk and couldnt shut up so he left the pub hahah. I am really puzzled by his stories.o
Ethan James
Yeah, he's gay. You just gotta take it slow and play it cool with this one if it's ever gonna happen.
Evan Gonzalez
While I am sharing might as well ask what you people think of my story which is real btw. I had sex with my cousin when I was 6 yo and had sex with him like all day long. We bred like rabbits only no juice came out but it still felt amazing and it is why I love sex no matter with whom. Pretty sure you cant judge someone being gay for having sex as a 6yo with his 7yo cousin. All someone could think of that is that you had a fcked up childhood at best while someone inclined to have sex with men would say suck my dick.