What's the meaning behind dreams? I had a dream where I became a girl and had sex with a guy. When I woke up I thought it would have been wet dream (because I came in the dream) but luckily it wasn't. As far as I know I'm not gay?
What's the meaning behind dreams? I had a dream where I became a girl and had sex with a guy...
Literally no meaning. Just projections of thoughts, memories, subconscious.
There is no meaning in exploring dreams, unless you have frequent nightmares. In which case not only it has meaning, but you also should seek a professional.
I had a dream last night that James Franco wanted to get a sex change and I had to convince him not to.
then fast forward a bit and some random guy was being a fool so I roasted him while live streaming to my very successful facebook page, which at first he just took like a bitch but later he went incel rage mode and held a knife to my dad and killed him. I had to rewind time and grab the knife while it was in his hands and stab him instead of my dad and then I woke up, having saved the man who gave me life and defeating his attacker.
explain that shit.
you're AGP
Why? What do frequent nightmares mean? I used to have those earlier in the year but they went away after some months.
You're a hero that's what you are.
I don't know if it's that serious. I do think about those kinds of things from time to time though.
I'm an accelerated graphics port? or an above ground pool?
an autogynephile
OP if you could press a button to have been born a girl, would you press it?
This. Dreaming you are a girl doesn't mean you secretely want to become one nor that you are gay.
says the day for who dreams of getting fucked as a girl
Gyno as in gynecologist, a vagina doctor.
What do you think it means.
It means the OP is a straight transgender woman.
I mean I would seriously consider it. I don't know if I'd go through with it though.
Have you ever tried crossdressing?
Either it means nothing and you're fine or it means you're transgender and it's time to panic.
Was it a faceless guy or do you remember what he looked like?
No but it's something I'd like to try.
Faceless. He was white, fairly fit, and had a five o'clock shadow that's all I remember of him.
what did he mean by this?
>No but it's something I'd like to try
I would say try it
Try some girly clothes on and see how it makes you feel to wear them. It may tell you a lot about yourself by how you react.
>Faceless. He was white, fairly fit, and had a five o'clock shadow that's all I remember of him.
h-hot desu
faggot confirmed. you have your answer now
Then you might either be trans and repressed, or just not be too bothered by gender.
But I went to /hm/ and /cm/ and I was turned off by all of the images.
>I tried jerking off to men, so now i know I'm not gay
I'm not the guy who initially said it, so I quoted it and explained what it meant.
I just masturbated to my dream. I think you were right all along. Fuck. I don't want to be like this.