Wtf are these bumps? It started on one finger but now they are popping up on different parts of both hands. Don't hurt or anything, just occasionally itch.
Wtf are these bumps? It started on one finger but now they are popping up on different parts of both hands...
If you pop them, there's water in them?
If so: dyshidrotic eczema.
Not to sure if water or puss. I don't intentionally pop them but sometimes they'll break open if I scratch too hard. Apparently my mom gets them too. Genetic thing maybe? I'll look that up though. Thanks man
No worries. Been getting them for like 10 years.
Only thing that calms them down is plain nivea cream, the one in the metal tin. Not sure why. But it does.
Just googled. That shit looks nasty as fuck. Really hoping it doesn't progress to that
They are called callosities special snowflake.
They will appear more as you work harder on physical jobs.
With me, it always stayed at the super early stage with small bumps on my fingers.
I don't think it's that man. I work with jet fuel but I'm not turning wrenches and shit all the time. And those pictures don't look remotely close to mine
Was there anything you noticed that increased flair ups?
Summer, basically: Sun. Seaside. Sweating. Synthetic clothing.
I just go for sandals and sunscreen and it eases it. I take baths with... some kind of salts, I don't remember the name, if I get bad flare ups.
But you should get a doctor and not get advice for treatments from anons on the internet.
Understood. In my defence I get seen at the va hospital. I often question whether or not they are legally practicing medicine. Awful doctors. And more rude than /b posters.
Anyways, have a good one. Thanks for the help
I also got the same problem when I came back from holiday.
My hands and feet were really itchy beacuse of these pimples. The doctor told me that it was due to some kind of bacteria that can be caught in public places such as a beach or a pool.
She prescribed me some sort of cream that can be also used to deal with eczema
Also had them since I was a kid, doc said it's sensitivity to sun or some shit, since I got them only in spring and early summer. Just ignore them they're not dangerous.
I got a cream I use which soothes them, Belosalic I think it's called. Try that.
I had something like this after cutting lots of ivys, went away after two months without any treatment, could probably go faster if you put something on it
How about poison ivy?
Early poison oak rash.
Yeah, it looks like poison ivy or poison oak. Wash whatever clothes you were wearing with hot water, wipe any surfaces you touched with rubbing alcohol, and Take a shower and scrub yourself really well with soap and a washcloth, at least twice. Put calamine lotion on the places where the rash has shown up, and try not to scratch at them so you dont end up with scarring. If it gets really bad (like covering more than 15% of your body, or around eyes or genitals) go to the doctor and they can give you a steroid shot to get rid of it.
Actually Ivy Dry is better that calamine lotion.
In my experience, it didn't do as much to stop the itching and it also left my skin feeling really sticky. It does dry it out pretty well, though. Another thing that does well to stop the itching for a while is making a baking soda paste (baking soda and water) and painting it onto the rashes, letting it dry, and then rinsing it off in warm water.
I just take Benadryl for the itch, put a few coats of ivy dry on then dust with powder. Keeps it from sticking and conceals it better.
I get them from time to time. It usually happens when I do something that irritates my skin, like working with a harsh chemical or doing something physical with my hands. They look like little tiny holes under your skin covered by a semi-clear bump, right?
How about just seeing a fucking doctor?