Is it really daemonic possession?
Sleep Paralysis
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No, leftism is though
it's interesting how so many with that affliction see the same thing:
old hags
this occurs all over the globe, across many different cultures.
Yes, dont worry.
Have any anons experienced it? If so what was it like? What is your explanation? Has it reoccurred?
I had this once about 2 or 3 years ago, scared the shit outta me worse than any nightmare I had when I was a kid
It’s basically a nightmare that you can’t wake up from
if you ever get it, you should still be able to move some of your fingers a little bit. i rock back and forth until it "jolts" me awake
it used to scare the shit out of me when i was little.. barely able to move or breathe.. but it can be beaten
stfu burger
i one had a skeleton lady fall on top of me, she had tan wavy hair.
Only ever had it once. Didn't see any weird shit but I'm a lucid dreamer and don't really have that problem to begin with. I just r3m3mber being conscious, being unable to m9ve and just think8ng "Oh, it's sleep paralysis."
the only kind of sleep paralysis I've had is just not being able to move or speak while conscious a short period after awaking from naps. never happens with normal sleep. it was scary at first but you just have to figure out how to stay focused and force movement in your extremities to escape.
Nah. It happened to me once, I could see my room but I couldn't move. It was extremely uncomfortable but I fortunately recognized what was going on and it helped me calm down. 0/5 would not recommend
Fuck off monkey
yes, it's really bad, you want move but you simple can't, it's like you lost all your movements or the control of your own body.
happened like 2 times to me, it last for like 1 minute.
>sleep paralysis
a nightmare then, bunch of faggots
nah it only happens to people who can wield psychic powers. they can be in alpha brain state while awake. this is what you do when you meditate and astral project. I did it before and I saw a big glowing dragon. He only said 3 words to me. 'kill the jews'. I then woke up and apparently it made me have a wet dream.
It's fucking demons and demonic. Let me guess you spell 'fairies' like 'faeries' too? A daemon is a background process in linux.
I was laying in bed, it was in the morning so my apartment was well lit. My bedroom door was open and outside it was a dark shadowy figure. It was kind of creeping on me, looking around the corner, walking back and forth in and out of sight. I tried to move, couldn’t. Tried screaming next, was able to open my mouth but could not make a sound come out. The figure was like a witch I suppose, not really sure. But I wouldn’t say it was female or male, maybe just “demonic” would be the best way to describe it. It was black and hazy with no clear form, looked around normal human height. Started panicking when I realized this wasn’t a normal dream at all and began to think it was real. Figure disappeared for like a minute then came back into view and I remember never being this scared in my life. I remember these parts of the experience well but not the transition from out of the sleep paralysis state.
When I did come out of it I was pretty convinced that what I experienced was real. Had some 2x4s in my bedroom from building shit so I picked one up and carefully exited my room, searched my whole apartment. Found nothing and all doors and windows were locked. I had already known of sleep paralysis at this point and it sort of hit later that I had a sleep paralysis event.
No. You can find out yourself. Takes about 30 mins.
All you have to nothing.
Just lay in bed and do not move a twitch. No scratching nothing. Absolute stillness. After about 30 mins your body will "go to sleep" it's really weird. Don't panic, just enjoy it. Maybe go to sleep, you'll be fine.
Give it a go.
You just gave me chills. I've had sleep paralysis for years and I've learned to control it and escape but when it first began it was an old woman who would shriek and scream at me as she sat on my chest and tried to suffocate me. Towards the end of her visits she would push me to the floor and feed me broken glass. I was able to overcome her through will power and not being afraid to try and fight back and facing her with tenacious bravery inspite of being paralyzed in my dream. I heard of sleep paralysis later on life and that made me feel better about these night terrors but I never realized the old hag was a worldwide experience. Goose bumps are spreading across my body as I type.
I’ve had three that I can remember (and I think I absolutely would remember others if I had had them). The first I only felt a presence (didn’t see anything) but I knew that something horrible was coming. The second was aliens touching my face. The third was two tall shadow skeletons with thorny crowns just staring at me from the foot of my bed.. Interesting that so many of tou have experienced this. Maybe it is more common than I had thought.
And yes Faeries, Colour, favourite.
Yeah this is a good way to describe it, “a
referring to what I experienced it was like a presence outside my room. It was visible at times but even when it was out of view I could still feel like it was here and was coming for me
This right here. Sleep paralysis is horrible to the inexperienced but it can be beaten. Little by little you have to jolt your body awake. Something you learn when you’ve dealt with it your whole life. It gets easier.
The old lady shit sucks though that’s some real shit I would see as a child, not so much anymore.
I did once. I felt like someone was at the foot of my bed. I tried to stretch with all my might bto look over the covers, and then finally I succeeded. There was a figure of a man, about the height of the ceiling. I didn't get the feeling he was that tall, but that he was hovering. I wasn't frightened at all. It was actually exhilarating. After a few moments I asked my higher self to help me remember how to wake up, then an instant later I was awake. I then saw what appeared to be a swarm of insects. At first I thought they were real. Then I noticed that whatever it was, would enlarge when I wasn't focused on any particular thing. Then when I did focus, the swarm would concentrate itself into one dark spot.
That's my only experience from recent memory.
Creepy as hell
I've had some nights where I was conscious and was trying to wake up, feeling as if i had no strenght to move my body. It always felt more frustrating than scary though, no sense of demonic presence or things of the sort.
Normal neurology during sleep.
To stop you thrashing about
Has anyone floated though...after the initial "chaos" Seen glowing doorways? Get on my level.
Used to happen all the time, scared me shitless the first few times. A blanket feels like it weighs tons. I got so used to it that when it happens i fall back to sleep. A way to wake your body up is lifting one of your arms up if you can.
when I was in college, I lived in the dorms. I had a very weird sleep paralysis experience. I was lying in the bed with my eyes closed and I was trying to imagine "infinity." Basically I began to conceptualize myself flying above a never-ending grid like Superman. Then it happened. I felt what can only be described as an electrical shock right in the center of my forehead. I opened my eyes, but I couldn't move. I sensed an evil presence, but couldnt see anything. My body tingled, and I felt pain. I tried tk cry out, but my vocal cords didnt work, just slight gurgle sounds came out. I somehow managed to roll myself onto the floor through sheer will power. When I hit the floor, it all stopped. I regained control of my body. I ran to the dorm bathrooms and splashed my face with water. It hasn't happened again since that one time, but it was intense and very scary. I'm still not quite sure what I experienced.
I agree with you, it gets easier to control when you've had it your whole life. It was a frequent occurrence to me. It's weird that the old lady is so universal.
Do you have premonitions? Where you abused? Have your parents shared similar family experience with the supernatural such as clairvoyance?
The sleep paralysis I've seen described on the internet seems more intense than what I've experienced, BUT
I hear something. I'm going to go back to sleep. Someone is breaking into my house. Wake up. I can't. MOVE, someone is breaking into your house. Something is in my room. WAKE UP. WAKE UP. I try to scream. I try to move. I can do neither.
...and that's what it's like. It's pretty rare, and while time is distorted when I'm in the dreaming state, it feels like it doesn't last very long. From what I've read, sleep paralysis tends to feel like it takes a long time.
This, among other, make me think I might not be experiencing sleep paralysis, but maybe just a glimmer of what it is like.
I’ve had floating sensations but not at the same time as sleep paralysis. I have also had the feeling that I have been dropped from a height and wake up suddely. I have also had loud sudden noises that wake me up. Almost like a strange sound and pulsation. I definitely have some low key brain damage and family history of mental illness and have had an eating disorder since I was 13 though. Do you all still have these episodes? Were they at high stress times in your life? Do you lucid dream..if that is a real thing? Are mushrooms and LSD a bad idea for someone who gets sleep paralysis?
Don't sleep with your mouth open.
Happens to me every 5-6 months or so.
Usually I keep my eyes closed to not freak the fuck out, however there seems to be a VERY loud creature screaming into my ears like the sound of a chainsaw, it lasts for about 15 to 30 seconds before I break myself out of it.
Had it once many years ago. Saw a pitch black figure in the doorway, wearing a cloak and a wide brimmed hat. Oddly enough, I actually felt at peace during the incident, as if the figure was watching over me
>nah it only happens to people who can wield psychic powers. they can be in alpha brain state while awake. this is what you do when you meditate and astral project.
this. it is a sign of being an adept. the only way to overcome it is to keep progressing spiritually. once you do, it won't happen anymore.
t. user who had this entire life, into my 20s. i can think thoughts about what i want people to do and more times that not, they will do them. karma is real, so you cannot make them do bad things or things that would be against their will.
I came from a dysfunctional family. My dad gets sleep paralysis. Sometimes I have weird psychic feelings/experiences but I chalk them up to confirmation bias.
>Jow Forums - politically incorrect
Sometimes, I think I'm awake after the initial experience, and I try to wake people up. I soon realize that I'm still in a dream
It used to happen to me all the time and still does quite frequently. Most of mine involved gray aliens though no old hags. I think it is demonic possession but idk.
The first time it happened I remember waking up to a white flash of light & the computer in the room kicked on. I thought that was weird but nothing out of the ordinary. I looked at the clock & it was 3 am and I noticed something in the corner of my eye. After looking at it for a while I noticed that it looked like a little arm so I turned onto my back to look straight up and there was a gray alien above me and I became instantly paralyzed from the neck down. I screamed for help and it ended. When I woke I noticed the room was below freezing too
It's always around 3am. Why is this?
yeah, in the experience i describes above in this thread, i'm still not sure where dream began and ended, and where reality began again. it all felt so real that it is indistinguishable.
>long, blacked haired girl appears at the end of my bed
>turns into a centipede girl, bites my neck, and proceeds to fuck me
That was a good night.
Not that I want another episode ..but.. i am interested to try out all of these techniques for waking up. Again very interesting that so many of you have experienced this. IRL I have only met one person (besides my dad) who has experienced this.
>Were they at high stress times in your life?
>Do you lucid dream..if that is a real thing?
not a pro at it but I have had a few experiences of successfully manipulating a dream in the past, normally I just realize I’m in a dream and fade out of dream status moments later
>Are mushrooms and LSD a bad idea for someone who gets sleep paralysis?
no idea but I have never lucid dreamed while using cannabis but my sleep paralysis experience came at a time in my life where I was using cannabis daily
Similar to mine then minus the nightmare aspect
>see my family in the doorway
>completely immobile
>believe that they are preparing to kill me, attempt to scream, move my open eyes, anything
>cant move at all and persist for 5 min before I go to bed
>happens like a week later again
I have experienced it a handful of times. The worst experience I had occurred almost 20 years ago and I remember it vividly. I was taking a nap on the couch after school and I “dreamed” an intruder was breaking into the house through the door right behind me. The whole time I was trying to move my limbs and scream but was unable to do anything. I could see the room as it appeared as well as the shadow of the intruder and could hear everything. When I woke up my heart felt like it was going to fucking explode. Shit was awful
Shadowy man whose face was all shadows standing over me. Takes out a long knife and begins stabbing me.
Since becoming Christian and learning to pray in my sleep it's gone away.
Praise God.
nice get user
Didn’t have sleep paralysis but saw something that looked like Golum at the foot of my bed and took a swing at it, broke the bed post and hurt my fist pretty bad but I think I hit the fucker.
3 am seems to be very common but it does happen at other times even if less intense. Still quite weird
Happens regularly to me and has for about 20yrs. I think it can be hereditary because thr males in my family all have it happen to them (we have no idea why.) Cant move, but youre awake. Usually a nightmare situation is part of the experience making it more traumatic. You can make noises and wake people up or scare them. We laugh about it now and my GF knows to just push me so i can snap out of it. Never seen any hags.
thanks, didnt even realize. fits with the theme, anyway
I knew someone who would just lay back and he would start seeing and feeling someone on him. After he got a gf it stopped but they broke up, I always wonder if it came back.
>tfw no GF to wake me up from night terrors
No. It is a mind trick. Once you realize the shadow demon witch isn't real, you can have fun with the paralysis sensation. I once directed the energy into my anus and almost came from the pleasure.
I too had an old hag. Couldn’t make out mich of her face. She was dressed in only what I can describe as old, dirty rags. Either ripped/torn but layers. Imagine a homeless person on the streets for decades. Slowly moving closer and closer while I am paralyzed.
I’ve had it a few times. It’s fucking horrible. The worst was when I drank myself stupid 5 days straight on spring break, and the next sober night at home I had a bad night.
>felt awake but couldn’t move or open eyes
>felt like I was being smothered
>felt someone or something in the room
>tried to wiggle off the bed
>praying for my dog to see me struggling and come lick me in the face
>ironically remembering this has happened before, and I needed to calm down and it will pass
Same experience. I'll never forget what she looked like. Wet dark hair, I turned over and she just fucking screamed amd I couldn't.
happened to me when I was a kid and jewish doctors convinced my parents to put me on anti-psychotics. I only had the paralysis, not the night terrors though thank god.
Seeing figures or hearing strange sounds or both and not being able to move a muscle
no, not possession, harassment
I used to have sleep paralysis regularly, and at about the last month of it I had all the stereotypical experiences a few days apart.
I just laid down to sleep and noticed the light was on and I couldn't move anything but my eyes. There's a blue wobble by my closet and my ex girlfriend phases out of it and starts talking like a porn thot. She tries to seduce me as she walks over to the bed and climbs on top of me, acting and speaking nothing like my actual ex girlfriend, as I instinctively try to reject her with the full force of my mind. Eventually she sees that she isn't going to get anywhere with me and with a weird smirk on her face she says "Too bad, we could have had some fun" and everything goes back to normal. I don't know if the last bit was a predator mocking the prey that got away or what. The tone was just odd.
A few nights later I'm in bed again when a flood light comes through my window. Two soldiers in fatigues crawl through the glass and make joking small talk while they're using some hand pump vacuum thing to drain away something energetic and gaseous from around my face. After a few moments, the junior soldier says to his superior "dude, I think he can see us." The higher ranking guy says "No, he's good - Oh fuck" as he and I make eye contact. Then they disappear and I'm alone again in my room.
>Is it really daemonic possession?
its demon rape, people get raped by demons and that act produces bad dreams and sleep paralysis.