A normal day looks like this:
530, get up
540, shower.
600, Do some cleaning, ironing.
715, get dressed.
730, take bike to work
800, arrive at work, drink 0.5 liter of water
830, drink 0.5 liter of water
1000, drink 0.5 liter of water, I am hungry now
1100, drink 0.5 liter of water, fuck I am hungry now
1130, walk 11min to the cantine, get a lunch
A lunch is about 450gram worth of ryebread and meat (they make us weigh it)
1200, back at my desk.
1205, drink 0.5 liter of water
1300-1330, start to crash, drink a can of cola.
1400, drink 0.5 liter of water
1500, drink 0.5 liter of water
1600, drink 0.5 liter of water
1700, take the bike home
1730, arrive home
1735, clean my room
1810-1850, work out (idk what to call it, cardio with weights?).
1850, shower.
1900, sit down to watch some YT or netflix
1910, drink 1 liter of water
2000, go for a walk in the park
2100, sit down to watch some YT or netflix
2130, drink 1 liter of water with lemon juice
2300, go to bed
2330, fall asleep
Days where I wake up late, I skip the cleaning, my alarm is set to 7.
Days where I have somewhere to be, I skip everything past 1730.
I have minimum 2 days per week where I have somewhere to be.
What could I improve?
What should I consider as my flexible time slots?
I want to be more healthy, but I would settle for having my shit together in general.
I think I come across as boring and while I love boring, others don't, so I should change that perception.