Asian CEO simply outperforms whitecucks
Why are whites no longer CEOs?
Surely isn't the product of open and overt anti-white purging becoming standardized practice in the past eight years. Oh no.
Go be a white male and apply for an ivy league school without being Jewish. You will NOT get in.
it's a shield for these companies so they can't be accused of having a fucking wh*te male as a leader
>White man creates company
>BoD fires him and puts a cheap pajeet that will do their bidding in his place
Gee, I wonder why whites are no longer CEOs?
Pajeets are world-renowned for destroying companies.
Balmer was jewish
Whites are the ultimate cucks. That's why
White men are not allowed to hold positions of authority in the corporate and educational world
Even if a white male obtains a powerful position, he will be forced to jump through hoops to show he'll bow down to the liberal globalist ideology. He needs to actively promote this stuff, just being silent and neutral isn't going to cut it. In a way, he'll be forced to sell out his own peoples interests.
White men are creative visionaries that take risks. Pajeets chase the numbers and create bloat and widgets because Indians think that shit is cool for some reason. Guess which ones shareholders like more?
Indians are good at working within a rigid system. They will operate a franchise well, and they will be happy doing it, but they'll rarely develop a system or idea that is innovative or exiting enough that others would want to be a franchisee