In Portland Oregon. Wind just started blowing very hard out of nowhere. Went from zero wind to loud wind storm in literally 2 seconds. Aside from the normal sound of the wind, it sounds like there's a fucking fleet of big ass military cargo planes roaring around in the sky in the direction where the wind is coming from. I spend a lot of time outside here and have been out in many wind storms. The roaring sound is nothing like what a natural wind storm would sound like here.
I'm not saying there's an actual giant fan up in the sky but definitely something weird is happening. HAARP shit or something. Are there any conspiracies about fake wind? This is not normal.
that was just a transformer overload at a power substation
Jacob Hughes
you dumb fuck, you live next to the ocean, it does this every fucking night
Connor Moore
Portlandfag here. Bull Mountain without power
John Cook
>Portlandfag here >Bull Mountain imagine that
Jordan Smith
p-town rider checking in. confirm sudden wind. still blowing. please jebus to not lose power. do not confirm any jets or weird sounds. trash bins did roll down street however. OP likely faggot.
Adrian Bell
Bend here. Fucking crazy wind man. Wicked. I left a bar and got in my car, saw a homeless dude as I was driving down the street, stopped to give him my brand new sleeping bag. I thought about how cold he must be, then a fucking heap of cardboard smacked my passenger window and scared the shit out of me.
Andrew Perry
Pioneer Square's weather machine is the featured article on wikipedia today. Coincidence?
Aaron Cook
How many times do we have to tell you, the End is nigh?!
lol. fucking assholes can't help themselves. Thanks for the info user. I knew it wasn't normal.
James Jones
Why the hell do I post here lol
Nicholas Thomas
record the shit and post a link
Jose Wilson
Local weather report or gtfo
Xavier White
I just took my recorder outside and made a recording. It's hard to tell how weird it really sounds from the recording because you can't tell how far away it sounds like the roar sound is coming from IRL and how loud it would have to be to have that volume relative to the wind sound from the trees right around me, but i'll try to find the best part of the recording where you can hear what I'm talking about. People will LOL and say it's just the sound of wind and I'm a retard but it definitely isn't, and it's really obvious if you're actually here. gimme a minute
Kevin Martinez
Curiously waiting
Parker Lewis
Super powerful sudden and odd but in the forecast for this evening/overnight so not out of nowhere.
It's the background roar that sounds like airplanes, not the wind sound. As I said here you may not be able to tell how weird this actually sounds IRL from the recording and will probably just say I'm retarded but I guarantee you it does not sound normal IRL. You can tell at points as the volume of the wind changes relative to the roar how loud the roar is, and that the roar is separate from the wind. The roar is lower (not the very very low sub bass bumps that happen in a couple spots, that's just the wind hitting the microphone, I tried to minimize it as much as possible), it sounds like a bunch of airplanes that just don't go away. It's been going on for the entire time the wind has been going on so it's not just an actual airplane.
Jonathan Green
Is it really so far fetched? Do you really think we don't have the ability to heat the atmosphere or seed the clouds??
Ethan Ross
>Bend here...stopped to give him my brand new sleeping bag
Sounds right
Michael Howard
Grayson Richardson
Salem here too. Did come out of no where here too. I had to go outside to listen earlier I thought an epileptic was playing drums down the street
>Wind just started blowing very hard out of nowhere It's called a gust, user. Might wanna get your head checked.
Ayden Williams
Blake Rogers
You see wind is caused by pressure differences in the atmosphere. What you expedience is probably a low pressure system moving in and causing a change in wind.
Given that you also seem to have some rain in the area it makes this even more likely.
DUDE north central america here last night i started hearing a loud rumble noise, as if it was aircraft taking off. but it didnt sound like commericial jets it sounded like huge military cargo planes or something, and the strange thing is the noise lasted way longer than it should've for takeoffs, i was smoking a cig and i was so confused because i havent really ever heard such a strange noise before i believe the wind may have picked up but it seem like it at the time
Jaxson Hall
WTF!! I'm in Oregon and it was so weird I filmed it, it was earlier though. I can convert to webm hang on
Angel Price
You want weird? Look at western ny. There are parts that are seemingly always protected from severe weather. There could be massive storms all around but select areas never get anything
Jack Gomez
It's climate change, when the greenhouse effect increases a larger amount of warm air accumulates, when this air cools it pushes down from the atmosphere and creates harsh winds.
Bentley Flores
>fake wind is there a level below 'retarded'? because you've just qualified for that. learn how pressure and temperature are related, then read up on our planet's various ecosystems and they contribute to the weather.
Justin Adams
Blake Bailey
I'm in Tigard, can confirm the plane sounds. Weird thing is I usually dozens of planes fly over from pdx. Didn't see a single or for 10 mind while I heard the plane sounds. Plane sounds died down and then it went right back to heavy air travel from pdx. That was noticeably odd.
James Allen
the earth is windy 4ight now because solar flares. it maybe brings us the 8ce age we are waiting
Jordan Mitchell
>because you've just qualified for that. I was just walking on a trail then it started up then got bad then went away.
Vantucky reporting in. Wind knocked out power where I'm at, have had to resort to shitposting on my phone.
Levi Martin
Friend of mine down there just posted on FB saying she saw a green flash. Stay safe!
Dylan Nguyen
Haha all I had. The digits before make up for it. I don't think the wind was created but the plane sounds above could be them taking advantage of the windstorm that they knew was coming.
Julian Young
Portland international airport is home to an reserve Air Force Base. There's the national guard and Marine reserve there too. JBLM(huge army/air Force base) is like 30 min away by jet as well. Military aircraft is something you get used to. I used to live in Portland.
The pnw has crazy weather. I'm not in Portland rn, somewhere else in Washington, but glacial winds can sweep down from the Cascades and bring ice storms. So extreme winds is not out of the ordinary at all.
Evan Bell
I'm in SW Portland. A tree fell on a house a few blocks down the street. Still have power.
hey guys, i just heard about this "wind" thing apparently its been around for a while there's even a wikipedia page about it
apparently its this thing that happens and children are usually taught about it when they are young and experience it from infancy unless their parents are shit or the kids are retarded and don't learn or have to stay inside all their lives
btw full all of you, you are all fucking retards
Thomas Price
The weather is literally always changing
David Hill
Holy fuck thought if was just me. My lower went out, and I saw lightning hit the same area 3 fucking times. Some war of the world's shit. In Multnomah.