How much of an age difference between two people dating before it gets creepy?

How much of an age difference between two people dating before it gets creepy?

I'm talking to this girl and we'll probably meet up soon but she's 19 and Im 23. Do people think thats weird or too much?

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That's fine my dude

dont worry im 23 and dating a 19 myself

Don't worry about that. I'm 20 and my bf is 28.

That’s fine.

It's fine dude, a 4-year age gap isn't much. The fact that you're worried it might be creepy is a pretty good indication that you're not a creep.

Daddy issues

He'd have to conceive a child at 8 years old to be her "daddy." I think as long as both people are independent adults it's all good. You're a creep if you're a grown man chasing after a high-school girl living with her parents.

My man is 40 and I'm 21 lol

Now that's daddy issues

if it's not illegal then it's not creepy.

Jerry Seinfeld was dating a 17 year old when he was 38. Tump's current wife is half his age.

....actually well no you know what if the age gap between the two is big enough to fit another adult then yeah that does start to get creepy even if it's not illegal.

I agree, but if everyone's an adult and nobody's getting abused, it really is nobody's business whether it's "creepy" or not

well no it's not their business but people will give you looks or maybe like whisper comments to each other whatever, that comes with the territory and you have to be able to deal with it or ignore it or whatever

thats explain the gf of my brother


mean to quote

4 yrs is nothing. Enjoy!

A four year age gap is fine. It's only creepy if you look like you're taking advantage of somebody younger. Dating somebody that's 18 y/o and being 55 for example is frowned upon because anybody at 18 is still naive as fuck.

Talking to a 19 year old and I'm 29 myself. It's only an issue if you make it one.

Half your age plus 7

If it's simply about how naive someone is, then why does it matter what the age of the older person is?

Surely an 18 year old is naive whether s/he is dating a 21 year old or a 40 year old?

I'm 28 and my girlfriend is 15. Much more acceptable these days. As long as her parents are cool with it you're good

Yeah but a 21-year-old doesn't have much more life experience than a 18-year-old either.
Around the mid-to-late-20s is when the gaps in life experience with older partners start to matter much less than before, but before that age gaps beyond 3 years are kind of creepy.

Because the older you are, the more you are expected to be a mature adult. 18-25 is around the age where people begin to realize who they are as a person, but still don't have enough experience living yet to protect themselves from sexual predators. It's stupidly easy to take advantage of somebody around that age if they're looking for sex, especially women with daddy issues, which is why a large age gap in a relationship with at least one young adult is frowned upon.

I'm 31, my gf is 17. We started dating about 2 years ago.

This. My gf's parents are cool with us, so it's all good.

It depends on the age of the people involved.
If she's 13 and you're 17, a 4 year gap is creepy as shit. If she's 19 and you're 23, a 4 year gap is totally fine. When you get even older, it is barely noticeable. I'm 25, my fiance is 29, and no one ever comments on it.

I still think that, in general, a good rule is the "half of your age plus seven".

Like this is clearly creepy as fuck.

People will consider it creepy and be kind of disgusted by you if they know. They will lose respect for you.

Not a big deal. I'm 24 and my boyfriend is 30, nobody gives a shit.

>It's stupidly easy to take advantage of somebody around that age if they're looking for sex
I think as soon as you're talking about someone in their 20s, the moral outrage here is a little silly. As long as you're not abusing them or outright lying/conning them to get them in bed, what is so bad about having sex with someone who wants to have sex with you? At that point, where do you draw the line between "taking advantage" and two consenting adults having fun? Some people are still naive and stupid well into their 30s, what about them?

The rule of thumb to find the minimum dating age partner (for men) is half your age + 7 years.

And why does that matter?

>taking advantage of someone who is looking for sex

really enables my pistachios


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gold digging roasties senpai

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He's a poorfag tho

(Your Age ÷ 2) + 7 = Minimum Age you can date without being creepy.

She's fine for you.

Then there is this guy.

Who came up with that retarded formula?

The jews

Always the Jews.

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You're 44 and she's 40 one day. Does that sound strange to you?

Came to post this

thats fine

I'm 29 and my fwb is 18

I get a ton of shit for dipping below 21

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23 and 19 is fine

By that reasoning: I'm 56. How "creepy" would it be for me to date a 35 year old, even if I could find one? More than somewhat.

I feel like that is pretty weird, though, you're probably in very different mental spaces. An 18 year old isn't going to have a developed outlook on things. Even if you share traits that are similar, get along, etc., I feel as though this type of a relationship has a 1/1000 shot of working out. GL though, I suppose.

56 and 35 isn't creepy at all. By 35 you're mentally matured enough to practically date anyone above you in age, especially if you have similar hobbies, interests, mentalities, etc. A 56 year old person is still a person, after all, not just some old cow out to pasture, waiting to get ground up into meat.

Should a 22 year old be dating a 50 year old? he is pretty pushy about dating, i told him we are friends but its obvious he's not interested in remaining friends. but is very easy to get along with. he lives close to my work. as far as i tell he has a job, but seems lonely. and is always around and offering me stuff like rides and company. Advice?

It's only for fucking, there's no long term future

Im destroyed from my ltr destroying everything like nothing 8 months ago and she's leaving the state for college. We're not exclusive or anything

you wanna be his mid life crisis?

find a man around your age to date.

It's less of a moral outrage and more about common sense. A legal adult and an emotional adult are two very different animals. Most people (millennials specifically) are basically teenagers well into their mid twenties. They want sex, but they don't have the maturity to protect themselves from emotional exploitation. This leaves them open up to be treated like a piece of meat, which is a shitty place to be in any relationship.

Men/women who enjoy dating partners much younger than they are have the opposite problem. They basically become the dominating force in the relationship and need to be responsible not only for themselves but also the other person.