This should alarm everyone, it's an blatant attempt to circumvent our elected representatives because Trump is not getting his way. Our founding fathers went to great lengths to ensure we had a congress, Senate and a president to avoid an authoritarian rule. No matter where you stand on the wall this is a power grab that must not be allowed!
This should alarm everyone...
tha't's the gayest thing i've ever seen.
They also gave the president the ability to defend the boards. Fuck off.
Walls work for Israel.
If it's good enough for them, you should accept it too.
Unless there is something fundamentally different about the USA, perhaps they are a goyim state and have no right to protect themselves from the same harm hmm?
Whoopsie you are transparent
The left is a nation emergency that needs to be dealt with.
Well, Congress refuses to do its job in protecting Americans and American sovereignty, so that duty now falls on the President. Fuck democracy.
>jews are a national emergency that need to be dealt with
I agree 100%
Imagine. Your country becomes a totalitarian regime. Every cent you make is crushingly taxed "for the greater good", leaving you penniless and starving. Any non-compliance, any disagreement whatsoever is suppressed with imprisonment in labor camps and eventual execution. You can't even legally leave, the walls and barbed wire surrounding your country are to keep you inside, not to keep invaders out. You are their property. All the usual lies about "security" and "terrorism" are used as excuses to root out and murder anyone who is even suspected of harboring anti-government views.
Somehow you escape, leaving your friends and family behind. They may be interrogated and imprisoned or even murdered by the secret police simply because you can't be accounted for. You legally immigrate to America. Ellis Island. The Statue of Liberty is the greatest sight you have ever seen in your entire life. Freedom. You throw yourself at your new country, working harder than you ever had for the evil powers that ran what used to be your country of origin. You become an American fully in heart and soul and remember every day the horrors that you left behind.
Then some fucking piece of shit neo-communist starts trying to change YOUR America into the hell that you left behind. All the usual lies are updated and repurposed for the modern age. "Environmentalism" and "Social Justice" replace "Party Unity" and "Public Safety". You are too old to do anything about it. You watch your children arrested and forced into prison labor programs for "inappropriate" comments online. You watch the militarized police raid and murder any populations that refuse to follow the unconstitutional laws enforced by the neo-communist regime under the guise of rooting out "domestic terrorism". With no power to make the horror stop you slowly watch America die at the hands of the same evil that killed the country of your youth.
This is "Democratic" Socialism.
This is happening now.
shut the fuck up, fairyboy