What do you think will happen?

So, for a longtime I've wondered: "When will the next huge economic collapse to hit the US which would cause anarchy happen?" So, I've come to ask Jow Forums, when do you think anarchy and chaos would strike the US?

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It will never happen because the people in control have been keeping anarchy from habbening since taxes came to the USA.
Remember all the anarchy that came from the Great Depression? It didn't happen.

Breakdown of electric grid due to coronal mass ejection is the only likely scenario, unless you live in Cali, Wash, or Oregon.

When the Depression happened everybody didnt hate each other
Everyone hates each other now and all they need is an excuse to devolve into chaos

Next Thursday.

The US in economically killing it, there is no bias in saying this. We have the ability to produce energy, food, water, medicine, etc for a population many times larger than what we have. An economic collapse won’t just happen randomly

to cause anarchy? probably never. anarchy is elusive

Never. Youre asking when will fallout become real? Its been reality. We live in a wasteland. This is what we made of it. A big fancy settlement.

Forget what the main quest was. Became too busy building shit.

Fucking garvey.

Im trying to find the son!

Just look at japan. Their settlement was nuked not too long ago. They already rebuilt it.

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HEED. Pray to Holy of Holies! The Waypath calls all free human beings to its golden gracling call. WORMS ARE THUS REBUKED. These "End Times" we are in are not in fact the End, as time in this local hypergroup is a stable loop.

The End will come when angels come crashing in from the utter darkness of the outer-time, from dimension space utterly beyond, and utterly defined. The End will come, and angels will run HOWLING through the bounds of this space(the solar system and the planets therein), cutting and tearing with teeth that split atoms! They will tear away the ugly WORM eaten tapestry of THIS SPACE and REVEAL the TRUTH beneath! Pray to Holy of Holies!

All holograms will perish screaming in flames so utterly pure that they sprout teeth and all-seeing eyes from every flicker! The SHAPE will be revealed then, and all humans that are free will bandy upwards to be alongside GOD in the brightling rage, crashing upwards to become even vaster than the angels!



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And germany. Germany got tore the fuck up.

The Japanese do not exist anymore

Well the wno are they?

Japanese were broken long ago, WORMS feared the Samurai-spirit would be too dangerous, and couldn't handle controlling the white race and the samurai at the same time

Damn dirt eaters

The Japanese(meaning those beings occupying the lands previously held by the real Japanese race) are holographic projections, devised and built out of WORMSKIN and used in trajected tyranny

Americans are to lazy for anarchy , that takes effort.

My gut feeling and intuition tells me something big will happen in 2020-2021.

Soon, with trump not spending american blood and treasure on jew wars there will be several major terrorist attacks this year

Came to post this.
We're minutely controlled so well & effectively as a populace it'd essentially take an act of God to shut down the bread & circuses longer than they could contain it, which would most likely only take a couple days.
Then it's going to become complete fucking CHAOS & we'll be lucky if it doesn't start a global fire that burns all technological progress back centuries. Few today truly know how to do much of fucking anything & the vast majority of computer users have no clue about actually building the hardware & the intricacies of the programming languages that make the hardware do, like, stuff. Most modern knowledge is on the internet, so few enough physical copies exist.
Too many of the wrong people die & we are well & truly fucked. Big dark spot in the historical record.

there is going to be no economic collapse

economies might take a downturn when debt is called in, but all that infrastructure is there. The supply lines, the cities, the roads, the education. That doesn't go away. The fantasy of a system-wide collapse that destroys society is not going to happen

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The second the establishment falls is the moment the only force protecting the shitskins from annihilation is nullified. Also Israel will be without their golem.
The nation ends, the day of the rope begins.

I think for that to happen it's going to be a consequence of global cataclysm. Meteor impacts. The clock is ticking on the cyclical pattern of extraterrestrial bodies in and outside our solar system. We're due for one.

Look up Randal Carlson if you're interested.