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it was a ritual sacrifice meant to bring the new world order planned to happen on that very day since before they started building the towerrs 33 years earlier
here is all i have on this stuff
will post some stuff on it
From the Mueller report on 9/11
>What I did not know, Mr. Speaker, up until June of this year, was that that secret program called Able Danger actually identified the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda in January and February of 2000, over one year before 9-11 ever happened. In addition, I learned that not only did we identify the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda, but we identified Mohamed Atta as one of the members of that Brooklyn cell along with three other terrorists who were the leadership of the 9-11 attack.
>I have also learned, Mr. Speaker, that in September of 2000, again, over one year before 9-11, that Able Danger team attempted on three separate occasions to provide information to the FBI about the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda, and on three separate occasions they were denied by lawyers in the previous administration to transfer that information.
>Mr. Speaker, this past Sunday on “Meet the Press,'' Louis Freeh, FBI Director at the time, was interviewed by Tim Russert. The first question to Louis Freeh was in regard to the FBI's ability to ferret out the terrorists. Louis Freeh's response, which can be obtained by anyone in this country as a part of the official record, was, ‘Well, Tim, we are now finding out that a top-secret program of the military called Able Danger actually identified the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda and Mohammed Atta over a year before 9-11.’ And what Louis Freeh said, Mr. Speaker, is that that kind of actionable data could have allowed us to prevent the hijackings that occurred on September 11.
>On September 11, 2001, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) was involved in an ongoing operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to northwestern North America. The U.S. Military and NORAD had also planned to conduct several military exercises and a drill was being held by the National Reconnaissance Office, a Department of Defense agency. The operations, exercises and drills were all canceled following the September 11 attacks.
>Operation Northern Vigilance, was a NORAD operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to locations in Alaska and Northern Canada. In order to simulate a hijacking situation including terrorist pilots
of course on the same day the attacks happened an awkwardly similar case was practiced resulting in confusion and bonus time for the actual event to go down unnoticed as it was thought to be just the practice. together with it gets clear that the US government aided in the event giving the perpetrators an opportunity to do it and increasing the chances.
Like always some CIA niggers used some radicalized patsies to do their dirtywork so that the deed itself isnt as easily traced back to them as there is no official connections. They always do that, wether its shooting, smuggling, assassinations (think of the seth rich murder done by MS13)
He said 911 was done by CIA niggers
Pic related is this guy
>Lewin served for four years in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as an officer in Sayeret Matkal, one of the IDF's special forces units.[4] Lewin earned the rank of captain.[2]
What is interesting is that the watch he is wearing on that picture is the Swatch Hijacker The hours, minute and seconds as well as the date all are on 11
>A passenger onboard American Airlines Flight 11, it is believed that Lewin was stabbed by one of the hijackers of that flight, and was the first person murdered during the course of the attacks.[1][2][3]
Some guy in the israel special forces just let himself get stabbed by some dessert dweller, while previously making some photoshoot with the swatch hijacker where every number on the watch is the same as the flightnumber in which he got supposedly killed by a hijacker. If you look for a more zoomed out pic of this you see its in front of a structure resembling the twin towers even
supposedly he also sat at row 9 giving some 9/11 relation, but didnt find anything on that
jews did 9/11 with help of the US government. dont be a lazy faggot and read if you want answers. i already spoonfeed you info with sources. if you are too lazy to read at least those i cant help you either way
I fucking love Supertramp, reversing the image and claiming it means something is literally retard-tier logic. This is on a flat earth level, why include that?
mentioned how the execution of the plan started with the building of the towers 33 years earlier in 1968.
Now an user pointed out recently the that Kubricks 2001: A Space Odyssey also was published in exactly that year. The interesting bit about this is the black monolith in the movie (if someone has any details feel free to share, I have yet to watch it). What makes this interesting is that next to the WTC there stood the Hilton Hotel which happens to look exactly like that monolith.
From what I got the monolith transformed apes into the modern humans, just like 9/11 was meant to transform the world.
>operatives made sure the explosives went off at a point high enough to prevent people from escaping
i thought there were no explosives?
also is this some primitive mememagic?
trump mentions silverstein buying the WTC just weeks before the attack
Trump mentions he says he doesnt believe the buildings collapsed only from planes and that he thinks they had bombs that exploded almost simultaniously
greys are demons, lizards fallen angels, but they are unrelated other than those that planned 9/11 are in communion with those.
None of those are spoopy except maybe the Simpson's one.
But the WTC and Pentagon are very well know buildings. They will be in artwork and other media alot. Even getting destroyed.
Now post the ones with Hoover damn, or MT Rushmore.
The Simpson's are spoopy tho
keep believing its just coincidence if you are more comfortable with that
>War By Deception (Israel did 9/11 and spread false propaganda to kill 1000s more. 1 million deaths so far in Iraq alone).
>Defamation (Israel run America and create a system of guilt -victim worship- wherby they will not be criticised)
>Bibles Buried Secrets (American and European Jews and not Arab and did not originate on the Middle East, they descend from converts of Turkic and Modern Ukrainian background. There was never a Kingdom of David and Jewish historians fake history to justify Israel which historically has never been a cohesive Jewish nation - literally just a few villages)
>The Israel Lobby in the U.S. - AlJazeera (Israel control everything from public discourse to political direction through threats, blackmail, bribery and corruption. And destroying the lives of anyone who gets in their way.)
No... but ritual sacrifice sure is....Right kike?
Why does the plane appear dark grey?
Putin did this to pump muh islamic terror threat because of ongoing chechen war.
SDO did 9/11
yeah but jews aren't aliens.
It’s likely aliens are real, it’s also unlikely we have any on earth, both for the same reason;
The universe is so fucking big, and so old, and with so many planets/stars, it would be extremely hard for there not to be life elsewhere, and extremely hard for it to get here.
find me another collapse/demolition whos aftermath looks like this, you cant
>they shipped all the rubble to china
before ~5 pm that very same day? i dont fucking think so. you can see WTC7 standing in the back. those buildings are missing an enormous amount of substance
no, theyre demons who have enslaved and tricking humanity into suicide.
So far its going as planned