Hunger strike

My ex ran away from me with my baby child and has lied to social services about me and is refusing to aknowlege me.

I’m going on hunger strike with no water until she shows me the social services report.

I have been driven absolutely mad by all of this. Also my dad passed away on the same day she took my child.

I’m not going to eat or drink until I can know something about my son.

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No one is going to care.

I’m going to sit here in this room and not leave. I’m not going to eat anything (I’m barely eating anyway) and I’m not going to drink anything either.

I don’t care if I die anymore. I’ve already lost everything in my life

You should seek a lawyer also why did she run away?

Are you unstable, Op?

I mean, a well adjusted person doesn't throw a hunger tantrum...they usually have an action plan or seek legal help of sorts

I don’t have money for a lawyer I’m in a foreign country and I lost my job because I was so stressed by all of this I can’t sleep.

Yeah yeah I’m not well adjusted blah blah I don’t fucking care anymore. All I’ve ever done is try to protect my family and my son. She’s trashed everything and I’ve got nothing left now.

Of course I’m unstable NOW. My life got trashed from top to bottom.

Want to know how horrible it is when you are set to be a dad and then the bitch abandons the baby and then you have to try and bottlefeed a newborn and then find a full time nanny in a foreign country so you can go to work and then the bitch comes back 5 days later and demands using all sorts of legal threats and lies that you hand over your child and then your dad dies because maybe the stress and worry and then she’s like here you go have he baby back I don’t feel like looking after Himanymore and then your like wtf you just trashed the nanny I arranged because she’s too scared because of your threats and then she takes him back to another country and then just as you are starting to rebuild life she’s like here is your son take a look at him and then you start to get attached again and then she lies to social services about you so she can shift blame on to me so the kid doesn’t get taken away but that basically means I get banned from ever seeing him and she won’t even show me the report and the lies it contains so there is no way I can defend myself?

Oh man, if you're a guy nobody will care. Sorry but that's life, women are coddled and you get nothing.

Well I’m going to die then.

My exwife habitually cheated on me. Then took my daughter across the country. Legally. I rarely get to see her. I know how you feel.

This is why some men reasonably murder their spouses. I'm sorry man.

you're going to die without water user

If you're consigned to it, why not try for going out with a bang?

God I hate women.
Enjoy your kid hating you.

I know. But I don’t care anymore. I already think about suicide every day for the past 2 months.

I’m not going to return to my home country alive anyway. She already drained all my money through hospital bills and getting a huge flat that I never ended up needing and providing everything for the baby. Now I’ve lost my job.

I was planning to execute myself in the plane toilets if I ran out of money by taking lots of sleeping tablets and putting a bag over my head. So that my mum would be spared the expense of dealing with my body in a foreign country.

I’m not returning alive that’s for sure. This way is probably better it’s my last chance. Maybe she will realise what she’s done.

She won't.
Depending which country you are in and or going to, you might be interested in taking the child and going on the run, somehow.

I’m scared of pain. I want to die but I’m scared of pain or botching it somehow and ending up as a vegetable.

I just feel sorry for my son. I feel sorry for my mum. I feel sorry for everything but I can’t take this any more.

I know no one cares about me, government hates me, the friends I burnt my bridges with over this I’ve been so angry at everyone

I just want everything to stop. I want someone to realise what is happening to me

>Enjoy your kid hating you.
This. She'll turn your kid against you, feeding him all sorts of mental poison now that she's shut you out. OP if you kill yourself she'll only double down on it too, do you really want your only legacy to be a kid who hates you?

Which country is your home country?
If it isn't the US, Canada, Uk, Aus, NZ, maybe France, take the kid, go to your country, never go back, your mother will help you fight for it.

Don't harm yourself, OP. You can still get your kid back on weekends and make new ones if this one is taken away.

I don’t care. My friend videotaped me being forced to hand him over to her, and he has promised me that he will give my son the video one day. He will know the truth about his dad one day and that I didn’t have any choice. I already wrote a letter explaining what happened.

If I were you, I would get filthy rich and make a new family. Forget her and the kid. If the kid reaches out when they're older, you can explain.

>my uncle did this. She begged for him back when the kid was a teen, and he kicked her to the curb but met his kid, explained everything and now he lives with his dad.

>He will know the truth about his dad one day and that I didn’t have any choice. I already wrote a letter explaining what happened.
Sorry man but I really fucking doubt it. One video and a letter is not going to counter a lifetime of indoctrination.

It is one of those countries. It’s the country I’m a citizen of that I’m never going back to alive.

We had to leave in the first place because she wanted to give him up for adoption and then changed her mind they were going to remove him at birth that is the reason I decided to bring us to another country, the country I’m in. But then as soon as he was born she went crazy and fucked my life up abandoned the baby on me and then took him right back to social services who are now on the verge of kidnapping him. And she has lied about me and blamed everytrhing on me to them but she is the one who abandoned him and left a newborn baby without food.

Haha yeah that’s what everyone here is telling me, but I don’t think that will ever happen for me. I’m a complete wreck over this mourning for my dad and mourning for my son I’ve never felt like killing myself before this in all my days, but now I do. I think about killing myself every day.

You need a lawyer, get legal aid.

There’s nothing I can do about that anyway. To be honest I’d rather not be around to find out. I’ll be dead anyway one way or another. And I’m not going to be able to get rich or anything like that because I’m a mental and physical wreck already from not eating anything for months.

Can't you take the kid and run to cambodia or something?

Do you have any contact with his mom? Can you convince her to let him see you regularly?

Eat and drink, user. You still have a possibility, don't give up.

There is no point. They already decided about me based on their lies. The courts and system have never been kind to me or believed me. I know going down that road is just going to be agony. I can’t be bothered with that kind of false hope. I just want to either die or have her aknowlege that she has to listen to me. Anyway I’m probably just going to sit here and die over the course of the next few days I’m not going to tell anyone in this country what I’m doing. Only the anonymous people here and people back in my home country who don’t have any way of finding me or force feeding me. So basically the choice for them is to have me die or for her or someone I know to force her to stop doing this to me or I die

I don't know which fucking countries this is.

Is this like Canada/US border, or are you in the fucking Philippines or something?

That’s pretty much what I did but she fucked it all up and now I can’t do shit about it because she is in the clutches of social services now and so is my son.

And because we escaped from them the first time they have her u see house arrest pretty much

She'll probably enjoy this mate.

I’m on the other side of the world.

Asia? Russia? Europe?

Are you in NZ? I'm willing to help you out.

Well, she will but after I die she won’t have anyone to torture anymore. I don’t care. I literally already past the point of having any dignity everything is stripped from me. I don’t care “how this looks” or “how she feels” or “what my son will think” i don’t have anything left.

Asia. my home country is the United shitdom of 1984 and fat black women taking your kids away.

Can you not just bribe the government for your kid?

You got it ass backwards. She took my kid back to the uk. We went to Asia to escape

Should have dated a white woman. Other races only see you as a cash machine that can be tortured for money.

She IS white you ignoramus. We’re both English.

You'll probably end up having to pay child support if you go to a western country, might be time to rethink some things.

I wouldn't kill yourself though.

Look at the picture of my son

Is she super poor then? What motivated her to use you? Why she was thinking of abortion?

Well this is it no more food and water.

I’ll keep you guys updated on the process of dying.

>being a mentally ill, effeminate millennial

sad, many such cases

Abortion? Adoption

No idea she’s probably evil.

glhf man.

I wasn’t mentally ill previously to this happening but I think I might be now. Maybe I’m not even ill now, maybe I should feel like this. After being life destroyed so utterly. Maybe a lot of those people committing suicide you hear about are people like me who don’t have any more options


My honest suggestion at this point is that if all legal options have failed, you should give up on her and your country and try to make a new life if you can.

concentrate on being less effeminate, being mentally ill is manageable

Have new family. Also

>Do you have any contact with his mom? Can you convince her to let him see you regularly?
This is the most cucked post in this whole thread.

>h-h-hey m-maybe you could beg the woman who ruined your life to throw you some scraps

No. It's so he can have some relationship with his son.

Yeah I’m sick of hearing people telling me to man up. It doesn’t have any effect on me bro I’m sorry.

Basically give up. No.

>i-i-if you get on your knees and kiss her feet she might give you and hour a month with the kid!

You can have a second chance at life and a family, or you can be dead.

Eat something, drink something, look into options of countries to move to with your skills, move to a new country and start again.

Pretend the baby was put up for adoption.

you gotta. If you don't you're gonna keep crying about it your whole life. You sure is this what you want?

I don’t have enough money for that now. I have only about £800 left which is enough for plane ticket and suicide pills. I’m also a complete physical wreck from not eating or sleeping for 2 months. So no one is going to hire me. I’m either going to sit here in this room and die or execute myself in the plane toilets after we are over British airspace.

My whole life is going to be 4 days or a week max

Is going to take a bunch of Valium and swig some vodka and then put an elasticated bag over my head with my hands inside and then when I lose consciousness my hands will fall out and the elastic will close and I will end like that peacefully. At least my mum won’t have to pay to fly my body back.

This is a terrible plan. Return to 1984 land then move to poland or something.

not OP but it sounds pretty considerate to me

Go into mental hospital in UK for having suicidal thoughts and they will feed and help you.

I can’t as soon as I go there all the shit they have been accusing me of will come into affect. Likely I will be banned and have all sorts of orders against me applied. Anyone who has never had all this happen to them doesn’t understand but england is really like 1984 and the social services have supreme power over life and death and they can say anything based on anything and have my life turned upside down.

Going back to the uk alive is not an option

kill her and take the kid to ecuador


Very low chance of success with that plan


Just have another child. All this drama over mah babba!

Ok, it sounds like your life is pretty much over then.
IDK which asian country you are in, but if your passport isn't cancelled you can do a bunch of shit over there to stay a long time. You can find a new family and just live there.

50 years from now you can be that weird white guy in a Hawaiian shirt who runs a bar or something and bangs 13 year olds.

>Go to a mental hospital
Won't he lose his kids for good if he does this? All the wife has to say is "he was in a mental hospital" and the judge will agree to help her keep away her kids from their maniac dad

Because that is not going to happen. If I go to a mental hospital in the uk the social services will just use that as another thing another reason why I can’t contact my child or something and then I will be in a mental hospital in the UK and have all sorts of orders applied against me and then I will never be able to get a job or even have a chance of anything in life. I prefer a slightly quicker death

Try contacting with male rights activists in UK and see if someone can help you or if they have some shelter for men. Look for them in Jow ForumsMensRights on reddit.

>shelter for men
Those usually get shut down for sexism

There might be some somewhere. OP is not only man who has been treated like this, he could get friends who share his experience and know what to do.

I already tried contacting fathers for justice when this first started and they didn’t reply.

I also started a crowdfund page but no one donated to it.

Where would the funds go? Into a lawyer?

OP what would you advise your son to do in this situation?

Yes. That was when they were all still here and trying to blackmail me into handing my son back to the person who abandoned him not even once but three times with no milk

I wouldn’t know what to say. I hope he never ends up in this situation. Because there’s no way out

It eventually worked because I realised no one was going to help me so that day I asked my friend here to look after my son after I go and then I called the nanny and said I wouldn’t be coming with the money each week it would be my friend and that the only person to trust was him.

That is what made her freak out and she said you have to come collect him and my friend knew I was about to commit suicide by hanging fromthe balcony at that point I was soavused after several
Weeks of battle and then he called the police but they were like we don’t give a fuck anyway he drove to collect my son and he said it’s not worth it just give him to her and that was that

>No one is going to care.

So you were suicidal when you still had the kid? Why?

Because they kept pushing g me and threatening to ruin my life if I didn’t let her take him away. And even when she got him back she was like “I can’t look after him have him back” but by then it was already wrecked the nanny was gone I couldn’t take anymore time off work to find another and I was on the verge of getting fired.

Yeah, that’s not the type of person that should be around children.

Super Hans seems more stable than you.

It’s ok I’ll be dead soon

Okay. You should still stay alive, your son probably wants to visit you alive some day and hear the real story.

>your son probably wants to visit you alive some day and hear the real story.

My son doesn’t even recognise me. He was taken away from me at 2 weeks old

There's been many people that have been in your situation OP, but this is the first time I've heard of one throwing a fucking "hunger strike" out of this.
You need to give us more information. Why is she refusing to acknowledge you? What did she lie about?
Try contacting her parents about this. They usually know best. If you really are some insufferable creep and seems like they don't want to talk to you, then you probably really are one that shouldn't be acknowledged as that baby's father.

Why was she considering adoption in the first place? Didn't she want him?

Yeah I’m the one who is the creep it’s ok I can’t argue against people that form an opinion on me based on not even knowing me or ever speaking to me. That’s what the world is. I probably don’t belong here. Dying soon so it’s ok

No she probably doesn’t really want him and probably never really loved me. It’s ok though. I’ll be dead soon

>If you really are some insufferable creep
helpful post there champ, I'm sure OP will take your empathetic opinion on board.

What did she exactly gain from doing this? Did she want money or what?

No idea she’s gone completely crazy maybe it was post natal depression but she’s now done things that have irreparable effects like going back to england straight back in to the clutches of social services.

>Ignores everything else I said and breaks down at the sight of a stranger on a mongolian basketweaving forum calling him a creep

Judging from your responses, you sound like an insufferable ninny. Why don't you actually help yourself instead of sabotaging yourself to get what you want you fucking lunatic? Think of it this way, you've already said you're suicidal. Even if you did raise your kid, he'd probably end up hating you anyway for being such a selfish weak prick that raised him into thinking guilt-tripping people and threatening suicide is an actual method to get what they want. Fuck off.
Empathetic? Where do you think you are?

excellent, from this we can disregard anything you have to say. You're probably a woman too.

It’s ok. I hope nothing like this ever happens to you. If it did you might understand. I could never have imagined it myself until it happened.