I'm a black guy moving to a virtually all white neighborhood in Vermont...

I'm a black guy moving to a virtually all white neighborhood in Vermont. What should I expect as the only black guy in town? Will the racism be bad? Also, are liberal white girls easy for a black guy?

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careful OP. You might accidentally drown in white pussy if you're not careful.

you should expect to be the only black guy in town
racism doesnt exist
yes, extremely easy

the most “racism” you will experience will be ignorant people who treat you differently because you are black not because they are racist but because they also believe racism exists and are doing reverse racism. might get treated like you should fit stereotypes if you dont because they dont genuinely care about brown people, they just want to seem not racist or something. Girls will either want to fuck you because youre black or some other reason or because they like you. Youll know who is who if they throw themselves at you vs play hard to get. Throwing = like you, other reason = hard to get. You can fuck them all though probably, have fun you stupid nigger you should only have sex with your wife and vermont is a piece of shit
t black person

Just wave at them in a friendly manner and show no sort of "ghettoness" of any kind. Then you'll be fine.

T. Black suburban user for 10 years

you won't be treated any different for the most part, except by very liberal people who will treat you nicer bc you are black. real racists will only bother you if you act like a stereotypical nig. and you will prob be the only black dude in town. when i went to school in VT, the black dudes were drowning in white pussy. also expect some pussy liberals wives to try to make you their bull.

>reverse racism

Don’t use meaningless phrases.

It’s racism. There aren’t reverse doctors or reverse antisemites...

yeah but it is reverse racism you cuck
racism is prejudice based on skin color alone which no one does

when yor skin color is associated with behavior that is a pattern of those people that is not racism. These people are doing the opposite of racism by associating a pattern with skin color and not skin color with a pattern, for instance

“he is a criminal because he is black” - racism

“he is more likely to be a criminal because he is black” - not racism

these girls might assume you should sound ghetto or have a giant penis and if you dont they will be surprised. not racism

a reverse antisemite would say being cheap is a jewish trait, a semite would hate jews for being cheap. One is an observation, the other is judgment. Just observing a pattern and associating it with a race is not racism, it’s the opposite you bitch. reverse doctor isnt a good enough anology for me to explain

racism isn’t real

>racism is prejudice based on skin color alone

Obviously never been to Hawai’i or Samoa...

>What should I expect as the only black guy in town?
If it were before 1980, I'd say keep your lights on at night, since there's a decent possibility your house will be torched. It helped to be a pastor back then. In the really racist suburbs of Chicago, the one black house the Italians didn't burn back then was the one inhabited by a pastor.

Nowadays, I think you don't have much to worry about. You'll probably be something of a novelty, but you shouldn't expect overt racism. You'll probably get the typical shit; people obviously locking their car doors, etc.

If you're good at code shifting, you should get by very well. You'll probably get dumb people saying shit like "You sure don't act black!" While it's dumb when they say that, you should take it as a sign that you're integrating VERY well.

>blacks still think they should be afraid of whites
When will you niggers realize that you should be afraid of yourselves more than whites?

don't act like a gigantic faggot and you will be fine

Dont play loud music, invite everyone over for bbq.
You’re golden.

wow a diamond in the rough, what brings you here to Jow Forums, traveller? Would you like to stay at my inn for a drink? Tell me of your tales!

(you are emotionally intelligent)

>be nigger
>op pic is literally "muh dik"
Stay ghetto

Move out. People live in Vermont to get away from niggers

My family is from ghetto part of CT and moved to New Hampshire. Like others said people dont look to kindly on being ghetto or urban up in those states. The best you can hope for is to be the token black guy

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Has it occurred to you that the people who chose to live in an all white neighborhood chose that neighborhood because it's an all white neighborhood? Why would you go out of your way to be the turd in the punchbowl?

or, maybe they chose it because it is a nice neighborhood and as long as OP doesn't shit it up they won't care

This. Op if you're a respectable citizen anyone who gives you shit for your race will be socially ostracized.

>What should I expect as the only black guy in town? Will the racism be bad?
No you will be given way less shit than a white guy moving in an all black neighborhood.

>Also, are liberal white girls easy for a black guy?
Not particularly. It depends on who you are and the value you withhold in their eyes just like the next guy. Don't listen to the guys here saying 'yee bro they'll b all around your dick' they're disconnected from reality and believe the IR fiction they see on tumblr or the racebait shit from Jow Forums is real life.
They also believe men under 6' should kill themselves and if you have a big dick women are gonna magically sense it and instantly cheat on their bf with you. So don't set your hopes too high.

>getting lynched
>white flight
>cops harassing you thinking you're a burglar

Prepare to be miserable. White girls are statistically the least likely to date outside their race, it's fucking depressing. I thought like you too.

Jow Forums successfully baited
good one OP

>denounces bait
>doesn't sage, thus proceeding to bump the thread
Congratulations, summerfag.

Vermont white liberals are pretty good, from what I’ve seen.

>racism doesnt exist
Why even lie about this stuff ?

>White girls are statistically the least likely to date outside their race, it's fucking depressing. I thought like you too.

Someone here who actually speaks the truth, it sucks though.

this ×1000

Just don't be a shitty person. At first there's probably going to be some racism against you, but once you prove that you're just a normal fucking person and not a thug they'll back off. Hell, they may even end up liking you, just don't act like a thug and you'll be fine.

this thread is bait bro, look at the picture and think you dumbass

Just don't be gangsta