Tonight my wife served me with divorce papers. Tommorow I will wake up, go to the bank...

Tonight my wife served me with divorce papers. Tommorow I will wake up, go to the bank, withdraw everything from my accounts (about $100,000), and drive around town handing out $500 to needy-looking strangers until it is all gone.
We live in an apartment and have no other assets.
I understand that this is dissipation- what happens after does not concern me.
Where should I go? I was thinking the mall.

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give some to me nigga

Why not give it to me OP?

Second this.

But going back to the OP, I think you need to really think about how you're going to do this. You could easily create a mob if people start hearing that some dude is just giving away large sums of money.

You could just hit up soup kitchen lines and do it in increments of 10,000 or some shit. But I really don't know.

Honestly you need to take out the cash, and put it in another bank, in a safe deposit box, however, I’m sure she has told her attorney what you have so they will just subpoena your bank records, show that you cleaned out the account right after service, and you will owe her $50,000... if that doesn’t happen then you salvaged at least that.

Lol giving out money to strangers you don't know is the worst idea ever, take care of yourself and your own

This. Hide that shit and say you gambled it away.

It's time to put $100,000 into Monero, and then put that shit on a hardware wallet.

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Donate it to a service you enjoy. I've always wanted to donate to Wikipedia before

Give me some of it. I’m the guy who’s on hunger strike in the other thread

What, so you can say "at least the money went to a worthy cause"? you sound like a fag. on a related note, why is she divorcing you?

What's faggy about that? It's his money. I think he should find a way to hide it, but he can do what he wants with it.

You forget that he’s looking at huge legal bills in his near future. He really needs to hold onto his money. My instinct is his wife already took an old bank statement to show the court his assets... he will regret giving it away.

Uhhh why don't you spend it for yourself. Buy some online shit I dunno.
If you prefer to give it instead then why not give it to anons here? Should be more beneficial than giving to some strangers you meet. They could turn their life around with that money you know.

Send it to me user. I live in a third world country. I have barely 40 usd in my account. Life is a shitshow basically.

You stupid people seem to not understand how expensive divorce is...

Lawyers for divorce average cost ranges from $200/hour to $500/hour.

To start, most lawyers require an initial retainer of $3,500 to $10,000 per spouse depending on the complexity of your case and how well you and your spouse get along. The retainer is only the beginning for most people.

Costs for a standard Lawyer-Driven Divorce can range from $15,000 to $32,000.

Costs for a divorce that goes to trial vary, but can range from $78,000 to $200,000 per couple.

wikipedia is shit, don't give them a cent

Hey retard, can you read? OP said he does not give a fuck about what happens afterwards. It is his money and he is a grown adult, respect his decision.


why is that?

I do not suggest individuals, people tend to be in shitty situation for a reason, most the time its due to their nature or something greatly out of their control. Donating to actual charities is a better way to ensure your money is "well spent" in the right areas.

Just a thought but i respect your decisions and wishes.

Don’t dissipate it spend it on something retarded but for both of you, like a ridiculously ugly rug

Or get rid of all your assets and when your wife gets a lawyer disappear so she gets nothing

fugg yep that seals it. if i ever get divorced we're handling that shit ourselves.

wrong as fuck unfortunately, picrelated

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Buy a 80k car in cash, drive into the sunset, and start over.

Bro, take your half of everything and go have a great life!
I would go on a sick world wide vacation.
Australia is great this time of year.

Your flight leaves in 8 hours.

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20 year veteran divorce lawyer here. This is all bullshit.

Oh so you charge $29.99, you know because of your christian values and you never take a percentage of the settlements...

Can I have some? I can give my Kik or email...

And not even trying to get one over you or anything but if you're going to hand out 500 it would be safest to just do it online instead of out in public... starting at 100,000 you're probably going to get robbed or mugged within your first 20 people because some needy people are greedy fucks with nothing to lose and will try to take everything from you.

I would suggest buying a few hot, cheap escorts and making their day. Best of luck.

Why not give your wife your money? Go back to Jow Forums and come back once you've learned how to respect women, you incel.

Of course he will, likely more.

What they will do is deduct any outstanding debt and split the remainder so he will still be paying.

But how do you get served divorce papers without knowing a little something is wrong

And this is why men never recover after a divorce because they are stupid.

Divorce is tough on both parties and financially a bitch but if you are smart you can lessen the damage and bounce back faster.

If you act like OP the piece of ass thats divorcing him will be his last piece of ass ever

>Divorce is tough on both parties


could u paypal me some money, please bro. help a fellow Jow Forums user out.

>if i ever get divorced we're handling that shit ourselves.
>Implying you'll have a choice

>willingly paying parasites to stick their oversize hook noses into our intensely personal already-painful-enough private business so they can needlessly complicate preparing and filing court documents for us like the scheming disgusting pointless middlemen they've always only ever been
>implying i'd marry a dude who didn't share my disdain for our soon-to-be-expelled subhuman hand rubbing brethren
>implying even if all my dreams AND my nightmare were to both come true i'd not still greatly prefer that we sort it ourselves

>getting married

t. Jew

This is definitely not a female.

bet me nigger

>Where should I go? I was thinking the mall.
the mall's crowded and artificial and couples usually go there, go to the park or
out into the woods if you're feeling like fuck-it-all, or go to the stripclub and then the nightclub if you want to drink and party away. If you have a passport and feel like it you could also follow 's suggestion but maybe go to a 3rd world country and hand it all out there instead?

[spoiler]also i'm in a really fucked up situation that i have no control over simply because i was born and that $500 will literally unironically fix all of my problems, i can explain everything and why that amount will fix it all if you want, do you feel like giving me some?[/spoiler]

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Fuck that donate to ED.
they need the money more

OP I know its a slim fucking chance but I'm in a dark spot and have been fucked over by my family financially and have gone from working for a family business under minimum wage to looking for a job with my assets out of reach and having been downright told they will either deny me as a reference or make me regret listing them. Im taking care of a younger sibling and I'm at the end of my rope and have lost all hope as I'm out of options and short of a miracle sse no light at the end of the tunnel. Every time I have daytraded with 500 pretend money I've made profit enough to buy essential food, pay bills, and reinvest more, I've just never had the money to begin with.

There is no hardware wallet for monero

Which was my point. Him getting rid of the cash with no care as to what comes is the stupidest thing he said other than saying “I do”, because he will be working overtime to pay her support plus the 50k...

OP, keep some money and bury somewhere and wait. Or just escape to another country, one without extradition treaties with the US possibly, 100.000$ will go a long way to hide and start anew. If you're a professional it's even easier.
By the way, I know I'm pretty cheeky but 200$ would help me pay my university taxes, thankyouverymuch

OP you could just help some of us just saying

>day trading with $500
My fuckin sides

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Buy gold backed crypto-currency then wait, if they wonder where all the money is say that you spent it gambling or something.

>using the (((bank)))

I'll sell you some monero for it, lol

move it off shores

Liquidate your assets into bitcoins.
Bitcoin cannot be seized by the courts if your country has anything similar to the 5th amendment.