Woman killed by cops in Paris was Fake News


Testimonies on the social networks affirm that a Belgian yellow vest would have died in Paris: it is very probably a false information

Anonymous sources and often suspicious, no report of the AFP, no confirmation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the rumor launched yesterday by several Internet users, often staging and video, is more than likely a 'fake news' very bad taste.

The information has been circulating insistently on Facebook since Saturday evening: a Belgian participant in the demonstration of yellow vests in Paris is said to have died, hit by a flashball to the head according to these testimonies. The news has been abundantly relayed by many witnesses via our orange button Alert us.

What are the facts ? There are indeed several videos on YouTube of people who say with conviction the death of a certain Coralie Thoreau. There are also many publications on Facebook of people saying they witnessed the death of this "brave mother".

These are often anonymous accounts with wacky names. No clearly identifiable person testified. There are also a lot of comments saying that this is false information. If the death was proven, it is likely that family members of the potential victim would have come forward. This is not the case at the moment.

So difficult to see anything other than a 'fake news' in very bad taste.

Attached: coralie.jpg (329x647, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No information regarding a deceased protester

In addition, it is very unlikely that Sunday morning, no death (Belgian or French, for that matter) was officially recorded during parades yellow jackets in Paris Saturday.

Neither AFP (Agence France-Presse) nor our colleagues at RTL France, have heard of any deaths. However, when there are serious injuries or deaths in this type of event, the information is quickly disseminated and authenticated.

According to AFP Sunday morning: "About 3,500 people demonstrated in the French capital Saturday, nearly 50,000 people in all of France, according to figures authorities.The first clashes in Paris between protesters and police are were produced around 14:00 on the banks of the Seine, near the City Hall, and clashes erupted on the bridge Léopold Sédar Senghor, connecting the two banks of the Seine at the Jardin des Tuileries. Constable was injured after being beaten by protesters ".

Foreign Affairs "check"

Contacted by us, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs tells us to be aware of the information, but have no confirmation.

"We are in contact with the embassy in Paris to find out what it is." We can not say anything for now, the checks are ongoing, "said Karl Lagatie, deputy spokesman. This Sunday morning, he was still "without news of Paris" about it.

The information is therefore absolutely not confirmed at the moment, and relatively unlikely.

So two people independently made videos, showing their face, declaring the death of a Coralie Thoreau.

Shills spread the false name Coralie Van der Beekenfrites. Shills and media can't explain this video, showing an unresponsive person on the Champs Eylseés, apparently shot by police:

But don't worry goys, it was all just fake news, spread by evil yellow vests, shame on them and praise Macron!

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"""Nice""" (((damage control))) thread you have here (((moishe)))

fucked up second link

Read before commenting. PErsonally, I believe she was killed and media, police and government are indeed in damage-control mode.

The police could have killed dozens of people and media wouldn't report it.

Just getting your story straight?
>I think she was killed
I'm enjoying this beautiful display

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Can a kind frenchanon point me to a list of people who have died in the protests and their cause of death?

Yeah the media coverage on this is weird
Feel like they are trying to cover it up

>Just getting your story straight?
Why are Aussies always shitposting?

Do you have gag orders in France? I.e. can Macron or the government order media to not report something?

>t. Angela

Attached: ratking.jpg (635x847, 122K)

Technically not
But a lot of the french media survives off of govermnent subsidies, and they have clearly been given instructions at other points in the protest

>t. shitposting aussie

Attached: merkeldavid.jpg (690x433, 40K)

>it's a cry for help if anything

Attached: 1541753751394m.jpg (1024x733, 111K)

>french media survives off of govermnent subsidies
I see, thanks.
What do you think about the three videos connected to this case? See

Kinda amazing that in 2019 it's impossible for citizens to know if state media is censoring the death of a protestor or not. Feels very much like the GDR in 1989.

First one is someone who knows her crying and trying to talk, very believable
Second one isn't the girl who died but some other protester who got injured (there was an other video of said woman on the ground)
And third one is just some random woman claiming she had confirmation that someone died

Cheers. Does french social media (reddit, Twitter, Fagbook) believe the death is fake news? I'd imagine they're split, NPCs say it's bullshit while yellow vest sympathizers think it's true.

Most think it's true, or at least believable
The few that scream "fake" are shills, trolls or even the occasional horrible human being saying shit along the lines of "it's probably fake but if it's not she deservef it"


At least that's what they want us to believe. Notice how nobody wants to confirm that nobody died. Dozens could be dead and we wouldn't know it.