Ocasio-Cortez's Proposal for 70% Tax Rate on Uber-Wealthy Could Raise $720 Billion Over Decade
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>only 720 billion in 10 years
And that's how you know US tax system is complete shit.
72 billion a year. Wow. So you can fund the wall and universal healthcare.
She wants it as an income tax, not a wealth tax, meaning it won't interfere with the assets of her Jewish friends.
Woohoo! More money for politicians to pocket with empty promises while you jerk off to the thought of “progress”!
Good one user. We’re one step closer to achieving utopia!
>Implying the money will not be funneled to fight wars for Israel
Implying the money will be used for its “intended purpose” and definitely won’t be mismanaged or “disappear” because of some “accounting error”
Threads critizing AOC get deleted but threads praising her aren't, mods and jannies are compromised, ignore these threads.
>720 billion in 10 years, or 72 billion each year
Do leftists actually see this pitiful amount of money as some sort of win? The full 720 billion in 10 years wouldn’t even suffice to cover deficit spending for a single year. Are they retarded?
does she really think the wealthy will just eat it up and not just go somewhere else with less gibs me dat taxes?
This thread isn’t even praising her. See this How can she expect to cover any of her other goals like universal healthcare or guaranteed jobs?
The rich have ways to avoid such a thing, if it ever happens. Meanwhile the middle class gets fucked beyond recovery.
How much are middle and lower class getting taxed? Ask this instead of asking "how are they going to pay for it?".
If they don't leave, you retards. Remember what Obelix did.
How about cutting unnecessary spending? The conservatives are all for small taxes, but that means you won't be able to pay your trillionaire debts. And the Democrats/Progressives are all for increasing taxes (bad for citizens) and spending, so they don't pay for it either.
How about cutting useless spendings and paying your f*cking enormous national debt first? You might even get the money for anti-climate change measures.
>How about cutting unnecessary spending?
Dats Racist.
That would hurt smaller businesses more than (((big business))) huh?
In other news Ocasio still doesn't understand the basic operations of the very government she works for and how much it all costs
Cool at that rate if we spent 100% of that money on paying down the debt it would take a mere 277 years (minimum)
stealing money is based?
communist/socialist have a really interesting worldview.
Imagine. Your country becomes a totalitarian regime. Every cent you make is crushingly taxed "for the greater good", leaving you penniless and starving. Any non-compliance, any disagreement whatsoever is suppressed with imprisonment in labor camps and eventual execution. You can't even legally leave, the walls and barbed wire surrounding your country are to keep you inside, not to keep invaders out. You are their property. All the usual lies about "security" and "terrorism" are used as excuses to root out and murder anyone who is even suspected of harboring anti-government views.
Somehow you escape, leaving your friends and family behind. They may be interrogated and imprisoned or even murdered by the secret police simply because you can't be accounted for. You legally immigrate to America. Ellis Island. The Statue of Liberty is the greatest sight you have ever seen in your entire life. Freedom. You throw yourself at your new country, working harder than you ever had for the evil powers that ran what used to be your country of origin. You become an American fully in heart and soul and remember every day the horrors that you left behind.
Then some fucking piece of shit neo-communist starts trying to change YOUR America into the hell that you left behind. All the usual lies are updated and repurposed for the modern age. "Environmentalism" and "Social Justice" replace "Party Unity" and "Public Safety". You are too old to do anything about it. You watch your children disarmed and forced into prison labor programs for "inappropriate" comments online. You watch the militarized police raid and murder any populations that refuse to follow the unconstitutional laws enforced by the neo-communist regime under the guise of rooting out "domestic terrorism". With no power to make the horror stop you slowly watch America die at the hands of the same evil that killed the country of your youth.
This is "Democratic" Socialism.
This is happening now.
>The conservatives are all for small taxes,
Fucking mexicans man
>How about cutting unnecessary spending?
The truth of the matter is the USA is currently at 120% of GDP. Debt has doubled in the last 10 years. When it reaches about 200% of GDP there will be an economic collapse.
Long term the only way to pay off this debt without ending medicare or social security is to:
- Cut all defense spending by 1/3rd, including the size of standing army (which would also serve to reduce further entitlement obligations).
- Increase inputs (raise taxes or collect more money due to better economic times)
The USA spent 200 billion on the War on Terror. They have been spending that money for the last 18 years. Putting that 200 billion (along with the other money we currently allocate) to pay down the debt would result in the debt going away in 105 years.
Realistically it doesn't need to be zero. But it should ideally be less than 50% of GDP.
Based and mommypilled
No it's not based and she's a fucking jewish, commie, spic. And you're a fucking shill, we're not magically going to start loving that bitch just because you faggots make six billion threads about her every day.
Herbs in all fields.
>Imagine. You go from thread to thread posting the same copypasta thinking you're making a good point
Is she is a meme ,proxy works hahaha
>Paul Krugman
Can't argue with a Nobel price winner.
>the tax won’t raise enough money so we shouldn’t raise taxes at all
Think about what you’ve just typed leaf
>Cut all defense spending by 1/3rd, including the size of standing army
That's not enough money.
The defense budget is only measured in the Billions, you'll need to make cuts in the amount of Trillions.
Wow what a great way to collapse our economy by making everyone with wealth flee across the border. Next thing you know Democrats will be demanding a wall to keep the wealth inside.
I'm all for a 120% tax rate on people who write for a living.
>Paul Krugman
Based 88s
But then how will we afford our gibs you filthy racist
>Raise taxes on the rich to 70%
>They all flee to tax heavens in the Carribbean
>Now the middle class has to pay the money needed
>Middle class destroyed
>Everyone becomes poor (outside of the politicians, of course)
>Communism achieved
Of course!
Guess what? If this ever passed and the rich people were served with 70% tax bills, they'd all leave the US. Guess where the money will come from after that? You think they're just going to abandon all of these wacky social programs and government expansions they have earmarked this money for? Hell no. They're going to go after whoever is stuck here, the working class and upper-middle class, and before we know it, there will be poverty lines here just like there are in Brazil. That's the one thing that they're not telling you. Rich people aren't just going to stay planted here and say, "OK sure, go ahead and rape me up the ass financially."
How the hell does she do it that she looks like she escaped from a mental health institute on every single picture of her??
>best estimate
>720 billion in ten fucking years
Are they fucking retarded? US is spending 4 trillion per year. 70 billion per year is fucking nothing.
Close the loopholes and get the cheaters. You want to live and do businesss here? These are our rules.
Fuck off bootlicker.
the point is using "raise taxes" as a solution to a problem when that problem can't be solved by raising taxes creates a whole bunch of separate runaway problems that are much harder to undo.
>What is a laffer curve
>What is emmigration
Of course some waitress from nigger central wouldn't understand this.
Thatsss not a lotta money
Think of how much of an asset Ocasio Cortez and Bernie Sanders are to the libertaran right and how much their stupid narratives backfire
>40% tax increase on personal income of le super rich
>no even 2% in extra revenue (BEST CASE SCENARIO)
Most likely this would reduce the revenue the government gets by destroying economic growth. Think of what that means; US is basically at a USSR level of government size, the most drastic and optimistic tax increases are barely felt by the government.
He's right though, the small government minded conservative libertarians always yell for less taxes.
Democrats are really pushing for the economy to die.
That only works when there's no where on the globe for the ((rich)) to offshore and hide their wealth. I find it ironic darlings of the left like Apple are/were some of the biggest tax evaders in the USA, along with Bezos' Amazon. It's almost like those taxes will be targeted to suppress and destroy any competition to the far-left globalist/communist jewish oligarchy. that couldn't be it, though, it's because we actually care about our citizens who exist to serve Israel and it's a good thing they're being wiped out by south american immigrants though...
watch everyone's pay check shrink so they don't need to give 70%
>$720 Billion
Wall to the moon when? lol
this is exactly what's been happening in France for the last 15 years
>just force everyone to stay in guys !
>just trust the politicians to make anti corruption laws guys !
>70% Tax Rate
>pay for 11% of Medicare's Mandatory Budget
>not even making a dent in Social Security or Medicaid
>even extreme tax rates only produce $720 billion in a decade
>don't stop and wonder about the ultimate cost of trillions wasted fighting wars for Israel, goys
we are so fucked
that's why you hang them in the street and take their money by force. complicit actors are complicit, it was true when the elite of 19th century Germany ignored the disparity between them and a vast majority of Germans, it's true today.
That's alright, just like every politician I'll just make a charity that donates to myself.
Because the rich are just terrible are avoiding taxes.
And now she's a Jew?
Get ready, and remember K said this, for her to become a good 'friend of Israel.'
Power corrupts, and you can be sure Jewish interests will hyperfocus on her.
All this said - is no one else tiring of tje AOC threads?
Saged - for my pleasure.
>Paul 'trump is going to sink the economy' (((Krugman)))
>he was wrong about the British economy
>he was wrong about the Japanese economy
>he was wrong about the American economy
If this faggot wasn't a member of the tribe, he would have been removed years ago.
i like how mutt conservatards pretend they wouldn't fuck her
have you seen her face?
>killing the people who are most responsible for wealth creation
great idea chief
Ah yes, trickle down economics has worked so well up to this point
yes and I would fuck that pussy. you're a bunch of closet homosexuals
fuck off pussytard
yeah right. if mestizo vagina would sit on your face you would stop shitposting on 4chin
So it would cover almost one tenth of 75% of our annual deficit. Wow, we are in a lot of trouble.
>The defense budget is only measured in the Billions, you'll need to make cuts in the amount of Trillions
You can't do that the entire budget of the US govt is only 2 trillion and the discretionary part of the pie is only about 1/3 to 1/2 depending on how you define it.
this thread has been brought to you by the faggots of discord
So you're saying, the wall could easily be funded? Or should this go towards the 54 billion we should send in "foreign aid" every year.
She actually has a point, but the system has always been flawed. In the 1950's the top marginal tax rate was 90% but nobody paid 90%. Disparity in income/wealth distribution is harming the American economy.
This is not to say she's not an idiot, because I'm sure her 'tax proposal' is full of loopholes and retardation. But also because a lot of that taxable income would simply leave.
>Could Raise $720 Billion Over Decade
and trillions of dollars will flee the country in response. Money accumulates where its least stolen.
>could raise
>might be
>sources say
Surely this will be the end of Drumpft'd
>calling anyone else bootlicker
>posting dumb larpers from the ocho is proof organized shills are real
Wow, paranoid much? Delete this post immediately, because it's just completely wrong.
You don't say. Wait CNN didn't say why the left....
"France needs it's new lower tax on wealth in order to stem its exodus of millionaires, the country's Prime Minister has warned"
>let's destroy all research and economic growth on this planet
no because Im not a desperate thirsty lonely faggot like you
i support her actions on the simple basis that it will hurt jews
do liberals actually fuck and have girlfriends?
you would eat her vagina. stop pretending
It's so fucking obvious, I don't know why people are even entertaining this retarded spic's proposal.
>raise tax on super wealthy
>super wealthy leave because fuck borders and laws and shit
>now get no money
no Im not into bestiality. only omegas perform cunnilingus
Well if it mainly affects jews whats the matter
i see. afraid of the throat cancer jew. well played
$20k+ 10%
$35k+ 15%
$50k+ 20%
$75k+ 30%
$100K+ 50%
$250K+ 60%
$500K+ 65%
$1M+ 70%
$5M+ 80%
$10M+ 85%
>$100K+ 50%
if only more people knew the dangers of cunnilingus
they will never know
Publicity is all that matters - P.T. Barnum
Except then businesses and the "Uber wealthy" will leave, as they have the means to do and Tax revenue actually decreases as a result
This is only the partial list. Yeast infections go up massively as well I know. Pro-tip, don't get throat cancer, stop the madness!
Very weak bait, but have a (you) for trying.
>Threads critizing AOC get deleted but threads praising her aren't, mods and jannies are compromised, ignore these threads.
Its been that way for years on topics they want to control a narrative about. My favorite is when we actually engage them with facts and utterly blow them out of the water, and the thread gets pruned/deleted even though its clearly political and full of shills. Leftist Mods are probably on a discord somewhere, planning things.
current taxes and foreign debt revenue in the US is more than sufficient. Stop paying a trillion on welfare and billions on bank subsidies, foreign aid to Israel and CEO salaries and start investing in the parts of the country that are starting to become indistinguishable from the 3rd world.
We even gave you 20million$s in 2007. Makes you think.
It's called Gardasil, Git the vax 4 years ago. Also Hep A/B, Ine of the safest vaccines out there, not even IM shoulder pain.
If you're going to involved with women nowadays, over 90% carry HPV, and condoms won't protect you.
It is safe, but people underestimate how dangerous getting a vaccine for everything can be.
Its dumb to advertise something as "safe" when they know there will always be complications. Nothing is perfectly safe. I may have sperged out, but you oversimplified.