Girls do better in all subjects. The future is female. However females don't take risks. This will result in mostly average and smart female skilled employees with mostly smart male employers. The average males become criminals, hobos and gamers. This is the future because girls are better at studying on average in all cases.
>Girls do better in all subjects. Good, so can we stop all the women's only academic programs and send some money to the boys to catch them up? Or would that still be sexist?
Evan Cox
Imagine. Your country becomes a totalitarian regime. Every cent you make is crushingly taxed "for the greater good", leaving you penniless and starving. Any non-compliance, any disagreement whatsoever is suppressed with imprisonment in labor camps and eventual execution. You can't even legally leave, the walls and barbed wire surrounding your country are to keep you inside, not to keep invaders out. You are their property. All the usual lies about "security" and "terrorism" are used as excuses to root out and murder anyone who is even suspected of harboring anti-government views. Somehow you escape, leaving your friends and family behind. They may be interrogated and imprisoned or even murdered by the secret police simply because you can't be accounted for. You legally immigrate to America. Ellis Island. The Statue of Liberty is the greatest sight you have ever seen in your entire life. Freedom. You throw yourself at your new country, working harder than you ever had for the evil powers that ran what used to be your country of origin. You become an American fully in heart and soul and remember every day the horrors that you left behind. Then some fucking piece of shit neo-communist starts trying to change YOUR America into the hell that you left behind. All the usual lies are updated and repurposed for the modern age. "Environmentalism" and "Social Justice" replace "Party Unity" and "Public Safety". You are too old to do anything about it. You watch your children disarmed and forced into prison labor programs for "inappropriate" comments online. You watch the militarized police raid and murder any populations that refuse to follow the unconstitutional laws enforced by the neo-communist regime under the guise of rooting out "domestic terrorism". With no power to make the horror stop you slowly watch America die at the hands of the same evil that killed the country of your youth. This is "Democratic" Socialism. This is happening now.
Isaiah White
They GET better grades. They don't EARN better grades. Teachers and professors are terrified of getting title IX'd.
Jeremiah Allen
Funny. The only girl who is better than me at Japanese tries every day and revises 2 hours a night. I just sit in class and speak to Japanese people and I'm at her level. Imagine being her.
Brayden Collins
Females are good at regurgitating and repeating things told to them because theyre yes sir passive obiedient morons in most cases, its nothing special
Robert Nelson
not to mention that statistics should never be so easily trusted, and that in many cases i find that statistics are skewed to simply make females feel better and like they should actually apply themselves or work in STEM, when the real statistics go to show that females are actually not good at math and things men excel at.
Nathan Gutierrez
It's a lot easier than that See this The whole "womyn power" is not about "womyn power" but about breakin males spirit. It's about western males. (((They))) use females to attack western males identity and spirit before they can grow and become a threat.
Perverse sick system .
Ethan Walker
Of course they will when %90 fail and switch to a lib art major by the end of the first year. Just pick the right sample to get the results you want.