God, I hate hip hop. Such a shitty nigger music. They basically steal samples, sounds, beats from other songs...

God, I hate hip hop. Such a shitty nigger music. They basically steal samples, sounds, beats from other songs, add some retarded junkie rants about nothing, and call it music. Yet, it's basically spammed by music station. It's fucking everywhere. Anyone tired of nigger music propaganda?

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based and redpilled

>based and redpilled
well, it's a standard state of mind in the case of central / eastern europe countries


Nah, people just listen to whatever retarded ''music'' plays in top 500 or whatever hit playlists, which is usually shitty hip hop.

are people even listening to the music anymore? still, one of the most annoying thing about hip hop is that it's constantly promoted by media since 90s. every other genre had ups and downs, fell out of popularity, but somehow nigger hop is still treated as the trendiest music

"Real" hip hop can be good, it often incorporates an attitude of self improvement and education as well as requiring actual skill to perform. Of course the jew labels push the degeneracy that you're talking about instead. Most of the good stuff either came out decades ago or is on underground labels.


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I guess this is what you consider good then

you mean one needs skill to throw the thrills?
to be playa without any understandaya
of delivering microphone skits?
I'm gonna doubt you mate, cos your license for shitposting is out of date

I like that whole album but it was just an example of the positive attitude really, it's not the most accessible material. Try stuff like A Tribe Called Quest

>it's not the most accessible material.
dude, I checked the link and it's super easy listening music. it wasn't bad, though

There hasn't been any good popular music since the '90s.


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listening to link related atm myself: youtube.com/watch?v=hrMAFvIKoCw&index=8&list=PLz6cAheObZcimR6G-idZ6tLz7whwfppLp

To answer your earlier question OP no people don't listen to music anymore, people are too busy texting their niggers to bother developing a taste for music. They just listen to whatever gets spammed in clubs and on the radio.

It was ok when it came out in the 90s but the niggers done nigged it up, it is intolerable nigger noise now

I guess this may as well just become a music thread in general, I sit around the house listening to music more or less all day when im not at work. I'll just list some of my favorite albums in no particular order.

Treason by Gryphon
Zzebra by ZZebra
Lizard by King Crimson
Katy Lied by Steely Dan
Grand Hotel by Procol Harum
Something Magic by Procol Harum
A salty Dog by Procol Harum
Fantasia Lindum by the Amazing Blondel
Gorilla by the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
The Cheefrul Insanity of Giles Giles and Fripp by Giles Giles and Fripp
Sold Out by The Scaffold
The Cowsills by The Cowsills
Soft Parade by The Doors
In A Gadda Da Vita by Iron Butterfly
The Strawberry Alarm Clock by Strawberry Alarm Clock
Atlantide by The Trip

>I guess this may as well just become a music thread in general
well okay, albeit I wouldn't mind some nigger hate

Listening to hip hop redpilled me a bit more. For all the reasons you listed. I felt ashamed.

Hip hop was played out in 2004. It barely had a pulse by the time Soulja Boy was blowing up the charts, dead by the auto-tune era, a rotting corpse by the time bass beats got replaced by tinny smartphone beats. Now it is a mumble zombie that the music industry thinks it has to sick on every other genre of music to keep relevant when in fact it's killing all music.

How the fuck do people still think it is edgy or fresh in any way? It's so stale.

>when in fact it's killing all music.
I would argue that hip hop directly killed MTV

there isn't any instrumentation in nigger music its all soulless noise generated by some machine in a studio. No singing ability required because the ineptitude of the nigger (and all singers anymore really) are masked (albeit poorly) by machines in a studio. Hell niggers don't even write their music anymore, most of their songs are written by the same kikes that produce the music. So what do nigger rappers actually do? They don't write the lyrics, they don't compose or arrange the music and they don't perform the music upon any instruments, so what are they paid to do? Well the answer is as simple as it is shameful, they're paid to dance around on stage and act like monkeys. They swagger around with their pants on the ground and ramble incoherently at a mass of ignorant onlookers entranced by this display. I mean its kinda shocking that niggers agree to do these modern day minstrel shows but they're too stupid to realize that they're paid solely to dance around like apes and act like fools. The worst part imo is the complete lack of appreciation for complexly composed instrumentation, all this ''music'' uses the same 4/4 time sig 60 bpm with next to no actual performance. Music is supposed to be enjoyable to listen to AND play, but no one plays any instruments anymore let alone plays well and god forbid people play complex music well. I can't even imagine a nigger attempting to play anything half as complicated as any of Steely Dans' guitar solos.

>half as complicated as any of Steely Dans' guitar solo

Holy shit, lmfao that's cringy as fuck.

nigger who you playin. i guarantee you 95% of nigger rappers cant even read sheet music, let alone play an instrument of any description, and blowing into a kazoo doesn't count.

>black lives matter
>calls other cringy

Over 30 years of hiphop, music industry still trying to push this shit upon us.

>they're paid to dance around on stage and act like monkeys
this is actually a good essence of the problem

oh my god that was fucking terrible. don't quit your day job sucking on cocks for a living, m8. that was embarrassing.

now you know how I feel about nigger hop

>It was ok when it came out in the 90s
late '70s

Shut your lame ass up.

Yeah, I remember when I was 14 and thought I was superior to people because I had a "sophisticated" music taste consisting of mostly death metal. You'll grow out of that phase and hopefully become a somewhat functional member of society when you graduate high school and stop having mommy and daddy paying for everything.

in the 70s/80s it was mostly nigger disco remixes

Some videoclips are cool tho

I agree. Anyone remember all that shit from the 90s where pic-related would just speak nigger jumblings over the top of an existing famous song?

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it's really trashy now. just stay the fuck away from these 'trap' / soundcloud faggots. they're truly cancerous. even a lot of older niggers hate that shit too. they also think this new generation are nothing but faggots.

When are you going to grow out of "memeflag" phase?

The traditional music industry never recovered from P2P downloading in the early 2000s. MP3 sharing killed album sales. They fought tooth and nail to shut it down and prosecute instead of finding ways to adapt. The first few years YouTube was alive, every big media outlet was trying to sue it or throttle it for unrealistic reparations based on views. In 2006, you could find just about anything on YouTube. Once Viacom sued them in January 2007, copyrighted content started being pulled left and right.

Eventually, they embraced it when they found a way to make money off of it (VEVO, jamming it with ads, etc) and realized that they could act as gatekeepers. Aside from Daniel Tosh being a douche, I always hated Tosh.0 for that reason - Viacom went from trying to shut down YouTube for hosting their videos to making money shilling other people's YouTube content.

>implying I didn't already stay the fuck away from them

well, yeah. that's where it all started, by the mid 80s it got quite sophisticated with the invention of affordable samplers that didn't cost as much as a house.

We both clearly find it fun to trigger people.

I was thinking more about the 90s, rather than 00s. In the 00s MTV already lost most of the good programming it had for the sake of reality shows

Started listening to opera.
Here’s a Starter Pack:
*Bizet: Carmen- prelude to Act I, Votre Toast, La Habanera
*Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries
*Puccini: Nessun Dorma
*Rossini: Barber of Seville
*Verdi: La donna e mobile
*Funculi Funicula

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the left has used rap to help tear down the west for decades now. They know how well it works so they keep pushing it

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>it got quite sophisticated
yeah, they could afford to steal samples from better songs. since you're knowledgeable about hip hop, you probably know that there was this literally one bass sample that was used in basically every 80s hip hop song for some reason. I mean, seriously

memeflag pls
im 20 nigger and I've had the same taste in music for as long as I can recall. Granted I didn't start listening to most of these albums until I was about 14 but I still preferred this type of music on the rare occasion I heard it on the radio.

Also I just wanna put this out there, all this nigger shit started with this song from the album Zapp by Zapp: youtube.com/watch?v=ry73m8lNnPA

Though very primitive and simple music at least these niggers played instruments. I liked it back when niggers actually played half decent music like this: youtube.com/watch?v=HZfdP201A9c

Fuck yeah. It's crazy that opera used to be pretty big, but then again, classical music used to have a new popularity thanks to people like Vanessa Mae

>I liked it back when niggers actually played half decent music like this
That would require work, and we know what niggers think about work. Another thing, many musicians who put effort into learning to play musical instruments, managed to avoid gangsta lifestyle

That isn’t real hip-hop this is

Yeah at the niggers from Zapp played instruments. The lazy ass kikes and niggers that produce rap nowadays are too lazy to even throw together a half assed beat that goes on for 10 mins, sampling is the big thing now. I guess stealing is the nigger way though, god forbid they have to put in actual effort to make money.

I think is was big because it it’s good! With popular music, it’s “good” because it’s big.

yeah you cant get a nigger to work if they dont have to.

it's true, the sample thefts were quite blatant and producers and labels around the world just couldn't believe original artists had the nerve to sue them for royalties! same shit still goes on today. I'm all for sampling, but if you're going to sample things, especially recognisable work, and fail to give credits or pay royalties, then you deserve every lawsuit you get handed to you. I really don't have any sympathy for those cunts.

True, and it's big, because media make it big. Still, I didn't mind when media promoted tenors like celebrities. At least people had some small hint of better culture

Dont you have any toilets to clean? Your opinion is worthless you fucking cretin

It seems like MTV hit its peak influence between 1998 and 2001 or so during the TRL era when they had hordes of kids on Times Square everyday cheering for a small handful of videos that were cut to pieces in-between tons of commercials

That was around the time they made MTV 2 the dedicated video channel and MTV the "shitty reality TV for 14 year old girls" channel. Of course, MTV 2 became the "reruns of old MTV shows that have nothing to do with music" channel shortly thereafter.

They had this unparalleled influence 20 years ago and now they're completely irrelevant. It's pretty funny

>Sees flag

Why do you hate the music of your people? Self hating darkies are always sad to see.

I have a day off. I already cleaned the toilet using that toothpaste flag of yours

Maybe I don't want to end up like a country with a leaf for a flag that has to spend the whole wage to do some modest groceries shopping

>They had this unparalleled influence 20 years ago and now they're completely irrelevant. It's pretty funny
it's well deserved. they did nothing to save themselves and drove away many people from watching it.

>I already cleaned the toilet using that toothpaste flag of yours
top kek. you're alright, poland.

it's the only music with such a bass around 90 bpm tempo, new stuff is literally space trash, as usual
>the mutt giveth, the mutt taketh

>not listening to paktofonika
Keep listening to sheep music then

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The last thing I ever watched on it was Pimp My Ride. By that point, the commercial breaks were so long (5 min+) that I would forget what I was watching.

They almost seemed to be onto a good niche when they launched MTV Classic in 2016. The first day, they ran through old tapes of Unplugged, 120 Minutes, etc. Cool, right? I'd imagine they have a goldmine at their disposal, but no. A week in and they decide to use their primetime slots to rerun old reality shows and 80s movies that you can watch anywhere else like Ghostbusters 2, but with a ton of commercials. Stupid.