So what's the general political party for pedophiles?

So what's the general political party for pedophiles?

Attached: my daughters.jpg (344x349, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hang them


Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty.


Republicans. Since the whole pizzagate scandal implicated pedos in the democratic party, and if I know politics, you always call out your opponents as being the main criminal to hide your own criminal behavior.

t. pedophile in denial

Hang them

This one too

National liberal

Attached: ff.webm (495x300, 1016K)

I fucked my daughter :D

Kill yourself OP. Today. Do it. Nobody loves you. No body even likes you. It’s all a lie. What you tell yourself. Just lies. You’re not even enjoying yourself. You’re so fucking bored. Just kill your self. You don’t have to broadcast it. The sheriefs will find you eventually. Tie something heavy around your neck and jump into deep water. It’s for the best.


Don't know anything about that.. but the Republicans sure do love the church.

Skinned, dropped in boiling acid and publicly hanged alongside traitors and jews

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Not a chance, rules for radical isn't a creation of the right. Plus, the inclusiveness and boundary pushing of the Lgbtia+2heofn agenda is the most fertile ground for pedophilia going mainstream

Canada defending pedos as usual
checked btw


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not really, no

>posting Greco roman sculptures while saying that

The ironing

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I don't care about pedophiles as long as they dont molest someone. I don't believe in thought crime

The only cure for pedophilia is death

And John Podesta + friends love to hang out in a creepy Pizzeria with a bad reputation

Kill yourself

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>who cares dude lol just live and let live
Is the exact kind of attitude destroying your country

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You have to admit its very ironic


fpbp /thread

Yes, who cares if someone has weird thoughts? If they don't act on it then its fine.

What’s wrong

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based and teenpilled

Really? Then why is it that conservatives are considered people who would generally consider their daughter to be the breeding force for the white race if the answer wasn't republican?

Stop viewing the world as how you'd like it, and see it for how it is. Everyone is fucking crazy and i'm just sitting here making fun of it all while you're defending it. Think to yourself, what do you stand for, and then look at what you're associated with, if that doesn't represent your beliefs then you are something different, no?

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considering most pedos are religious tards, republicans are your safe bet

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Based. Newfags are actually triggered by innocent bathing pics

Fuck I hate this world now

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Watch, this will get the thread shoahed even though its not even sexual.

Of course. Mods are fags

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>discussion of circumcision is off topic
Ouch. Mods pls

i hope so. the image and topic are indicative of deviancy.
people reporting shit-tier posts are doing the Lord's work.

this isn't where you post bathing pics of any kind
lol you will all burn in hell

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look, everyone, the Cuckistani is a pedo. big shock i know.

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There was one for a while in the Netherlands

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Kill yourself faggot kike

>faggot kike
... if I allowed this thread to exist then that's what I would be...
>you need to get right with God, my child.

off yourself

why would adults want to look at children in bathing suits?

Its literally just 2 happy babies taking a bath. You're a pedophile in denial, buddy.

The church ain't shit compared to the public teacher unions.

>this isn't where you post bathing pics of any kind
You're just fucked in the head, man.

why would an adult want to look at children in "bathing suits" i.e. under-wear? you are not their parent or chaperone so why?

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Theres no such thing as hell abrahamic cuck.

You have no room to talk calling anti circumcision posts shit tier. Die a painful death subhuman kike.

Pretend like you care about children then dont care about child mutilation. Subhuman fuck.

Of course youre a religious fuck too. Die you child mutilating faggot die painfully

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coming from a Jew flag I will accept that as a compliment

>anti circumcision posts shit tier
it really truly is. i'm sorry your parents didn't love you enough to ensure your financial success.

I'm not wanting to look at it. It was posted and I said that the mods would delete the thread because of it. You're the one who interpreted it as sexual.

you're spamming this in 2 different threads at least now. knock it off.

>Of course youre a religious fuck too.
nope. just wanted to trigger a nigger
>works every time

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>I'm not wanting to look at it.
yeah ok. you're just defending it... right.

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hear, hear

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