How do we, realistically, stop the collapse of the west?
How do we, realistically, stop the collapse of the west?
Destroy social media
By letting it collapse. Seriously, the only way to have a chance at removing jewish dominance and the pervasive beta/liberal/cuck males from society is a long period of anarchy, bloodshed, and migh makes right. We need to restart the cycle. Stopping it is what the elite want. Actually they don't care. More than likely, they'll be fine regardless of what happens.
/thread (before retarded trads shit it up and tell you to make whit babiez with a 10/10 church girl, just lift breh!)
If you as an individual, get better have children and lift, it will not fix society as a collective I don't know why people insist it would. You need to have change collectively throughout all of society for you to realistically do anything against the collapse. This kind of extreme emphasis on the individual is one of the factors driving is into the ground
you either choose between your race or western civilization.
Exactly. Also, trying to outbreed 80-iq cockroaches instead of removing them is stupid.
Lifting is great for the coming anarchic violence though, but it has nothing to do with "saving" this Babylonian whore.
Instead of trying to stop it embrace accelerationism , the west is doomed
I can't find a single reason why I would want to prevent the collapse.