White Christians are just self hating Pagans

In ancient times, there wasn't even a name for the Paganism of the Scandinavians. It was literally synonymous with just being Norse. If you were Norse, these were your Gods. Same with the Greeks, Romans, Slavs and Celts. Paganism is our identity. To be White is to be Pagan. Just like Atheist Jews still call themselves Jews, Paganism is blood. So by default White christians are just self hating Pagans.

We need an Ethno religious identity. Jews already have that. We once had it too but (((they))) took it away from us. It's time for us to say no to globalist Abrahamic cults. Stop worshiping a dead rabbi nailed to a stick whose name was rabbi "Yeshua bar yosef." Come back to the Old Gods, the White Gods. Follow the true European faith of your ancestors.

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Other urls found in this thread:


So, what pantheon should i go for?

Slav or Greek would both seem reasonable

Paganism is the religion of the white man. Our ancestors never supported israel but the jews made us christians to support it. But the pagan man never became christians in reality that's why they jew created christmas and saint worship and told our ancestors it's the same thing as Yule and Gods worship and that's how our ancestors converted and now we have a midgrant crissis. Hitler was a Pagan but he LARP as christian and secretly he said he's Pagan in rality and he will ban christianity after the war. Come home white man.

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Perun worship like ancient Macedonians would be the best i believe. Everybody should stick to the pantheon of his people, Paganism is local, unlike christianity who is for everyone even niggers, and a German must worship German Gods, a Celt the Celts etc.

I know she is a mudshark and I'm pointing this out before you change your proxies to tell everyone one that she is mudshark and try to mock Paganism.

Wearing a fancy Thor necklace doesn't make someone a Pagan. She is not a Pagan. In Pagan Europe she would be sacrificed in the name of Óðinn for being a Traitor. Paganism does not allow coal burning.

Tacitus Germania on Pagan German Morals:

>Germanic Pagans are racially pure and healthy
In Chapter 4, “Racial characteristics of the Germanics“, he attributed to Germanic men & women that they all have common physical characteristics, fierce blue eyes (truces et caerulei oculi = "sky-coloured blue, dark blue), red-blonde hair (rutilae comae = "red, golden-red, reddish yellow, golden-blonde") and tall framers (bodies), vigorous at the first onset but not tolerant of exhausting labour, tolerant of hunger and cold but not of heat.[5]

>Germanic Pagans do not racemix
Tacitus says (Ch. 2, “Origion and descent of the Germanics”) that physically, the Germanic peoples appear to be a distinct (indigenous), racially pure nation, not a blood admixture of their neighbors: "For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations…" They are divided into three large branches, the Ingaevones, the Herminones and the Istaevones, deriving their ancestry from three sons of Mannus, son of Tuisto, their common forefather.


Tldr: This guy is a orthodox christian greek/turkish rape baby who spams this mudshark whore to mock Paganism. Ignore him.

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>Perun worship like ancient Macedonians
I smell bullshit. Stop misguiding people you jew worshiping faggot.

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Also she looks like a Mongol rape baby. That used up old hag won't get your posts much attention. Find some other fake Pagans/Wiccan lady.

Pic related: A real Pagan.

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Here's another one

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And I know you have SAGED this thread too. I am not a stupid christnigger. Your typical tricks don't work anymore shitskin.

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