Just admit it europoors. the eu was a HUEG mistake.
Just admit it europoors. the eu was a HUEG mistake
I admit it.
The EU is doing exactly what it was created to do, eradicate whites.
I guess you're right
I second that
just poorly executed and without European objectives. Some sort of Union will ultimately be necessary unfortunately. Ironically the very things which have made it such a mess are the very things which will make it necessary
Eu is just hitlers dream of Eu under 1 flag 1 anthem 1 bank 1 currency 1 army 1 language 1 culture.
It's designed to destroy cultures and traditions and language's flags and people's way life.
It is pure evil
how so? are you saying if EU didn't exist that bearded guy wouldn't exist either?
All of the Euros on this board have been calling the EU an unelected crypto-commie organization for years. It was pure frankfurter school from the beginning.
Disagree, the EU is a fucking fantastic idea...if your a scumbag communist that wants to turn us into the Borg!
All us assholes just woke up.
>1 anthem
The anthem is a beautiful piece of music but the choice is so inorganic. You can tell that they had some kind of committee sit down and pick the most inoffensive yet recognizable piece that they could.
>1 language
That was going to be English. What one do they want to use now?
You are the biggest mistake known to man
Of course it was, from the fucking beginning
Sure hen
it was
just look at all the yellow hebraic stars on the flag
one for every tribe of israel
Actually you are wrong on the israel thing, I recommend reading what drove them to choose that flag.
I'm interested. Spoon feed me pls?
>Union of different nations with different cultures is a bad idea
>Yet people unironically think Federalism was a good idea.
>eu was a HUEG mistake
Amerilard education
The Council of Europe gave the 1955 flag a symbolic description in the following terms:
Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars represent the peoples of Europe in a circle, a symbol of unity. Their number shall be invariably set at twelve, the symbol of completeness and perfection.
—Council of Europe. Paris, 7–9 December 1955[13]
The official symbolic description adopted by the EU omits the reference to the "Western world".[7]
The number of stars on the flag is fixed at twelve, representing "perfection and completeness" (in the original French: symbole de la perfection et de la plénitude). It is not related to the number of member states of the EU (although the EU happened to have 12 member states at the time of Maastricht Treaty).[13][14][15]
> It is not related to the number of member states of the EU
Damn, I've always been told that it was
You learn something new every day. Cheers krautbro
Actually! the 12 stars represents the number of inches of bbc given to white women in the eu.
>fantasized about niggers
Its almost as if its ingrained in you all.
There aren't many black people in Europe. It's Paki central, but the USA is browner
Everyone knows that. The only people who like the EU is the ruling elite and the brainwashed. Too bad the first are the ones who make decisions and the second lets them stay in power.
Of course.
Problem is that United Kingdom still won't admit that it's also one.
>United Kingdom still won't admit that it's also one
I hate that right-wing politics in this country is connected to unionism. I'd gladly cast off Scotland and Wales, and I don't give a flying fuck about N. Ireland