Millions could go without food stamps!

>The partial government shutdown glided into its third week Saturday with no end in sight. If the government is not reopened before February, millions of Americans who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) -- the nation's food stamp program -- could have their assistance disrupted.

What will the horde do if they go hungry? Will they get actual jobs? Will they riot?

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and thats a good thing

Too bad, the soi boy faggots now cannot affordt their soi milk. Crying so hard.

Who cares?

Should be fun to watch though

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Even when hes getting push-back, he still wins.

Can anyone even stop Trump from wining this much?

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Let's hope it continues and we can find out.

I'm sure they will figure out a way to extend food stamp coverage. All the Dems have to do is let the wall be built, so I think it will hurt them the most.

>Will they get actual jobs?
>Will they riot?
No. They will break into homes and businesses en masse to raid food storage and the resulting conflicts and inevitable deaths will escalate into race war.

Need that two button meme with one saying "fund welfare/wall" and the other saying "no welfare/wall" and a man sweating

This is why shutting down the government is such a great tool for Republicans, it only really hurts Democrat leeches

Interesting to see what happens.

I’m just glad we have a president willing to stick it out. Usually, republicans throw in the towe and take the blame for these things. I’m glad trump is highlighting the absurdity of squabbling over less than 0.2% of the federal budget when we give ten times that to Israel.

Majority of SNAP users are poor Republicans.

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Poor Republicans are just failed Democrats, nobody cares about them.

Ooooo burn, or should I say oh snap!

I predict a repeat of the LA riots except this time it'll be nationwide.

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I live 1/2 mile north of 8 mile in Oakland County MI.
I just bought a few hundred rounds of ammo.
Hopefully I can kill some niggers.

This but nation-wide.
Shiuld be fun. See you Koreans on tge room.

Blood and honor fren

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>Millions could go without food stamps
I fail to see the problem. Even Nazis or Commies over 80IQ here would agree with me on this one: No work, no food

Since when people are entitled for food?

Snap is a fucking joke compared to EBT. Before he died, my father in law was getting a whipping 47$/mo in SNAP.

Kek will protect you

Guess they better learn farming quick.

Lefties should provide for their hordes of voters.

>Will they get actual jobs?
Implying they could get jobs in the first place. There is a portion of society that is just unemployable because they are either too dumb, lazy, or violent.

>Asking socialists to give their own resources
kek! They want YOU to do it

>digits confirm
what did he mean by this?

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