So heres a fucked up true story that happened to a buddy of mine.
>buddy is single
>starts taking to girl on fb
>mid 20s
>4 kids
>3 different dad's
>lives in aunts house
>kids sleep on floor
>tell him "dude that bitch is a fucking shit show don't talk to her"
>assures me hes just trying to get his dick wet
>they fuck
>they start dating
>she's getting harassed by CYS for being a shitty mother
>he wants her to move in with him and his parents
>he goes through her phone
>finds her txting other guys
>he forgives her
>they move into his parents house
>she doesn't work
>gets $900 a month in food stamps
>she starts going to the bar every weekend
>hes at home watching her kids
>drinks, smokes weed, gets dropped off at 4am by other men
>find out she's riding the cock carousel
>tries to kick her out
>she guilt trips him
>he falls for it
>they fall into super toxic relationship
>she eventually leaves
>he tries to get back with her
>has moment of clarity
>never talks to her again
But wait theirs more!
>she starts dating random dudes
>squatting in houses
>leaves kids in hovel while she gets wrecked and sucks nigger dick
>kids hanging out window
>cops get called, loses custody
>she finds some other sucker
>moves in w/ him
>has partial custody of kids
>one night guy breaks into house
>throws flaming toilet paper roll on couch
>whole house catches fire
>she runs out
>runs back in
>her and 4 kids burn alive
Guess you could say that roastie got roasted.
Women being whores
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh BTW here's the news story. Enjoy
Well that was sad.
Well that's fucking horrible.
reminder that women are parasites
The dude she was living with went back in to try and save his disabled father. His father died. He got burns on 70% of his body and put into a medically induced coma. He woke up 3wks later to find out his entire family was dead
>guy she was living with had spotty past
>got in trouble with a friend
>low level trespassing, vandalism
>hes under 18
>flips on friend
>friend gets locked up
>swears revenge
>gets out of jail
>friend is partying
>"im gonna get that motherfucker!"
>oh he just lives up the street
>breaks into house
>steals some junk
>last fuck you throws flaming toilet roll on couch
>old mill town
>houses are tinder boxes
>walks back to party
>"holy shit we heard sirens, there's a massive fire up there!!"
>guy confesses few days later
This is disgusting
The comments from her friends are like a living parody
>she was a good girl!
>she ain't do nothing!
>she was getting her life together!
I wonder if she was happy with the life she lived. Also your friend is a thirsty fucking tardfucker with no standards, tell him I said that.
Will do! She was unabashed about the way she lived. She was always starting shit with people, selling her food stamps for weed money. Always had some new guy she was "in love" with that she'd be posting on fb about 2 days into their relationship. She was a bad mom and she was clearly not sorry about it. Her parents were both drug addicts and abused her so its probably not a surprise she turned or that way. Filth breeds filth. Its sad what happened to the kids but they would've turned out the same way.
I wanna kill myself if that happens to me
Sad that the kids died, roastie didn't deserve to live at all
wise move
Disgusting. At least roasty was toasty.
This is not a tale of a woman being a whore, it's a tale of your friend being a retard
What the fuck didnt know that Good post. Africans claim this effect stems from women using "witchcraft" on their men (know the drill niggers are stupid yeah yeah).
There's a legit scientific reason women can seem to control men
Not your fucking blog cuck
Is this legit science or Jow Forums tier wacko shit?
fuck off roastie
He was actualy one of the first people to comment on one of the news articles online swearing revenge lol. I could see a shitty movie adaptation.
"In a world on the brink he was a troubled youth with a bad attitude. But when he was faced with a prison sentence he abandoned the perso. he swore to protect. Now all these years later the man he did wrong is back for revenge.
"You took everything from me! Now I'm gonna take everything from you....."
With nothing to lose he sets out on a path of destruction to avenge his family.
This summer the movie event that will leave you shook to your core. And what the wall street journal calls "fucking horrifying" and "how many people died?
Jesus". Coming this summer, Firehouse. Rated R."
Id watch it
>date welfare crackbaby
>crackbaby shit happens
Why the picture of a kebab?
This goes to show. Not even pumping and dumping whores is safe
>4 kids
>3 different dad's
Sorry, I have no pity whatsoever. What a sad, weak, lonely sack of shit you would have to be to go for such human refuse.
I'm not absolutely opposed to step-children and step-parents, but three kids to four different dads, she's a de facto negress.
Your buddy is one of the biggest cucks in existence. What a complete and utter fag.
Any problems he had with her was all HIS fault for talking to her after he learned she had kids
HI neighbor
you two can go out for a Parmenti Brothers sandwich then watch the Pirogi races
I want to believe
Stop dating women that have kids, they have to struggle for making bad choices. The only exception is if the father died after having been around and both loyal to each other. Preg&ditch hoes need to suffer so others can learn.
Swipe left on the hoes.
Why's that?
imagine the sad fuck that stayed around long enough to make 2
No, you retarded cucks, what's horrible is all the millions of women who do this and their kids somehow reach adulthood, ending up at best as failures that leech off the state and at worst perpetrators of the same cycle of society-crushing failure. And all the one's in between end up as violent criminals.
One of the kids was to a black dude so you're not wrong
My family founded that city. Neato.
> starts taking to girl on fb
I think we've all sported his first mistake
Checked and keked
Brigghtens my day
Thanks for sharing
Everyone is capable of changing their ways if they really want to. Most dont. The best scenario would have been her getting her shit together. Short of that this might have been the best outcome. While tragic.....those kids had 0 chance of being quality productive members of society.
Now the other 3 are black too
Those kids never had a future. One of them was black ffs. Betas are so mentally defunct, somehow trying to get pussy from a single mother was a good decision.
Because 4 children died due to their whore of a mother.
>"In a world on the brink he was a troubled youth with a bad attitude. But when he was faced with a prison sentence he abandoned the perso. he swore to protect. Now all these years later the man he did wrong is back for revenge.
oh man this is good. I cant find the pic of that thot, but I am sad for 4 kids, that is horrible
>Not even pumping and dumping whores is safe
that is NEVER safe
>he raped me
>send some criminal to beat you up
>know where you are - rob you
>even knowing your real name
>you defile yourself that way
but few realise that
>Sorry, I have no pity whatsoever.
I dont have for her, but I do feel for the kids. Not that their choose being born from a whore.
Digits don't lie they say.
this is why the romans said its gayer to eat pussy than to get rammed up the ass by half a legion
Screenshot of story? Link doesn't work in EU
I don't think they need to use 'copulins' to explain that someone will do stuff to get their dick wet. wow
now i have sexual fantasy of having some roman noblewoman sit with her hairy ass on my face
back then it was either that or picking grain if you were defeated and sold to slavery
Fucking hell that's a spicy one.
here's an archive
pic related are her kids
20 4 kids 3 dads haha
>>buddy is single
>>starts taking to girl on fb
>>mid 20s
this is where a smart person drops the bitch
>>they fuck
this is where a semi-intelligent person drrops the bitch
>>finds her txting other guys
this is where even a retard drops the bitch
congratulations your friend is beyond retarded.
Can't argue that. The fact that she broke up with him and he still wanted to take her back is beyond crazy. He actually said at one point "i want to raise her kids add my own" like hes my friend but damn thats some low level cuckoldry shit
Pretty much this.
God has abandoned us
Damn she musta been pretty fucking hot to pull off all that shit.
Nah she was a gross blown out juggalo with skanky self done tattoos. The power of vagina is dangerous my friend
Well if i was a christcuck I'd believe thats some divine intervention shit
Please don't post this shit. You fucks are going to turn me vegan.
Single moms should be executed
Sack up princess
Real smart men stop right here
>>starts taking to girl on FACEBOOK
The absolute state of this nigger-tier country.
Besides you cant hide from it as a vego.
Coming summer 2019. Firehouse subs. He was your average sandwich artist working to support his family when one day his entire family became oven baked sandwiches. Based on true a true story.
Fucking r9k fag
Ohhhhh the quints!
>Friend and his wife go turbo lefty after Trump election
>Start posting on facebook that their home is some kind of stop on a new underground railroad
>Take in an illegal as a house guest
>The way he talks about the dude its like a new dog owner
>He catches wife and illegal in bed
>She cries rape
>They kick the dude out but don't report him to police because illegal
>They frame it as 'don't want to add fuel to Trumps racist fire.'
>12 months later wife gives birth to brown baby
>They post that its a rape baby from the incident but the guy will raise it as his own.
>People point out that the timeline doesn't add up
>Turns out wife had an affair with the illegal and kept it going for months
>Friend has dropped of the grid and last I heard was couch surfing.
>throws flaming toilet paper roll on couch
>The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
Which is it? Either you know something they don't, which is way suspicious, or you're just making this story up.
What we need is a civilization that has written into its constitution a code for keeping women in check. She must be a virgin, roasties stoned to death, etc. This shit has to be codified into law so that the advanced civilization is always reminded how women can DESTROY everything men have built.
so..if you make the slut read the bible to you during this time...
Nice story love the ending
you got more?
Nigga its in the news report. Learn how to Google you fucking tard
If you have to ask, don’t you already know the answer?
>Meme flag
>Be a good goy and don’t mate
I see you JIDF
not to mention, if you wear a condom this wouldn’t work.
this is what happens when you let women have any power, also checked~
DUDE I have never been so disgusted by white trash in my life. Holy shit those people are disgusting!
1. stop being a nigger.
2. this is your first time posting this link. the burden of proof is on you to support the claims you make, not on me to search out evidence to support your claim for you.
3. this link says the guys body was 55% burned while you said it was 70% which is inconsistent.
They aren't trash. They are under the cultural influence of the subversive nigger.
The only thing i got is the aftermath which was pretty obvious.
>community finds out about fire
>candle light vigils
>why didn't the police do nuttin!?
>friends and family reframe the narrative
>"she was a great mother, the gubment was out to get her! People was just jealous of her"
>raise 8k
It's crazy she actually was living in section 8 before she started dating my friend but she got kicked out cuz her and one of her exes trashed the place. Then she lived in her aunts house. It was like some big 5 bedroom Victorian that all her delinquent nephews/kids had destroyed. Cys actually originally tried to take her kids because they had fleas. The only reason they didn't was because they moved in with my buddy and he put a bunch of money out to make his home compliant. Oh ya and when she was gave birth to the halfrican she claimed rape. But when she was pressed on it her story was "oh we were drinking and smoking together and making it but i padded out and dont remember what happened"
kek, leftism is a mental illness
T.autistic sperg
damn those africans are smart for noticing before they could ever have proof
wtf I hate logic now
Is this your buddy?
what does being a mill town have to do with the house being a tinderbox?
welp, at least her kids won't repeat the cycle
LOL, one of the kids is a niglet, I was so fucking excepting it. Good riddance. Roasties need to be roasted
Nah thats the burn vic
Why not roast the source of the problem?
I seriously do not want to have to have my descendants dealing with these subhumans.
Checked the Jew is right for once