I just learned that my girlfriend of 5 years is worth several hundred thousand dollars when she slipped up and pressed...

i just learned that my girlfriend of 5 years is worth several hundred thousand dollars when she slipped up and pressed the wrong button on her smartphone while showing me something in her onlinebanking account.

at the same time i myself have basically no money. i have a good job and career, but i have no significant inheritances or assets. so basically i am one of those guys who lives very good, but from paycheck to paycheck.
She definately knows about my financial situation because i told and showed her several times

i think she really loves me

but it still feels awkward that i am worth nothing and have to work to sustain my life and she has more money than she could ever spend at the same age

she is a very nice and kind person, but very frugal. i didnt think much about it but now after learning her net worth i am kind of upset about her frugality.

whats the best way to deal with this situation

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Just go on like normal
She probably didn’t want to tell you because she thought it’d make your relationship weird

>5 years
>whats the best way
Propose to her, dumbass.

She has money because she doesn't spend money. You should do the right thing and leave her now before you try to swindle all her wealth from her.

already did
we just moved in together

She seems nice. Probably mean she knows the value of money. You both obviously have a normal life, and she probably wants to keep it like thus

Then don't fuck it up. Keep doing what you're doing, keep trying to improve and hold onto her because she's good for you.

thank you

So you blow all your money (which you think is the way to live).

Girlfriend saves every penny by being frugal (and has a bank account that proves she is financially responsible).

And you’re upset that she is smarter than you!?! That’s your question?

She's worth so much because she's frugal.
>she's going to be great when you have shared finances.

her money is not saved money, she wouldnt even be able to save up such amounts with her salary.
its inherited and gifted from her parents and grandparents

i unfortunately come from a broken family, so there is nothing to inherit except from debt.

No, she seems to be so frugal because she has a bad conscience because of the money she did not have to work for

You sound salty. Good luck having a relationship where you resent your partner.

Good luck and godspeed, brother.

>i am one of those guys who lives very good, but from paycheck to paycheck.

You're upset with her frugality because you're a fool who is prioritizing living "very good" over being responsible to yourself.

You should be glad your girlfriend's not an idiot. Unless you're looking for your life to be a disaster, someone has to be the responsible one. Honestly, your girlfriend should see your behavior and realize that a shared future is a terrible idea for her.

with the money i earn a frugal lifestyle would have no purpose. its basically impossible to for example buy or build a house without inheriting money or playing wagecück to a bank for the next 35 years

wages are low, cost of living is high, real estate prices are through the roof. so what exactly would an ascetic lifestyle be good for? with these future prospects i'd rather spend my money for good food and leisure and live on rent

The fact she is saving this money and she works means that she has a healthy attitude towards money.

You shouldn't feel uncomfortable about her fortune, especially as you weren't even aware of it until this point. It's not like she's a better person than you, or a harder worker, she inherited the money.

She obviously doesn't feel it's an issue and if anything, it means you're both likely to have a more comfortable lifestyle together.

Do men actually think like this? Hold onto a girl because she's rich? I thought it was predominantly girls who wanted a well established man

No I think it's more that she's not going to waste his money, not that her money is desirable.

How much do you earn?

i make about 40k$/year after tax
(thats 66k$ before tax, welcome to europe)

houses with 1200 square feet living space start at around 400k$ where i live

wagecücking is not an option for me

funny thing is with these 40k i am already in the top 5% of earners in my country

so without inheritance its almost impossible to become wealthy in my country

> so basically i am one of those guys who lives very good, but from paycheck to paycheck.

That's a stupid way to live, you're pretending like you have money but you're basically broke. You should be in full "saving" mode until you can afford to go a year without a job, at least.

> i am kind of upset about her frugality

You want her to spend it, she'll be poorer and closer to broke like you.

> this situation

You're awful with money so she didn't tell you about it, seems sensible.

Maybe if you stopped "living good" and started acting like you're financially sensible she would start working together with you. Although it is her money and you shouldn't really be taking it without intending to do your part, especially when you're poorer through your own choices.

read and

It's a thing for a certain kind of poor person.

They have no idea that a "few hundred thousand" will only pay for one persons retirement, or a quarter of a house, two kids private education, or a few cars. Pick one of those things and it's gone.

>Hold onto a girl because she's rich?
Where did I say that in my post, fool?

He would rather have good food and live on rent, in Europe, where mortgages and cheaper than renting. He's living insecurely and pay check to pay check because he wont pause his "good food" thing for a few months lol. I'd guess he can't be bothered getting investment returns either. His gf doesn't need to do anything until he's in real trouble and then it's up to her, it's not like he has any financial plans so why should consult him. She's probably saving so she can have a house or something.

>in Europe, where mortgages and cheaper than renting


t. one guy from europe

Calm it mate, I didn't know guys also thought stinginess was a desirable trait in women either desu

>They have no idea that a "few hundred thousand" will only pay for one persons retirement, or a quarter of a house, two kids private education, or a few cars. Pick one of those things and it's gone.
Maybe you should learn how to use and manage money. Also, reading comprehension would be a good ability to develop.