Losing interest for serious relationship with girl everytime I learn that she is not a virgin or been with someone else...

Losing interest for serious relationship with girl everytime I learn that she is not a virgin or been with someone else before. Is it normal behavior or me just being fucked up?

Attached: JoeySalads.png (664x632, 353K)

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You are kinda fucked.

How many guys have she slept with ?

maybe you should convert to islam

>you don't wanna risk std
>you don't want to be cucked
>you don't want an unstable marriage

wHaT Is wrONg wIth yOU, uR jUst insEcURE lmao virgin

Attached: IMG_20180717_165856.png (1080x1285, 868K)

It's instinctive male behavior transmitted from your paleolithic ancestors. You are not fucked up, just in synch with your deeper instincts even though they go against what you are taught in modern society.

>" Psychological preferences in sexual behaviour can have reproductive consequences, hence natural selection should operate on them, and may do so differently in men and women. In particular, "Males who preferred chaste females in our environment of evolutionary adaptedness, ceteris paribus, presumably enjoyed greater reproductive success than males who were indifferent to the sexual contact that a potential mate had with other males."[10] Dickerman (1981) and Daly & Wilson (1983) argue, "chastity would also provide a cue to the future fidelity of a selected mate. A male failing to express such a preference would risk investing in offspring that were not his."[11] Buss notes, "A female could be sure her putative children were her own, regardless of the prior sexual experience of her mate. This sexual asymmetry yields a specific prediction: Males will value chastity in a potential mate more than will females."[10] "


My first bf constantly talked about slut girls and virginity before we got together. When we finally had sex he had no idea I had before with two guys and he never found out. When I broke up with him he raged and called me a slut for sleeping with him, knew I just wanted to slut it up with other guys and no decent guy will ever wants me since he made me a whore.


Being afraid of spiders is also instinctive male behaviour transmitted from paleolithic ancestors. However, this does not mean that there is some moral obligation to act according to these instincts.

Goddamm anonette, I wish I had the foresight to do this with my current bf. He said he can never love me because I wasn't a virgin.

He would've been none the wiser too, because I'm conservative and was very meek when we first started getting intimate.

I didn't say there was, did I? I only said that OP's feelings were perfectly normal and healthy. Just like being worried to get too close to spiders is perfectly normal and healthyas long as it doesn't develop into irrational phobic fear.

I experienced a reverse situation. Had a guy who was hardcore into me, he knew I had a bf before him and he asked if I'm a virgin, I lied and said no. His reaction was exaggerated and he called me names and basically told me I'm a human trash. Fuck him, I'm not dating obsessed virginity fetishists, thats creepy as fuck.

That on the other hand is pretty fucking immoral. You should be ashamed of yourself for lying to him like that.

Also fear of spiders is not particularly a male behavior.

>dat roastie slut cope

Lmao, nobody wants your loose used up pussies.

You will always belong to your previous bfs who made you their playthings and personal cumbuckets.

>loose used up pussies.

Nah be careful brother. A roastie can still have a tight pussie. Shit's elastic. Don't get fooled by this type of bitches you heard them. If it doesn't bleed when you fuck her the first time, dump.

Because you are also a virgin yourself and you are sexually intimidated by a woman who might be more experienced than you? I'm absolutely 100% sure all these men obsessed with virginity are virgins themselves. Why would anyone who likes sex want to do it with a timid inexperienced virgin who doesn't know how to fuck?

>I'm absolutely 100% sure all these men obsessed with virginity are virgins themselves.

I'm a non-virgin guy and I'd rather be with a virgin girl too.

>Why would anyone who likes sex want to do it with a timid inexperienced virgin who doesn't know how to fuck?

This was the first guy that had talked so much about it and obsessed so I knew better than to say a word. I liked him a lot, otherwise an ok guy, so I ignored most of it. Thing was, he was trying his best to trick me into having sex from the first time we met and coming up with all these silly rational arguments or romantic connection stuff I knew was bullshit having heard it from so many other guys trying to have sex with me.

One thing for sure. I will never get with a virgin guy again. They have some weird idea of what love is and sex and morality and a woman's role in the relationship. You would think once they have sex it would be different but they only get more bizarre and jealous and clingy and possessive.

Anyway for any of you girls out there do not admit to anything because they'll use it as a cudgel to beat you to death. They want to believe you are untouched so let them.

I'm not and would do it again. To this day he believes he was my first and I'll never have another.

Lmao, that means he's winning you stupid whore.

Thing is my bf isn't a virgin and is actually a bit of a hoe. But he still wanted to be my first and has now outright said "I can't forgive you and I will never love you" because he found out.

I'm dumb, the guy I was with before him was smaller, so when my bf penetrated it was actually very painful - just like my first time. Could've easily just lied but he never made a big deal about it UNTIL he found out that I wasn't.

I also hate being fetishised and didn't think we would be serious, so kinda of wanted to hurt him by telling him I'm not a virgin - so he didn't think he was special. Went the wrong way for me lol

You guys are stupid. My experience with this virgin guy, my first real bf, he didn't even know he was in when I guided him in. He had poked and rubbed all around and couldn't figure it out. Not picking on him because even guys that had sex before a few times still can't figure it out.

An experienced guy would probably have known I was a virgin but the virgin was clueless.

But you're not obsessed, I think? I cannot imagine a sexually experienced man who wants to have sex BUT ONLY with virgin girls. Most men avoid virgins to get laid. Multiple friends of mine avoided taking a girls virginity because they did not feel like having sloppy and weird sex.

keep coping incel

In his mind maybe but I have a bf right now and never without options should this relationship end.

I think you are a guy. I never noticed the size of any of them and it sometimes hurts when someone first puts it in me even after we've had sex many times before.

I wouldn't say I'm obsessed. It's just a criteria like any other.

And I'm not into casual sex. Of course if I was I wouldn't particularly pick virgins.

it means you have some deep insecurities. While you may say it makes the woman impure or whatever, what what you're likely subconsciously considering is that the woman will compare you to the other men she's had. Did he have a bigger dick? Did he make her cum more? Was he rich?

In short, you're gay cause ur thinkin of all the dudes dicks

Why bother with a woman who's had better men before you and can leave you for someone better any time she wants?

She'll be miserable with you.

This but unironically. I'm friends with a few losers (socially), and whenever we all drink and talk about women etc, they always bring up virginity, and how its required if any girl wants to be their girlfriend, because otherwise she'll be "lusting after and dreaming about the last mans cock".

Which to me sounds like a few things;
>they have, or believe they have a small dick
>they are deeply concerned about the thoughts of others about them, and their bodies
>they think of women as mentally inferior, and unable to suppress their urges

When I bring up that they'd probably think about some porn star every now and again while fucking, they say that it's ok for men to do

I check Jow Forums about once a day after work, and there's almost always a cock insecurity thread, and they all say shit like that. It's annoying because you people never actually take advice - you just want to wallow in your own insecurities and try and convince others to be insecure. Which never works, because we aren't all as mentally ill as you.

Normally adjusted people don't think about that shit, because they aren't self conscious.

Long story short, get psychological help, or stop clogging up Jow Forums with your literal cuck fantasy threads.

Not really no. You're over simplifying things. First there is an instinctive factor that explained. Then there can be a romantic, " I want to be the only man there ever was in her life, want her to be absolutely mine " factor. Then sure maybe it might just make them more comfortable because of some insecurities that they have but that's far from being the only reason.

I'm a girl lol

Couldn't put two fingers in when I still had my hymen. And the size difference between my first and the current bf was noticeable. Never had it hurt when my bf penetrates since the first couple of times, in fact it feels really good every time

In response to the "romantic" aspect, most people aren't caught up in being the first love, but rather the 'best love', the love that they'll want to have the rest of their lives.

For people who've been in multiple romantic relationships (not saying you haven't), you know that when you enter a legitimate relationship, all other past loves seem to drop in scale to this one. That's because it's happening in this moment.

I don't know. I think you're making it harder on yourself for no real reason.

It depends on the person really. Some are just idealists and they would still be bothered by the fact the person they're in a relationship with has had past partners, even if they strongly believed they were seen as better than these past partners.

I'm not saying this is systematic, I'm just saying it can be one in many factors that makes a guy value virginity in a potential partner.

>you don't wanna risk std
>you don't want to be cucked
>you don't want an unstable marriage

Lower chances doesn't mean guarantee.
"virgin at marriage" have lower divorce rate just because they are highly religious, otherwise virgins who sleep with just one partner have similar divorce rates to people who have 1, 2 or 3 other partners.

Virginity doesn't make you a better partner. Religiousness does.

>be a retard who doesn't think about anything


>otherwise virgins who sleep with just one partner have similar divorce rates to people who have 1, 2 or 3 other partners.

Do you have source on that? It's interesting, thx.

>Virginity doesn't make you a better partner. Religiousness does.
I believe you might be right. There are still other reasons that motivate men to value female virginity though.

The same stats that get spammed over and over on here all the time. People just can't fucking read statistics.

Look at pic related, for example.

Beside the fact that they're flawed because of the way they consider a stable marriage to be, a person with 1 premarital partner (= a woman who lost her virginity to her now husband before they got married) has exactly the same chance of being in a stable marriage as one that has slept with 3 people before him.

Attached: Heritage.jpg (633x360, 56K)

Huh? I mean, the graph clearly indicates women who've had 3-4 partners are only ~50% likely to be in a stable marriage as opposed to more than 85% for women who married their first partner.

Graph doesn't separate religious from non-religious women so it can't be used to prove your point I was asking about.

Read it correctly.

The graph shows how people who had zero premarital partners (married virgin) have 85% chances of being in a stable marriage.
Those who had 1 to 4 premarital partners have all around the same chances.

A person who sleeps with you and then marries you has 1 premarital partner. That partner being you.

Marriying while still a virgin doesn't make them necessarily religious. Just like someone can be religious and decide to have sex with their partner before marrying them if they're sure they're gonna get married. Or; you can have had previous partners then become religious.

tl;dr this graph indicates in no way if there is relation between being religious and having a stable marriage.

Are you really implying that most people who wait till marriage are not highly religious?
Basically no non-religious person will refrain from sex voluntarily for years.

Of course not 100% of virgins at marriage are religious, but a large portions of them are.

Not at all don't settle for whores.

Go forth and sin no more

The graph also falsely equates a length of a marriage with its stability. A lot of the autists here like to imply that stability=happiness=functioning when in fact all the graph takes into account is that the couples haven't filed for divorce. That provides exactly zero information into just how stable these marriages are or exactly why they're still together. Hell, you don't even have to live together to still be married. Its basically a giant fuck up in the "correlation vs. causation" exercise.

Leave men alone, you are worthless to any man with self-respect.

Good thing it didn't work out, he doesn't deserve to be in a relationship with someone who obfuscates and lies.

Lol now I know why men hate women so much.

I'm a non-virgin since I was 17, 27 now. I'd love to fuck a virgin, it would feel amazing to marry and impregnate a woman knowing you were the only man who was ever inside her. If I'm being 100% honest, I could imagine being married to such a woman and still wanting to cheat on her if I found another virgin.

I don't want to get laid I want a mom for my kids REEEEEEE

>lmao I just lied about it
>I should have lied about it

Jesus H. Christ you're also terrible people, you know that?