Going anorexic

I'm thinking about going anorexic in order to lose weight. Here is the context:
>Be me 26yo male 175cm
>Currently weight +100kg
>Always been obese no matter when
>Tried several diets, without effect cause I'm just addicted to eating
>Tried going to the gym for several months but got tired of running and biking, feeling I don't improve at all
At that point I feel like I tried it all but my body is just used to being fat and does not know how to be else.
Anyway last week I was pretty sick of all the shit I ate during the weekend and I decided to fast monday and tuesday. It was nice actually and I felt my body getting rid of all the stuff I had inside. Honnestly I felt like I could do this for a long time and just lose my weight, so I just tried to find information about anorexia, to know how much time it takes for the hunger to go away and such, but can't find anything relevant.
Can someone help me on this please ?

pic related is basically me because I'm a fatlard IT guy.

>inb4 "but being anorexic is unhealthy"
Yeah, so is having a heart attack at 30.

Attached: Displeased.jpg (187x200, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Disclaimer: Overweight too; but not a lot

>Tried several diets, without effect cause I'm just addicted to eating
>Tried going to the gym for several months but got tired of running and biking, feeling I don't improve at all
Honestly senpai both of these sentences tell me that you quit because it was ''too hard''.

Get a personal trainer. I think that's the only way you're going to improve.

I work from 8 to 6 for minimum wage so I don't think I have time or money for a personal coach.

What's your diet? Does it look like this?

Attached: eatwell3.jpg (968x684, 69K)

Yeah more or less. You can say I eat 2 salads, 1 tomatoe, at least 2 steaks and 300g of pastas per week.
no soda.
around 1.5 liter of water per day.
2 to 4 coffee per day.1fast food / pizza per week.

If your life change isnt sustainable long term, it is useless to even try. Count calories. Dont buy more food than you are allowed to eat per day. Go to shopping mall daily on foot as a cardio excercise.


Attached: stop fat.png (948x1328, 100K)

>If your life change isnt sustainable long term, it is useless to even try.
Said who?
If you want to go this way, we can say my current lifestyle isn't sustainable long term. And that I will not be able to *sustain* any diet/sport *long term*.
It depends on what you call "long term" actually. Knowing how much fat I have in reserve, I could actually "sustain" anorexia longer than anything else.

I live off of mostly vegetables. As in for lunch you eat as much steamed broccoli as you want. No limit, eat until your full.

6’2, 190#... feels good.

I don't cardio is the best solution for losing fat, any way - eat clean, count calories, eat at a caloric deficit, lift weights. And above all else visit the sticky thread at Jow Forums

stop making excuses and stop being fat, read the fucking sticky on Jow Forums

you can do it fatso, fatter people than you have done it

You don't think cardio is the best way to lose weight? WTF I fucking hate cardio and coaches at the gym won't let me do anything else "because lifting is to gain muscle not lose fat"!
Dude I told you I've been like this all my life and no norme shit can help me, I don't think I can do it the normal way.

It's unlikely that you will develop anorexia, as anorexia doesn't usually stem from not eating, but not eating stems from mental issues which make an anorexic revolted by food and terrified of gaining weight. That being said, you will probably stop eating for x days and then you will binge eat

>find information about anorexia, to know how much time it takes for the hunger to go away and such
i don't think anorexia works like that. pretty sure they're hungry basically nonstop all the time and just abuse laxatives or exercise or puke a lot. or ipecac if that's still a thing.

severe depression works a treat if you're deadset on wanting the loss of appetite thing to happen. i hadn't grown to my full height yet last time i weighed as little as i do now. 0/10 weight loss strategy though, can highly recommend against it.

try keto diet if you've not given that one a go yet. my neighbor lost loads of weight with that one, she looks great now.

Ketogenic diet OP, it'll be easier on your body rather than going full Birkenau mode

I have a legit question for you Jow Forumsers :
What kind of incel NEET has the fucking time to count the calories of every single fucking meal ?
I mean, as I said before, I have a job, a gf, a life...

You say "try keto" but all read is "Hi OP I understand well that you want to get rid of your fat so what about a diet that make you eat more fat here you go pal" thank you my mates.

Before /fit i was eating ~5 times per day literally whatever, weighted 105kg and couldnt do a single pushup.

After /fit i weight 80kg, eat 2 or 3 times per day and can fucking do pushup or pullup. Tracking calories is very easy to do, most normies even have mobile internet connection, just type there name of the food and the app will fill the rest. 2 minutes extra effort per meal. Advantage? You fucking stop being obese fat fuck and in time even learn how to eat so you dont feel hunger and dont bloat.

But feel free to use lack of time as convenient excuse. At least it is honest excuse unlike muh genetics.

Btw the counting calories is only a crutch. After a while (month?) you learn how much you are supposted to eat per day, so you can stop.

Attached: METAbolism.jpg (640x942, 98K)

>doesn't have the motivation to do a diet where you won't be hungry
>thinks he has the willpower to literally not eat

are you retarded

>diets didn't work
if diets fundamentally didn't work (consuming less calories being dieting), then neither would anorexia.

fat is not the enemy. fat is fuel. it provides energy. actually i think it's the most efficient fuel. might be wrong there. regardless the energy not getting used but rather deposited as fat of your own for storage is what you want to avoid. if you're gonna demonise something at least make it be simple carbs or sugar.

use cronometerdotcom to track nutrient intake. weigh all your food.

try to eat 200 grams of protein each day. That will help kill the hunger. You want really lean meat. So chicken breast, cod, pollock, etc.

try to eat 3 to 4 pounds of vegetables each day. zucchini, carrots, sweet potato, brussel sprouts

I don't think you understand how ketogenic diets work. Look it up instead of using uneducated assumptions to fuel your mental retardation

Here's a link on it to help your slow brain out, don't want you to overload your three brain cells

I disagree. Historical diets would have had periods of feasting in plenty and fasting in winter or hardship. I've found that periodically doing OMAD has worked far better to control my weight than counting calories. I just skip breakfast, don't bring lunch to work, and go to bed before I start feeling hungry again. If you struggle with self control over having large portions or seconds and thirds like me then it might work for you. Even if you don't, it's really hard to fit a calorie excess into one single eating session.

Honestly OP just fucking fast

All you have to do is follow some shitty guide on how to do it and eat better foods which if you really feel shitty shouldn't be hard to do.

My fat ass friend managed to lose 60 pounds over the course of 3 months fasting and he wasn't even really good at it

Never gonna make it

Anorexia is a mental illness, fasting is not anorexia.

If you are overweight, you can fast for over 2 months without dying. Just integrate electrolytes and you won't die.
Don't suggest doing it.

Also it takes literally 5 minutes to log the calories of your meals, you fat fuck.

What do you put in your coffee..? Creamers and sugars add up in calories so be conscious about that.

ketosis is really efficient for losing weight. I lost 50 pounds in 3 months with it. You needd to educate yourself and understand that it's carbs that are making you fat. You yourself said you're an obese fuck, why are you acting like a know-it-all?

OP listen to me, i'm 30 years old

This is all you have to do. Jow Forums is absolutely right in that what you must do, is count the calories. I will explain to you how this is done properly

There is a website called "Myfitnesspal" It is a counting calorie site. You decide how much weight you want to lose per week. Do not go higher than 2 pounds. Then you put in your stats and myfitnesspal will tell you how much to eat per day to lose weight that quickly

Then its as easy as taking 4 minutes of your time to search up what you had to eat 3 times a day, to add the food you ate. They have a search engine so you can easily find any food you've eaten. You add what you ate, and it tells you exactly how much you have left to eat that day to lose that much.

To lose weight, you determine the minimum amount of calories you need to consume to STAY at your current weight. Then, you eat 500 to 1000 calories less than this. And as long as you stay in this range, you will lose weight. No matter what you eat.

The next thing you do is you learn to cook healthy meals that are easy to make that you enjoy. You'll have to spend time looking up and learning these meals. But once you have them, you'll completely switch over to a way of eating that is different and way healthier. Suddenly it won't be a diet, but a change to eating food that you really enjoy. And when the diet is over, you won't go back to the way you ate before to get fat.

I was weighing in at 296 pounds in january. 5'11"
I quit my antidepressants and my appetite plummeted. I'd go 4 days without eating. Feel liked I had to eat something on the 5th, even though I wasn't feeling hungry. So I'd have a can of tuna. My stomach couldn't handle the tuna, and was puking it up.

I followed this cycle for a couple months. Started trying to normalize my diet. I'm weighing in at 224 now. Lost 72 pounds since january.

I can't say not to do the starvation route, as it did produce results. Granted mine wasn't exactly a weight loss choice. I literally just didn't want food.

If you do decide to starve, be very careful when you decide to eat again. If you go back to your old habits, you'll puff up bigger than before.

Now I'm just eating right and running a few miles a day

>how can you count the calories of every meal
Can you not do 3rd grade math dude?

my friend went anorexic and shit it was the best thing to ever happen to me. just once you lose the weight make sure you go healthy. dont get too skinny or let yourself get fat again. get to a healthy weight and just eat again but not overdoing it.