How do I stop being obsessed with little girls?

how do I stop being obsessed with little girls?

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brb calling fbi

Therapy, so you don't end up becoming a sex offender

By committing suicide

alright so OP isn't posting using a proxy or TOR so my FBI report went through successfully. Just got a response saying he is being investigated currently.
OP hopefully you don't have anything bad on your hard drive. change your ways, you're on a bad path.

rip op



nigga i don't even live in the united states

have fun playing superman i guess

>implying Interpol doesn't exist
>implying Interpol is not actively hunting down pedo's while working with the FBI

Little kids are so cute, I don't understand sexualizing them tho. Were you sexually abused at a young age?

Getting shot

Honestly, no. I just realized as I hit 18 years old, that I was still attracted to very young girls. This didn't stop well into my 20s, I'm almost 30 now.

get therapy for real

Whatever, u should to stop this shit

When you say that I don't think people really understand what the core issue is. I WANT to stop, but it's like I get distracted and my head gets all cloudy around young girls. The truth is I really don't know how to turn this aspect of my mind off and just try to have healthy relationships with legal aged women.

No people understand the core issue, you're a sick fuck that likes little girls. Everyone has told you to get some therapy and that is the best advice.

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Being attracted to children is a sexuality just like being gay. People are going to object to that, but that's exactly what it is at its core.
You can get rid of that the same way you can stop someone from being gay: force them to repress it for their entire life and eventually drive them to suicide.

Unfortunately for you, pedophiles will never be accepted,even if they have no intention of touching a child. You can't talk to a therapist without the risk of getting a flag over your house. If you admit to being a pedophile online, most other pedophiles WILL try to get you in a child porn ring. Basically, you're on your own.

>Basically, you're on your own.

I've become this fucked up reality is why they commit horrible crimes.

They think in their minds, "There is nothing that can help me. Everyone will always hate someone like me for trying to be happy. Everyone else can be happy easily, but I get treated like Satan incarnate."

With this context, they think, "Either I can be celibate and unhappy my whole life, or take the risk because life in prison or even death doesn't seem that bad in comparison to the crushing loneliness and eternal frustration."

By going to therapy instead of asking a bunch of anonymous idiots on an internet message board

How young are we talking?

At least two digits.

Don't go to a fucking therapist, for all of that you might as well just call the FBI and ask them to lock your ass up. Listen OP, all heterosexual males are pedophiles (more accurately hebephiles). It's one of those demons that we locked away once we became "civilized", but 200 years of social conditioning isn't going to override thounds of years worth of biological programming. There's cold hard science that proves this. Just control your urges. Action makes you a monster, not thoughts. How bad are your urges? Are you also attracted to grown women? Or is it JUST little girls? Everyone itt is just throwing shade without offering any actual help. These things cannot be discussed outside of anonymous internet communities.

join a lgbtqp+ group
all peas in a pod

I mean dude, I'm literally messaging multiple women in my area right now. Some woman in a third world country is even messaging me and says she wants a husband in the West. I have a date with a girl who's 25 tomm.

I mean, I have some attraction to women these ages, but still I feel deeply tempted by the young girls. They just make this weird switch go off in my brain. Like I imagine sex with a girl of this age would be much more intensely arousing and satisfying for me than sex with women my own age, of which I've already experienced many times. I have these fantasies about young girls in which I have unprotected sex with them and impregnate them. Rationally I know it's sick as fuck but it's the reason I freeze up when women I hooked up ask me something like "So what's your ultimate sex fantasy?"

Yeah, from what you just said I can tell you're just an average guy. Especially when you said no lower than double digits. They're forbidden fruit OP. Rather they admit to it or not (women are done physically/sexually maturing by like age 15 tops), you just described one over man's deepst urges. It's different if the only thing you're attracted to is like 5yos. Just like we don't shit in the woods anymore we don't blow loads in 12yos. Just control your urges and work your best to bulid a healthy relationship with a woman your age or at least of legal age.

This is complete BS

A regular pedo has no risk whatsoever of doing anything bad and the FBI knows this. It's very ignorant to treat a pedophile as anything less than a person who has decent moral values and is a normal person.

OP all you simply have to do is cease any stuff you're looking at that triggers you to feel that way. You probably aren't constantly surrounded by little girls so its obvious you're probably going to loli threads and looking shit up on google images of w/e constantly to feed this obsession. Just stop adding fuel to the fire, stop that stuff cold turkey.

If you're getting constant sexual impulses about little girls regardless of not having any temptations in front of you then thats a different issue. That has nothing to do with being a pedophile because 99.9999% of pedophiles do not struggle with this and just lead regular sex lives with normal people.

Just go to a therapist and talk to them about having constant sexual impulses. You don't have to specify and it would be way outside of the awkward boundaries of the therapist to ask. You probably have some sort of hyper sensitive sexuality issue going on that could be caused by another mental issue. Ppl who are bipolar and other mental health issues deal with this.

honestly, I guess you're right. I wish I could be like R Kelly and have a mansion full of tied up and blindfolded teens in lingerie (along with enough lawyer money to pay for your indiscretions), but I know it's a fantasy that probably could never happen for a guy who isn't a celebrity like me, and if I did somehow have enough money to do that, I'd probably still get in trouble with the law.

I don't really hate pedos, I kind of pity them. They are obsessed with something that society deems absolutely off the limits.
While I can understand why people get so worked up on this topic, it still suprises me. For some it's even worse than actual murder.
To the point you can't even talk about it to a therapist or in an internet forum without someone contacting the authorities.
In this day an age where everyone is told they can do anything, they can be anything, that nothing is "that bad," but this is just off the limits to even discuss about.

And not only you have a prison sentence if you do something, but it's known you get the extra mile in prison.

Thanks GOD I don't have this fantasy. OP: just get it out of the system. Obsess with something else... trannies or whatever.


ugh... I wish it was that simple. I just can't help it, it's like my blood starts running hotter around young girls, as soon as I can smell them my heart starts pounding and all kinds of dirty thoughts start forming in my mind. If they're wearing footwear or accessories teen girls are known to wear, short skirts, leggings, short shorts or revealing camisoles or heels, I start feeling like there are butterflies in my stomach and my head feels all hot; I swear it's like I can lock onto teens while I'm driving like a hawk. I try to look away from them but it's like my body doesn't want to listen. I've straight up had to try and hide my arousal in public around young girls.

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While I kind of think "fpbp" in this situation, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, so here's my advice:

Literally fake it until you make it. This cliche philosophy has changed me from the sniveling self-conscious loser I used to be into the successful, confident person I am today. I never had to overcome anything like a taboo fetish, but I did have to overcome several other mental barriers, so I think the psychology might be similar in this case.

Every time you think of children in a sexual light, or hear about a child sex offender, think to yourself (or hell, even say it out loud) "that is so disgusting." Train yourself to have this reaction. Force yourself to look away when you see girls in public. Constantly run that thought through your head. "This is disgusting. Child rapists are the scum of the fucking Earth."

Eventually, if you repeat a lie to yourself long enough, it will become the truth. Once you fall into this habit, your mind will adapt to these new thought processes and your feelings will change.

This won't happen overnight. For me, with my social anxiety/confidence issues, it took 3 years of "pretending" to be confident. But it fucking worked. It's cheesy as hell, but I finally feel free.

So just "pretend" to be disgusted by child pornography and eventually the disgust will become genuine.

Also, as others have mentioned, don't encourage these thoughts by fucking looking at loli porn or watching Excel Saga or any bullshit like that, because at that point you're just reinforcing bad behavior.

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Honestly, I think I will try this. It will feel weird at first, but if it helps... I will do it.


please don't listen to this guy's bullshit
you can get help, and it'll be better than prison or a sex offender registry or living in your own chains, watching your every move

you're wrong
I'm not about to say there's some magical transformation at 18 or 17 or any age that makes a person attractive, but it's only logical that if someone hasn't finished puberty yet, they're at least not as attractive as they could be yet, and more urgently, pregnancy in a girl who's too young can be very dangerous

the fucked up part is the majority of my fantasies involve purposefully inseminating young girls. They just look so fertile and ready, never been used before.

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It is not a sexuality, it is a mental disorder just like all sodomites.

Pedo confirmed.

As long as you don't do anything to them, there's nothing wrong. Try to fap the desire away and focus on a hobby or task to keep your mind occupied.

Are you retarded?
It's like if someone was stabbed and you said "stop bleeding and being in pain you retard". Do you understand how stupid you sound?

Try threading a needle through your urethra.

Also kys

Oh shit that girl in pic isn't legal?
Fuck I need to get careful with age.

I dunno man
are you comparing someone sustaining an injury to a faggot that wants to stick his dick in the wrong place?

You are comparing an involuntary desire to voluntary action, thinking he can just stop being a pedo. Can people stop being gay through sheer willpower? In my analogy can a person stop bleeding and being in pain through sheer force of will? No you fucking retard they can't. Try to think before you type if it isn't too difficult.

Does this count as a fetish? Genuine question because I'm not sure

Latest clinical research claasifies it as an innate sexual preference (note that I did not say "orientation") and more efforts are being put into studying the phenomenon correctly, which is shattering a lot of misconceptions already.


is it possible Jow Forums turned me into ephephobe or however thats spelled because it really seems like thats what happened to me

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Your environment always plays a role but your actions are still up to you in the end.

Our time will come, user. These feelings are natural, no matter what this contaminated society will say.

Just remember that you are not alone.

>Some woman in a third world country is even messaging me and says she wants a husband in the West.
sounds like some kind of scam

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