I matched with this girl a tinder a while ago and we've been talking alot over snapchat for a while now. She's really cute, kind, personal, talented and we actually have a good amount in common. Now it sounds like I found a dream girl but then I started noticing things about her. She seems very insecure, has lots of anxiety and she has other issues. For example a few days ago she told me that she had to tell me something if we were get into a relationship. So I said sure and she proceeds to tell me she had a abusive parent. Not sexually or physically but I guess they treated her like a piece of shit. The second thing was a few years ago she was sexually assaulted by someone and it really fucked her up. The sad thing about this is she thought I would stop talking to her and leave her. Like she asked me to promise her that I wouldn't stop talking her after she told me this. She also said I'm the best thing to happen to her recently. The only reason I feel she likes me alot because I treat her nice. She told me I'm the nicest person she's met in a long time. I mean I'm nice but it's not like I'm super kind and generous guy. I really do like her I just don't end up in one of relationships we're I'm constantly supporting her and making sure shes alright. However if it could work I feel like we'd be great for each other. Any advice?
Should I date a girl with mental issues?
Don't even fuck her - don't stick your dick in a crazy. Nothing but regrets there, bro.
The sexual assault shit isn’t a good sign. Especially given she’s going on about it already. It’s quite possible that there’s more she isn’t telling you yet, or won’t tell you.
Not saying you should bail, but you should understand that this may just be the tip of the iceberg.
It could be all sorts of fucking crazy. Next thing you know she impales you on a machete because of her mental problems. Never stick your dick in crazy and above all, never stick your heart in crazy cause it's fuckin contagious and she can fuck you up
Run now m8
Take my word for it because I was blinded by the prospective pussy that I went for something just as stupid. She might not handle it well if you turn her down but good god it beats getting fucked over later
News flash user. ALL women are crazy. This one sounds damaged but not completely broken. Its up to you.
You people are retarded. Ghosting her after promising you wouldnt, because of verbal abuse everyone in this world in bound to face? Youre the crazy paranoid one at this point.
Ask her if she ever talked to a therapist about any of that. If not, urge her to do so and then see how things proceed. If she doesn't want to, just bail. You can't save people, user. She has to save herself, you can only help.
It’s not about mere verbal abuse, it’s aboht what she hasn’t said yet. That she’s said what she’s said so far, so soon, indicates that her real secrets must be such that these are considered minor by her.
Who said I would ghost her? Yea everyone goes through verbal abuse but at a young age it can cause mental issues as get older. I don't think I'm being paranoid more concerned.
Save yourself user. damaged girls are not worth it
Stupid advice. Who among you is a self made man? Who among any of us got anywhere without support from people around us one way or another?
Yes she needs therapy, but that doesnt me you have to be a selfish cunt and never let her vent to you, it becomes a problem when she turns you into an emotional tampon. But leaning on your friends family and lovers for support now and then is entirely healthy and healing.
Everyone in this world is damaged. Who the fuck are you kidding. You think the OP is mentally well when he comes here?
You aren't paranoid. Any person when meeting somebody exposes a small piece of themselves. It's like letting you take a peek at the surface of her character. If the surface of her character is so fucked up then mate, proceed with caution. People can be really fucked up. My brother's ex gf was a normal girl at the beginning but after a month of relationship he found her in his apartaments bathroom with both her wrists slit by his fucking scalpel and this fucked him up for a long time. The thing is that the surface level of her character was only slightly disturbing, your girl is much more dangerous than that.
Not OP but do you mind going into it a bit more? I see posts like this all the time that just assumes the worst case scenario and want to hear something that's more likely to happen.
You speak as if being her friend means youll never deal with her problems. Read your own OP and realize you care for her. Now you must make a decision on how much priority and importance she has to you. If any at all.
>"Parent's treated me like shit." Sounds like something ~80% of brats say. Is this credible psychological abuse or the prattling's of a drama queen?
>"Mental issues" Is this medically diagnosed or are you being an armchair general?
Some people go through some trauma in life, but it does not mean they have mental issues. Just a bit of baggage(which every single human being has).
The one thing that worries me is that she is so clingy toward someone she met over social media. Not taking away from who you are a as a person, this is just a red flag in relationships. Most adults are aware that you should be wary of having intimate relationships with people you talk to solely over a computer screen.
>"I don't end up in one of relationships I'm constantly supporting her and make sure shes alright."
This is literally what relationships are at their core. My girlfriend and I are constantly supporting and making sure each other are alright every day of the week. Do you want a relationship or just to say you're dating an attractive girl over the internet?
My advice is that LDR (assuming because you talk over snapchat) don't work UNLESS you have spent time together already. They're shit to start out with and have a very low (statistically speaking) chance of being successful.
She doesn't seem to have mental issues based upon what you stated. Then again, I am a Psyc major so mental issues have a strong definition for me.
Go for it, user. Crazy girls are usually amazing in bed and will do anything.
She might be more stable than you think. And if you haven't dated a crazy girl before, it's one hell of a ride. it's like a roller-coaster that never ends, up down up down up down. Once you've gotten a taste of how alive you feel in such a fucked up relation you'll never want to go back.
And the sex is amazing, just remember to be dominant.
The thing is, if she has borderline then she will rope him in and never let him go. She'll say things like "if you leave me I'll kill myself" and slowly erode him until he's an emotional wreck like her. You can't fix people like that, only they themselves can. The best course of action with people like that, both for them and for you is to cut all contact with them.
Yeah, it's all good till she cheats on you, gives you std and the threatens suicide if you break up with her
user, find yourself a crazy girl but not a damaged one. Date someone who wasn't sexually abused and your life will be much much easier.
t. a damaged woman
Aren't you jumping to irrational conclusions? We don't know shit about this woman to be frank. Your advice sounds like a yikes for me my dude.
Never said the opposite user. Just that you can't save people, you can only support them.
You are jumping to extremes with little information. You are crazy, paranoid to be exact, more than that girl is, probably.
Are you just projecting your experience as the absolute and only truth? That too is a sign of delusional thinking.
OP. Do NOT listen to men like this. They are clearly damaged, and they will rot with their bitterness and slip far far away from reality.
Well, happened for a person I know so It's not really impossible. Also, my close friend is a psychologist and she went on quite a monologue about people like that and how much they resemble fuckin bear traps. Just like said, it's all good until things get fucked up and she threatens you with suicide. Be careful because people never are as good as they present themselves and if they present themselves as bad then they're probably really fucked up.
>met girl on tinder
Do you want to marry a woman or a whore?
That does save people though. Both the trampoline AND the firemen holding the trampoline saved that person, and it also took that persons bravey to jump from a burning building. You should give credit where credit is due.
Well look who's trying to get OP to fuck his shit up. The internet is full of stories about abusive people and people with mental issues. Just borderline disorder can get you fucked up not even mentioning worse cases. Crazies will stay crazies and if you have any real choice, stay away from them. The only place where relationships with crazies turn out to be a good thing is fucking hentai or some shit. The real world doesn't work like that and can be cruel.
But the girl doesnt sound crazy based on the info we have? Damaged != crazy
Everyone has baggage. Dont fucking kid yourself.
Everyone has bagage but nobody drops the bomb on fucking tinder.
That's how relationships with bpd often start. It's not sure she has bpd, but the signs are there. Low self esteem, abusive parent(s) and praising you. I'm not telling you to break up, but you definitely should look out for red flags. Cutting scars, blaming you for dumb shit making you walk on eggshells etc.
You sound more bitter than me. I dated a damaged girl (raped by her ex, from poor pathological family, no self esteem). At first our relationship was great, I supported her and do a lot to help her. Then she started getting delusions that I'm cheating on her (I did not), she refused to sleep with me, threw a hysterical fit every night about how I don't love her and how she is worthless. Then she suddenly went back to normal. 2 weeks later I have clap. Turned out she cheated on me with multiple men. Most men who dated a similarly broke women end up unhappy and damaged themselves. I'm sorry but if OP is not totally desperate or naive, he should look for girls who are not walking red flags
People do. People dump their baggage online all the damn time. That is not a sign of insanity. Threatening to kill herself if he never responded is a sign of crazy. Not trying to be honest about your past to someone you want to be romantically involved with.
Writing your feelings into a letter to someone is something humans have done for eons.
From the information we got, the best case scenario is that she'll need constant support, the worst case scenario is that she'll blackmail him with her fucking life. Isn't that a bet that you'll lose even if you win?
Funny you should mention that, I'm actually fucking a crazy girl with a bf right now. And she is up down up down up down. For example, we had a great night out, went home, fucked, she was so happy and told me that she wanted to be with me forever. Then she slept for an hour, woke up, told me she hated me and that I was a pussy, and went home to her bf.
I'm telling you, it's a roller-coaster of emotions. Better buckle up.
If she is in therapy and has been for awhile then sure, go for it. If she is not in therapy and is a mentally ill person who is not receiving any kind of treatment then you need to shut this down immediately. Getting into a relationship with a person with an untreated mental illness is an absolute disaster.
>Everyone has baggage
Yeah but baggage =/= baggage
Sounds like she has a huge fucking baggage full of pandora boxes and OP will be the one to carry it
eh, well, hope you'll never meet a crazy and have to look for red flags like, oh I don't know, needing constant support and promises to not leave her after a few days of knowing each other. These are already massive red flags.
So you are projecting a personal experience like it is the end all be all truth for abused women? She wasnt even THAT abused. No rape, no daddy/uncle bad touches. Some verbal and sexual assualt. Bad, but not the end all be all sign that she will rape and murder you, you delusional autist. Where do you even draw these conclusions from? Because she was upfront? If only actually crazy women were that upfront LOL
OP, make sure she see a therapist. A good one. And be supportive, but dont forget you have to protect yourself too. Be watchful, not paranoid. To watch is with your eyes, to be in touch with reality, to be paranoid is to trap youself into thinking about what could be but what you havent experienced.
Good luck getting your throat sliced because you dropped your toothbrush and that is somehow a sign of you not loving her. And remember brother, be especially careful during the blood moon when lord ovulatus is most active, things go really downhill during days like these.
Why do you take it so personally? After breaking up with my ex I attended a support group for people who have or had abusive partners, and almost all the guys there had a story which started like mine and OP's- with dating a damaged girl.
Run for the hills OP. Trust me, no matter how much you care for her or how much you like her, getting committed to a girl who has mental issues is ALWAYS a bad idea. You will regret it sooner or later.
I speak from experience. I was with my ex girlfriend for 2,5 years and she struggled with chronic depression, borderline and extreme insecurity. You are fighting an impossible battle trying to fix a person who cannot be fixed.
Ever since we broke up i made it a necessity for a girl to be emotionally stable and healthy before i date her. I will date a woman with mental issues ever again.
Steer clear OP.
Are you so retarded you dont understand the concept of a relationship is to love and support someone, even through bad times? You wouldnt help your lover with her baggage? Why? For what purpose. To have a trophy you never have to polish or dust? Impossible. If she is truly crazy, avoid. But based on the information we have, she is clingy, a lot of women are, not always bad, not always good. Not proof of suicidal/murderous insanity.
But let me say one thing OP. If youre going to do this, take it SLOW.
What I described was two days before the sacrifice to Lord Ovulatus. She has gone socially batshit every time the sacrifice comes around so far.
While she is crazy, it's not *that* bad. I have dated some seriously crazy girls before (one with 150+ lovers experience and a behavioral compass that can only be described as a wheel of fortune, one that would alternate between complete adoration and threats of suicide several times a day). While we all know that you never should stick with the crazies, they are the only ones that get my emotional state swaying. I fall hard for these girls. I have tried dating stable and practical women, but I never feel that deep crazy love for them. I can only feel the comfortable feeling of having someone around that I'm used to and comfortable with. I want the crazy in love feeling.
I will say that she's certainly alive. I never know what to expect, and I'm guessing neither does she. The only thing that bothers me is that I can't shake her from her bf.
Again, you are projecting personal experiences as the end all be all. That is delusional thinking. You know damn fucking well more developed in those relationships that made the redflag more and more blatant, but you cant say it exists if he hasnt even seen much of them yet. You dont know a damn thing dude. Stop giving such awful fucking advice with little to no information. The best advice is for OP to vet her himself, if she is a little damaged but not crazy, goodo. If she turns more and more crazy as interactions go on, droppo. Take it slow and steady.
People make their own decisions, good or bad.You can nudge them to pick the right ones, but not force them. It's not the firemen's fault if the person decided not to jump.
Hey user why do you act so hostile? Why do you want so badly for OP to date that damaged goods wreck? are you one yourself? Are you trying to convince men to give a chance girls like you so then some poor loser can fall into the trap and end up dating you?
Yeah a relationship is about MUTUAL support. If one person is insecure, clingy, had shitty childhood and experienced sexual assault and therefore needs nearly constant attention and special care it is not a healthy nor balanced relationship and it will not work out longterm. This bitch should work out her issues with her therapist and maybe then looking for a bf. Shes already using OP as her crutch and emotional tampon and they aren't even together
Now post tits or gtfo
>Again, you are projecting personal experiences as the end all be all.
You’re on a Mongolian throat singing forum. Do you expect something other than anecdotal evidence and personal experiences? That’s exactly the sort of information people who post here want.
Everyone has to be there and make the right choices, otherwise no one will be saved. To save someone takes a collective effort, from the victim to the support.
Youre a fucking child if you dont understand this. Narrow minded, not seeing the big picture. Kudana.
>Yeah a relationship is about MUTUAL support.
No one is truly equal in this world. The scale will always be tipped. The sooner you realize this, the better.
That's exactly what I said, user. You can't save someone if they don't want to be saved.
What makes you think she doesnt want to be saved? Is reaching out to someone not enough proof for you?
For all we know, she could already be in therapy. But most therapists suck anyways and you will have a much easier time healing yourself with people who are actually personally involved with you and know you. Therapists are there for MONEY.
Again, it can be tipped a bit of a whole fucking lot
In OP's case it's the later
You think OP isnt carrying any heavy baggage? Hes on Jow Forums. Hes on tindr. What more evidence do you need?
I don't know if she wants to be saved or not. In the end it will be her own decision. OP has to be aware of that. He can choose to support her, but she has to come to terms with her past herself.
He never mentioned about being abused as a child or being sexually abused
By now I'm convinced you are actually a damaged chick who desperately wants to convince men to date equally hopeless cases even though all other posters tell him not to and most know from their own experience its not worth it
Women like you are honestly the worst
To the people suggesting therapy. Therapy is almost always terrible. My therapists didnt do shit. Yeah, someone pretending to care for money is totally good for people. There are expections, but the majority are women with no sense of empathy and clearly doing it for the ez money. I got more therapy from my friends and family than my therapist, because they dont pretend to care and know who I am.
I've gotten therapy. Tried several different therapists, all women. It helped me a great deal.
Not all of them were great, but they all cared and wanted me to succeed. I'm guessing you are an angry incel with a chip on your shoulder about women?
OP if shes worth it for you then go for it. I've dated a girl with a terrible past before and she was great but they need tons of attention. Even with me being as nice as I could to her as I could without being creepy, she still thought I didnt't like her and brole up with me (there's more complicated circumstances but that was a factor) The moral of the story here is tread carefully
He doesnt have to. Its self evident OP is a broken desperate man.
Maybe you are right, he must broken if he is seriously considering dating that chick
>To the people suggesting therapy. Therapy is almost always terrible. My therapists didnt do shit.
Suggesting that one should avoid doing things that has objectively helped millions of people because you personally didn't find benefit in it is pretty retarded.
>There are expections, but the majority are women with no sense of empathy and clearly doing it for the ez money.
Firstly, take that horseshit to where it belongs. Secondly, becoming a therapist takes an incredible amount of schooling and clinic hours for not that much pay. It is in no way shape or form "easy money".
>I got more therapy from my friends and family than my therapist
I've got some bad news for you; the therapy didn't work.
Opposite results for me. Not an incel. What would that have to do with therapists giving terrible or no guidance to me anyways? It didnt help me. Its cool that you didnt experience this, but its not fun to go through one therapist after another, drain your emotions, and receive vague shitty advice from people who are clearly motivated by money not healing. If anything, that made it worse and was expensive, which adds a finacial stress ontop of it all.
You KNOW I'm right. I always am. You kids have no life experience and are terrible at judging character. Its painfully obvious.
So how many uncles diddled you?
9, plus the homeless guy by the 7-11. I think his name was Frank, but I'm not sure.
>Secondly, becoming a therapist takes an incredible amount of schooling and clinic hours for not that much pay. It is in no way shape or form "easy money".
Boo hoo. Partying for years in a school enviorment must be really awful. Its still easy money. You sit on your fucking ass and talk to people. That is the deffinition of easy money. You have to climb a ladder, but considering how many therpists exist its clearly not one of the more laborous ones. Why do you think so many women go into this field?
Therapy is not a magic pill. Therapists cannot help someone that does not want to be help or is resistant to the process. A lot of people interpret therapists who give them guidance they don't want as not giving guidance at all. Therapy is also supposed to be very uncomfortable. You're not always supposed to walk out and feel good. The whole point is to dredge up feelings and memories that you don't like dealing with. Chances are you're just extremely angry and bitter and therapists are just another scapegoat for your incredible dysfunction.
>Partying for years in a school enviorment must be really awful
>You sit on your fucking ass and talk to people
You really just have no clue what you're talking about. You have no clue what the duties of being a therapist entails or what becoming one requires. You're just an angry kid with a personal grudge against women because your mommy didn't hug you enough or some shit.
>Therapy is not a magic pill.
Wow he admitted it.
The last two girl who were my gf had ALL THOSE SAME PROBLEMS and I couodn't manage a shit. I fucked my life because of a really bad choice. Now I'm fixing it.
That girl need a therapist. Then she could get a new partner. But this order is completelt necessary.
Fucking of course not you moron. Magic pills don't exist. Change and introspection is difficult. Self-improvement is difficult. A therapist doesn't hand you solutions. A therapist merely walks you through the process of helping yourself and offers objective observations and analysis of your behavior that you are incapable of seeing. Seriously, you are so beyond clueless about what therapy actually is.
Heres the proof. Its got a lot of women in it, and lets not be delusional and say most women are willing to work super hard for a lot of money, they would be in fields with a higher skill level if that were the case, and fields that have a lot of women in it is the tell tale sign its an easy job with little effort. ',:^)
Back to your containment board, autist. You are a pathetic idiot.
You dont need to pay a therapist for this if you have friends and family who are good people and good to you.
Aw. Is the roastie getting toasty over such an objectively true statement?
Family and friends aren't trained in mental disorders and what their treatments are. Family and friends don't have training and experience in a clinical environment. Family and friends are incapable of being objective with you because of their personal, emotional involvement. Family and friends can be supportive. Family and friends can't be your therapist. Depending on your family and friends to treat your mental illnesses is the quickest way to not having any family or friends willing to talk to you.
>objectively true
Its very unsettling that you honestly believe what you're saying is objective. Also, unironically using the word "roastie" should be a mental illness in and of itself. Accusing anyone who disagrees with your shitty behavior of being a woman isn't a sign of an incredibly mentally healthy person.
>Family and friends aren't trained in mental disorders and what their treatments are
What? Live life and become experienced. Wow suddenly you are able to give advice to people. Therapy is the art of talking to people about their problems, anyone can do this if they interact with people enough and gain enough life experience and knowledge. If you know such people you are in luck.
Why dont women go into harder degrees as much? Because they are different from men and men are capable of carrying heavier burdens. This is how humanity evolved. Youre a retard if you think there isnt a difference between what men and women are capable of.
>Therapy is the art of talking to people about their problems
False. Again, you just have no clue what you're talking about. You have no idea what becoming a licensed therapist entails or just how much training you need to actually be able to diagnose specific psychiatric disorders and develop treatment plans.
>Therapy (often abbreviated tx, Tx, or Tx) is the attempted remediation of a health problem, usually following a diagnosis.
Aka talking to people about their problems. :) now, your friend may not be able to give you crazy pills, but not everyone going to therapy gets pills.
You know as much about evolution as my cat knows about trigonometry. You also have no clue how hard getting a degree in psychology or psychiatry is. Take your redpilled spergfest back to Jow Forums.
You stupid sad cunt. You are in denial that humans evolved with men on top. Embrace the patriarchy, its the only thing that will actually function for human societies.
>Aka talking to people about their problems
Why do you insist on pretending like you know what you're talking about? "Talking to people about their problems" is the most over-simplified way immaginable to describe a therapists job. You don't know the first thing about the training it takes to assess, diagnose or treat mental illness. Its immensely more complicated than just "talking to people about their problems". I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean.
Your random musings on a subject you know absolutely nothing about is of use to no one, autist.
>men and women have different brain scans
Science says you're wrong and a fag.
>"Talking to people about their problems" is the most over-simplified way immaginable to describe a therapists job.
But its not wrong. Douda?
You are trying to deny science at this point. All youve done is throw insults around, not facts, you raging roastie.
You must be a therapist AND a woman to be sucking off getting a degree in therpy of all things. user is right. Just because your womanlet brain struggled with it doesnt mean its a hard field to get into and complete.
Its not wrong in the sense that all a doctor does is "Make sure people don't die" isn't wrong and all a rocket scientist does is "Build tubes that fly real high" isn't wrong. All a farmer does is "plant seeds and grow shit" but that childish summary of their job completely misses a world of nuance. Anyone can oversimplify anything and make it sound dumb, user, just like you're doing right now. Its a childish oversimplification that you're purposefully doing to make being a therapist sound as easy as possible when in fact you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about.
>Its not wrong
Good girl. Youre learning. Youll become a quality braphog after all.
If you actually knew anything about the mental health field and the education required to work in it your opinion may be worth something. Alas, your input is completely worthless.
Kek. I'm a dude and you're such a fucking idiot its incredible.
Shhh, just call me daddy because I just tucked you in.
So now you admit it wasnt wrong? Even though you said the opposite several posts ago? You claim you have a penis but all im getting from these posts is the smell of a roasty.
I'm confused if you're being serious or if you're just trolling me at this point. I can't quite decide whether or not this stupidity of yours is on purpose.
Did you not claim it was wrong with this post? Or maybe that was a different user? Either way, thats what the discussion was about. You just tried to change it to either save face or youre an idiot outsider jumping in.
>Should I date a girl with mental issues?
No. Girls with mental issues are pump and dump material. For a partner, you should look for someone who is at least as stable as you financially, emotionally and mentally.