"I may declare a national emergency dependent on what's going to happen over the next few days,"

Yep, the source is a CNN article. But the message is clear. After all we have seen, the weird EMP guys twitter warning and subsequent deletion of the account, sunspot activity and shutdowns, DHS prep warning. fucking transformers blowing. emergency text msg system.

Trump says he may declare national emergency as a reason for building the wall quicker, but I have my doubt. I think there is something coming, and he knows. My guess is they will start doing all kind of preparations for an "emergency", everyone will think its a pony show for wall "Stuff" and then whatever happens happens.

This honestly makes no sense, everything points towards something happening very soon, planned or unplanned. Something.


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Other urls found in this thread:


have my doubts* fuck. i can "feel" it in my bones. the happening is upon us.

If you aren't ready at this point you have all of two weeks to get your bug out bag together buds

I think this is actually very important. I think him saying this really means something. I hope someone discusses this and thread doesnt archive.

anyone else think this is fucking weird?

oh hey, what? i didnt say anything about my personal readiness, but why are you saying 2 weeks?

The only national emergency here is the Cheeto occupying the White house.

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Don't forget the "Network Event" that happened a week ago.

"it's happening"

ok dude

sick of your shit leaf, fuck off, you sound so stupid when you say mindless platitudes like that. of course nothing happens until it happens dipshit

Reminder to ignore all "it's happening" threads until theres an actual happening.

Didn't he already declare National Emergency last year? I thought his whole plan was to push them to the brink, then sic the military on themcc

>Making an opponent move hastily increases the chances of mistakes.
Nothing new there.


cnn just flew over my house

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>"I may declare a national emergency dependent on what's going to happen over the next few days,"

I just saw this clip, I was like WHAT

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If there is an emp you are going to die unless you live on a secluded rural farm period.

Second of all there won’t be an emp because some retard posted about it on the internet. This is Qatar’s delusion he is calling an emergency because of the border

Presidential Emergency Powers«
I. Powers over Persons:
A. Confine any individual deemed a threat to national security;
B. Restrict travel to or from U. S.;
C. Restrict access to U.S. citizenship;
D. Restrict movement of individuals within and over the U.S.;
E. Require certain individuals to register with the government
F. Restrict freedom of association;
1. prevent individuals deemed a threat to national security from certain employment opportunities;
2. remove federal employees deemed threat to national security;
G. Suspend Habeas Corpus;
H. Declare martial law;
I. assign armed forces "to assist in military mattes in any foreign country."

II. Powers over the Control and Regulation of Property:
A. Order the stockpiling of certain strategic materials;
B. Impose restrictions on the export of U.S. goods;
C. Authorized to allocate materials in ways he thinks necessary in order to promote the national defense;
D. can require industries to give priority to government contracts and seize by any means necessary those industries that fail to comply;
E. Fix wages and prices.
VI. Procedures Relating to the Use of Emergency Powers:
A. Then the president declares a national emergency, he must specify to Congress the provisions of the law under which he will act;
B. The president and all federal agencies shall keep and report to Congress a record of all rules and regulations issued during the emergency. The same applies to all expenditures for emergency actions.

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I missed this, qrd?

III. Powers over Communication:
A. In carrying out his reporting obligations to Congress, the president may withhold information he deems damaging to the national security;
B. If he concludes that the nation is under threat of attack, he may refrain from publishing his regulations in the Federal Register;
C. During war or threat of war he may establish procedures for censoring mail, cable, radio, or other means of communication between the U.S. and any foreign country;
D. Can require those engaging in propaganda activities on behalf of foreign governments to register with the U.S. government.

IV. Termination of Existing National Emergencies:
A. Terminates two years from the date of enactment of this act emergency powers and authorities possessed by the president or any other federal officer or executive agency that were still in effect as a result of previously declared emergencies.

V. Declaration and Termination of Future National Emergencies:
A. All future national emergencies declared by the president can be terminated by Congress through a concurrent resolution« « or by presidential proclamation
B. Not later than six months after an emergency has been declared, and not later than the end of each six-mont period thereafter, Congress shall be required to consider whether the emergency shall be terminated;
C. If the president has declared a national emergency, and if it has not been terminated at the end of one year unless the president informs Congress that it is sill in effect.

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Probably USA going to war with China
Will Europe be dragged in? Am I safe in Belgium? If Europe enters the war, Brussels and Antwerp are certainly getting nuked eventually.
I always thought I'd flee to Latin America in case of a WW in Europe or the Middle East, but it it is China vs. USA, Latin America will probably be invaded


They're getting scared.......

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pls explain for brainlet

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>From seizing control of the internet to declaring martial law, President Trump may legally do all kinds of extraordinary things.

>The moment the president declares a “national emergency”—a decision that is entirely within his discretion—he is able to set aside many of the legal limits on his authority.

>The president could seize control of U.S. internet traffic, impeding access to certain websites and ensuring that internet searches return pro-Trump content as the top results.

>Next to war powers, economic powers might sound benign, but they are among the president’s most potent legal weapons. All but two of the emergency declarations in effect today were issued under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, or ieepa. Passed in 1977, the law allows the president to declare a national emergency “to deal with any unusual and extraordinary threat”—to national security, foreign policy, or the economy—that “has its source in whole or substantial part outside the United States.” The president can then order a range of economic actions to address the threat, including freezing assets and blocking financial transactions in which any foreign nation or foreign national has an interest.

>Americans might be surprised to learn just how readily the president can deploy troops inside the United States.

>10 U.S. Code § 2808 - Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergency

>a) In the event of a declaration of war or the declaration by the President of a national emergency in accordance with the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) that requires use of the armed forces, the Secretary of Defense, without regard to any other provision of law, may undertake military construction projects,

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Read the Atlantic article its qrd for civic retards

Long story short, with emergency powers the president truly is the commander in chief

Trump will become the undisputed sovereign of the United States.

Yes, God I pray I have a good role to play if shit really goes down. What a time to be alive boys! I'm sick of going on like everything is normal. Seeing people stuck in endless materialism, being mind controlled by media. Literal satanists doing whatever the fuck they want and being completely backed by a large amount of people who NEVER think for themselves. God bless Trump, I still believe he is a good guy in this.

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Trump tweeted something that pissed off jews and then backed down on ever delivering... Again.

Just found the video link.

Why does he look so stressed... hes not his usual epin troll self at all.

he legit looks rattled. what the FUCK does he know guys?

he's finally becoming god emperor!!!
THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!

British Military Intelligence Coup Underway

Tweet them

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Leafs come from the first nation on Earth occupied nearly 100% by NPCs. They only know their programing. Don't hate them they aren't real.

fuck you for spamming 100 twitter accounts about something none of us have heard of without providing a slight fucking summary. god damn you to hell for that.

He knows what is at stake and that victory is not guaranteed

My God guide him.

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If you aren't ready now it doesn't matter. Everyone who isn't prepared is about to get ass blasted

yea.. hes talking very slow and .. low energy for once.

something is on his mind dude. its plain as day.

fucking asshole, you already said that. you also said 2 weeks like you knew something and then failed to elaborate on that when i asked. why are you fucking around

Kill yourself you sick disgusting traitorous communist faggot.

things are about to get exciting

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I'm in a wheelchair, no living family or friends anymore. I'm as good as dead if the system falls apart for even a month.

Goodbye guys. I'm always ready for it to happen, it never does, but this time I think it might be over.

100% agreed with OP, the wall is just a smoke screen excuse, they're rounding up the last remaining fuckers during this Nat Sec Em, I'm talking literally dragging the likes of Schumer out of the building.

GBay is ready, tribunals have already started, this is just the last final polish clean up and financial reset

Stay safe anons

What the FUCK does he know bros? Why is he declaring emergency and GOING TO BUNKER CAMP??

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Silver or lead user, SILVER OR LEAD?

if danhald was actually /ourguy/ he would have exposed the deep state,9/11 and all the other fuckery america been putting since forever.
i really wanted to believe but so much time has past and he didn't do much besides kissing kike ass.
i mean making bolton national security advisor?
come on.

either way something is .. literally happening. look at his face in those screenshots.

hope this is true
this thought makes my cock hard as diamonds

Sounds like a good opportunity to break the monopoly of the Federal Reserve and stop using its filthy debt-money.

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are you fucking forgetting the UMPTEEN fucking random warning signs for EMP shit the last few months?


He's starting to focus on human trafficking in his speeches. He'll be using the threat of exposure of pizza partyers to get the boarder. Maybe they wont cave and he'll just go through with the reveal. This is why pizzagate wasnt pushed way back when (2017) , it is leverage to use over those in power that are caught up in it.

oh for fucks sake forget it

He wants to declare a national emergency because when the gibsmedats run out, the spics and niggers relying on handouts to survive are going to riot.

>weird EMP guys twitter warning
Care to elaborate?

a warning to get prepared for a catastrophe.

from an impostor twitter account of some old tinfoil fuck who doesn't work for the government in any capacity and has been whining about EMP bullshit for decades

According to the Atlantic, there are at least 30 unended emergencies from past presidents, and any day now Trump is going to shut down the internet, declare martial law and become dictator for life, so everyone resist on Twitter okay?

i beg to differ, sir. i have enough rice, beans, canned goods including meats and vegetables, and dietary vitamin supplements to last my fiance and i a solid year, longer with rationing. i also have the fuel stockpiled to cook said beans and rice, a filtration system for water and access to a lake, and the guns, each with around 3k rounds, and military grade body armor to keep it all safe. it's comfy senpai, desu desu.

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this would be so based if they chimped, literally giving people free reign to fucking execute them

That was so hard to read. The Jewing is so intense.

Also, checked

That fucking shitbag article tries to frame it up like Trump granted himself these powers.

What people aren't noticing is that all presidents for forty years have had unfettered access to all these powers cause you only need one state of emergency to access all of them. The emergency does not have to relate to the powers used either.
Also, they don't have to disclose the use of these powers, so they've all been effective dictators for years.
The only thing good that will come of "orange man bad" culture is people will start to call for limits on the powers of the president/government which will give us the small federal gov, and more powerful state gov we need.
Don't ever forget we live in The United States of America, not "America"

Get both, while you can.

I've got a bit of AG, lots of PB, one is a consumable for me though, so...

Our nation has been in an emergency situation since 2008.

It's nothing

What book is this from? (((Amazon))) and (((search engines))) aren't being very helpful.

>but why are you saying 2 weeks?
if you have to ask, its already too late

From Texas Machine Gun and Ordinance

"The question of if we should spend $5 billion on a wall, is a valid topic of debate and reasonable arguments can be made both ways. Building it would require the government to exercise Eminent Domain to seize private property along the border, something which the current owners are entitled to challenge by calling Saul Goodman and literally having their day in court.

never have been able to find sauce, user. apologies.

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Yet now the occupant of the Oval Office appears to fancy that if he is unable to accomplish his goals through the legitimate legislative process as provided for in the Constitution; he has the authority to declare an “emergency”, and send the military to take Americans’ private property by force. As in like literally sending soldiers to a home, telling the owners to GTFO and accept whatever sum the government deems it worth, and then go fuck themselves on challenging the seizure.

It's nothing

The government certainly can legitimately exercise Eminent Domain, yet its ability to do so is checked by the Judicial Branch, where citizens can defend their rights in court. A President declaring his actions being immune from judicial review, especially when it comes to seizing American citizens’ private property (through the military turning its guns on its own citizens no less), is flat-out tyranny, as no man is above the law or the Constitution.

It doesn’t matter if you support the wall or not, voted for Trump or Hillary, are Republican or Democrat, pro-gun or anti-gun, like In-N-Out Burger or Whataburger, have a soul or are a soulless ginger-kid, or whatever else. The idea that an occupant of the Oval Office would even think he has the ability to reach for the classic tyrants’ ploy of proclaiming an “emergency” to overcome the limits placed on his office by the Constitution, should be appalling to all.

17 posted this

roll for happening

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I found it. The Complete Book of Self Sufficiency by John Seymour.

If you’re the type who is fine with a President who thinks he is able to ignore the constitutional restraints on his power, and thinks he can order the military to seize private property without due process: it’s you, you’re the threat we need to arm ourselves against."


> everything points towards something happening very soon, planned or unplanned. Something.

High IQ

Sure thing, Isaiah.

Just as a general advice, when a happening is likely the propaganda machine will spin at full force and their won't be any shitty cryptic messages to point towards it. The entire MSM is always caught off guard when there's a happening.

Trump invoking an emergency will only be used to circumvent demoshit stalling and possibly readying any or all security services to prevent the food stamp recipients from chimping the fuck out.

>congress is full of anti-American sell outs
>Trump’s only way of getting funding for the border wall is to declare a national emergency
>OP is to retarded to understand this

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Im not going anywhere except on the hunt

China boasting about sinking us aircraft carriers, sailing vessels with railgun on them, yeah maybe it's time to snuff out China before they get to be too much of a problem. China has been stated as a bigger threat to the us than the Soviet Union ever was.

Muh cheeto!
Opinion discarded

The left cant meme

Big secret of corruption in the us government is that the Democrats are bought out by China. There is widespread corruption of Democrats taking money from China for eroding freedoms from Americans and selling off companies to China.

Ill take my chances bru

>notice me senpai

How pathetic would I be if I trolled the comment section of cosmo like this obese faggot trolls here?

>am I safe in Belgium

Americans sure like their happenings. Its like a new one every week. I get exhausted following them all. Someone can "feel" its an habbening. Its all going down now.

Its not old people arguing about money again. And virtue politics while the jews fuck us all. No not at all. Its the happening.

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i have a weird feeling too. the wind is going nuts on our planet right now and snowstorms everywhere. this conbined with solarflare emergency happenings. dunno whats comming but could definetly be big


God bless America user!

Lol, I just didnt read it

na dems are big part of the global kalergi agenda. can't believe the masterminds behind are the chinese. they seem like the slaverace after niggers and spiks. i guess on top are the kikes and some pureblooded aristocrats from europe.

God save our patriots and curse our enemies

Q predicted this.

Evwryone who IS prepared is also gping to get ass blasted. Thats the nature of assblasting.