>I was only following orders
I was only following orders
The funniest thing is that OP is an Israeli shill hired by the Israeli government to conduct psy ops on Jow Forums. Jow Forums is an American website and this is effectively a perpetual 24/7/365 act of war against the United States. OP....You're the mentally ill degenerate just following orders.
>Ours is not to question why...
Lrn2War, faggot.
>I was just following orders
>anything that challenges my viewpoints is shilling paid for by jews
You are mentally unhinged.
That is actually funny as fuck.
nazis are the biggest NPC's in history
argument works for everyone but nazis apparently
No, the national socialists did it with great fervor, it's what happens when there's cohesion between the people and government, they understand synarchy and duty becomes an act of love
>say i was just following orders
>mfw it was a lie and i actually enjoyed every second of it
Also, we would do it again if given the opportunity and when the Jews ask us why, we will say "we were just following orders", but ironically.
He's probably a dual-citizen.
So it's only half treason.
>what the fuck is a shitpost
>what in actual the fuck is a low effort troll
>n-no, clearly this is a highly organized network of round the clock secret agents trying to push an agenda because it doesn't align with my agenda
newfags get the rope first
that is quite a no u
>I was only following orders.
>no order to systemically exterminate the jews has ever been produced.
>If hear sieg.heil; print(sieg heil)
but its good to be mind controlled if its against the jews my fellow NPCs
>gives excuse to create israel, lets rothschilds go
>implying they did anything wrong and should excuse themselves
i really wish the left could think up something original. its just getting old at this point
>calling me leftist
t. NPC