Is it normal for a woman to masturbate 4+ times per day?

I'm 26 years old and was lurking on threads here about girls who never had an orgasm before because I hadn't have one myself yet. Ive never been one to masturbate a lot. Could
spend months without it. I have an app panty teaser which I decided to put into use every night for a week with porn. Like 4 days in I realized I just got my first real orgasm by myself. That day was Friday which I had started ovulating. Now it's Sunday and I've been non-stop horny. On Saturday I masturbated 4 times in the morning then 3 times at night. I'm scared I might ruin my nerves or something.

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It's quite excessive.

3-4 orgasms per day should be fine.

You're perfectly fine. You aren't going to ruin your nerves. The human vagina is an incredible organ designed to withstand the birthing process. Its pretty durable. Considering the fact that you just discovered how to orgasm a few days ago it seems fairly reasonable that you would be doing it a lot. The initial excitement will wear off eventually and you'll taper down. Congratulations, by the way. Chill out, girl. You're fine. Masturbate away.

My girlfriend rubs her pussy at least 5 times a day. She does it even more when she is stressed, to the point where she loses sensation. She also has porn brain to a moderate degree. You are fine, OP.

The worst is when it's 3-4 days before her period and she just starts attacking my penis. I can be taking a rest and she just uses me ;__;.. Horny little thing.

Yeah you won’t damage your vagina provided you’re not inserting large objects in yourself.

Women have a massive range of variability in terms of how much they masturbate. Yes, some don’t masturbate at all, and you hear a lot about them. But there are plenty of women who do a lot.

unless you don't shove any huge and rough object inside your vag, you should be fine
but you will get tired of it quickly so enjoy it reasonably. (teasing and "blue-balling" is a good way)

At least she has a dick to play with. I only have my vibrator which I guess works.

I'm not shoving anything. It's rub play. It's a vibrator that goes in your panties and you control with your phone. Now I cum every time.

>You're perfectly fine. You aren't going to ruin your nerves.
>I only have my vibrator
You know how guys can get "Death grip" from masturbating too hard? Over using a vibrator is pretty much the female equivalent. You WILL dull the feeling down there if you overdo it.

Thanks btw. I was starting to think I had FSD.

How often should I do it?

What about me, though? I can't say no because her pussy is so good. Then I am all sleepy for the rest of the day because she makes me cum over and over until I can't get it up.

My only option is to fuck her hard enough to make her pussy sore so she will leave me alone.

No, it's not normal

Do vibrators actually do this? And how quick does sensation come back or is it irreparable?

no idea if it's permanent damage or not. Just keep an eye out for how it feels when you use them.

>a woman can never give herself an orgasm up to the age of 26 and then somehow masturbate 7 times a day over the weekend.

Man... when I read things like this it makes me really think of how different of as animals men and women truly are.

I can't imagine never having masturbated until that age. Nor can I imagine masturbating 7 times a day. First time I ejaculated I think I jerked off to boobies and ass on google when I was like 12.

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You better do some cardio to keep up with that

How often is normal? Not just orgasm but times I masturbate.

>You know how guys can get "Death grip" from masturbating too hard? Over using a vibrator is pretty much the female equivalent. You WILL dull the feeling down there if you overdo it.
This is medically false. Please stop spreading this bullshit.

I have sex and masturbate just not very often. I played with myself since I was 11 maybe earlier but I was never able to reach my peak. I would get bored and found no point to it. The week I started trying I just watched different kinds of porn til I found a clip that really did it for me then went for it. Took me 10 mins I think.

Yeah but that's the other things: how some women can reach adulthood and never give themselves an orgasm. As a guy I just can't understand how that happens. As a teen I could jerk off in like 3 minutes if I had to be in a hurry or draw it out to like an hour and a half of watching porn and jerking off real slow.

go hard then, but don't get upset when you go numb

I see. My ex would think like this too but he just got sad because he convinced himself it was because of him. I thought I was just one of those people who doesn't cum ever.

Well yes. I don't feel "proud" of sex unless I made the girl cum. I imagine most men feel this way. You just feel like a man when you feel her pussy clench up and she starts yelling that she's cumming while you're inside her. If that never happened... yeah I guess I see why he's your ex.

That isn't how the human body works, user. No one is advocating that she ignore her body and masturbate to the point of physical injury but repeated masturbation does not cause any long term nerve damage that causes people to " go numb". That just isn't a medical reality. So long as she takes care of herself and stops when she is feeling too raw or sensitive her nerves are completely fine. Like I said, please stop giving medical information when you have no idea what you're talking about.

I actually started running a lot to keep up with her. Running ~10-12 miles/week at the moment on a machine at the gym. It has an aerobic setting that simulates running up hills/stairs. So I do that as much as I can.

Even with the cardio I still get worn out. I don't have a comparable libido to her. Hers is ginormous.

There are some weeks where I just go at her so hard off the bat she is satisfied, but her craving always returns. Like my craving for ice cream even though I am lactose intolerant. ALWAYS RETURNS.

So it doesn't matter if you do it again after like 15 mins?

Yes, so long as you're not raw or bleeding or in pain you're fine. Your body will let you know when its time to stop.

over time if you do it often enough, yeah definitely. it's not irreparable. few weeks to a couple months brings her back.

It isn't "medically" anything you stupid pseud, studies on this kind of shit are pretty much nonexistent for somewhat obvious reasons.