Yaaaaasss queens

Yaaaaasss queens

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Do it! Lol

Good, we need to divide black liberals from white voters. They will make the same exact mistake and try and play indetity politics. Easy win for Trump 2020

That has to be the most heavily edited picture of baboon obama ever

if this happens i will win while doing debates hammered on rum and weed.

>I need to take lucy out.
these neet faggots couldnt be anymore pathetic. I can see them screeching about the shutdown right now.

God damn those faggots

lol poor leftist trash. They think they know how to troll. SAD.

If one of you leftist faggots are in here, kill yourself. the TRUTH will always win.

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VP age requirement is 35

Why do the democrats seem to think that the only qualification one needs to be president is to be wife of a previous president?

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Stop replying to these bait threads, faggots


Kek, I think it's hilarious they think they are making progress. This is why these faggots are doomed to fail.

yaaaaaaaas queen

Attached: oprah weinstein.png (1903x1123, 2.81M)

Go ahead and put those two phonies on the DNC ticket. It will be a landslide win for Trump


>ook ook eek eek

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oprah has skeletons in the closet, she's not running

At least Oprah is an impressive businesswoman. Michelle does not seem to have done much and yet is most admired woman in America. But maybe something like a Booker/Menendez vp could be formidable. Cannot be two radies.

>Oprah is an impressive businesswoman

No, she isn't.

Wow Michelle is beautiful. Why do Jow Forumstards keep hoping she has a dick?

But she is running. Did you miss the news?

Answer the questions and the website shows you, wich politician is mostly d' accord with your views. Oprah is one of the running candidates. Clinton isnt.

Wew lad
Ez there

I will literally move to canada

Oprah hates the spotlight on her personal life.

That would be quite fun

You are so fucking stupid for answering such comments.

>thinks they’re winning
>pol gets more racist literally every day

Life here sucks dicks, and it's cold.

Oprah and mobama are both well over that age

I fucking hate Discord so fucking much