How to defeat the hollywood jew. For real

I just realized how to completely obliterate cultural marxism in hollywood. How to teach every normie to spot it like he had 5 year Jow Forums degree. I mean it. Read this fucking thread.
Basically we make infographics with the same brand template for every episode of tv show/season, then there is "propaganda meter" or "jewishness meter" or „cultural marxism meter”, idk we’ll work the technicals out. displayed on it explaining how much and what propaganda is there (anti white, lgbt, feminism etc). Also, statistics displaying the ratio of scenes with propaganda vs scenes without propaganda.
Main portion of these infographics would be screenshots with scenes with subtitles, condensed. For example when actor in a movie goes on anti white monologue which is like 60 words long (one display of subtitles display something like 5-10 words), first display is the whole scene, the next 5 are just only subtitles below it. Hard to explain, i would have to paint it.
Its not that hard to do and i very strongly believe it would be D-E-V-A-S-T-A-T-I-N-G to the (((industry))) and VERY redpilling for normies.
Look up on there is on average 10-20 episodes of tv shows airing DAILY.
You dont need to watch all these episodes, not even download them to find the propaganda.
You go to, you download subtitles .srt files for these episodes.
You open files one by one in notepad, press ctrl+f and you search for keywords like "racist, white, feminism, revolution, ableist, lgbt, gay, lesbian, white men, women's rights, right wing, left, nazi, communism" etc.

Attached: nosedive.jpg (1232x800, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You read and decide if this is a propaganda. You write down exact time in the episode the scene happens. Then you go to or piratebay, download flagged episodes (can be lowest quality), open it in vlc player with subtitles, do a screenshoots of propaganda scenes and paste it into the template. About 15 minutes work for 1 episode, if a few anons jump on it it will be done in an instant. It can be even automated - imagine just downloading all .srt files to a single folder, then running the program which automatically search every file for a pool of keywords and nicely display the results with juicy statistics and graphs. This is piss easy to code.
Normies love their tv shows. Today's tv shows designed for teenage girls are fucking propaganda vehicles. Once working anons complete their templates, infographics are distributed via twitter and posted on tv show's subreddits. We dont even need to make a hashtag, tv companies and normies do it for us. So it will already be popular.
It will be RECOGNIZABLE BRAND WITH CATCHY NAME AND LOGO. I dont have anything particular in my mind yet. For example lets call it „Jewmeter”. Once a trailer for some popular tv show comes out there will be comments on reddit and youtube „i wonder how jewmeter will rate it this season” and such.

Every day, all year long. It wont be ignored. Articles will be written about this. Actors and producers will call it nazi propaganda. I can see it.

You're gonna want to make an example of one of these and post it, kinda confusing to visualize exactly what you are talking about. Otherwise, the idea is decent, provided you aren't marking each infographic with swastikas or some obvious shit.

Cultural Marxism isn't real. It's just nazi propaganda, Cultural Bolshevism, repackaged for a new generation of idiots such as yourself.
What is actually going on is that Capitalism has no counterpoint since the fall of the USSR and the co-option of China.
So it no longer has to be restrained in any way, nobody has top be convinced to follow capitalism because there is no alternative any more.
So what you are seeing is that everything is for sale, there are no collective values anymore because acquiring wealth is the only measure that is uniformly recognized.
You have been hypnotized into jumping down a blind alley of blaming everything on magical jews when the truth is that if every single jew died right this second, they would instantly be replaced by people adopting their revenue streams.
But of course you've been conditioned to not actually be able to examine the circumstances of civilization, so you can only spew fallacies in reply.
But just in case you're actually capable of comprehending anything that I say, here is how you defeat hollywood for real: Look away.

I love it. Minor problem though, anyone who makes threads like these never intends to actually make it, and so makes the post hoping someone else will do it for them, therefore nothing ever gets done.

I know user. Im a lazy motherfucker.
>kinda confusing to visualize exactly what you are talking about.
I have already marked scenes for latest season of orange is the new black, ill make work in progress template in paint soon but some user with photoshop skills will have to hone it.
>provided you aren't marking each infographic with swastikas or some obvious shit.
Absolutely not. Totally normie friendly. Language used will be academical even. Just pointing out the agenda.

Thanks for confirming greatness of my idea. You gave me motivation!


Hitler disagrees

you are so fucking dumb. I hate you

Here's the solution, put up a reward for doing it.

You should make a discord or something dedicated to propaganda identification or other Jow Forums intelligence work.

Where's the product or am I to invest in a great description?

I always suggest to do a comedy routine with the red pill.
'this is anti-semitism, I can smell it'
'I'm giving her high interest, the only way I would give you such high interest is in the form of a loan'
'my one skin is under my two skin, my three skin is under my four, my fourskin was eaten at dinner, please god give me one more' (song)
Rub your hands together every time you see money and ask if it's been loaned at interest, have mild orgasm of yes
Act like the name of Jesus gives you shudders.
Whenever anyone spends money infront of you say 'uncle JP will be happy, can't wait to see him at the next barmitsfa.

> Lord, make my enemies ridiculous

I don't think you can convince people something is right or wrong, only good or bad.
Trying to hit them with information only works on a higher intelligence (logic) which most people don't have. Don't hire a mime for blind kids and don't hire a story teller for deaf kids.

So make your enemy ridiculous, make them the subject of utter ridicule.
This is exactly what hatespeech and political correctness seek to destroy.

That a fucking tranny is ridiculous.

If I was in charge of TV I would have 'wankers of the week' and the Jews would always be the special guest.

The Aussies understand this at it's core.

The Jew can't into bantz
Neither can the nog
Neither can the poo
Neither can bugmen

Grills always side with who cares less
> His sword, it couldn't cleave open a letter lol

Divide and conquer.

There are those who can meme, shitpost and bantz and their are faggots.

Stay mad.

Great idea.

discord will probably ban it, i think general on Jow Forums like /ptg/ or /sg/ would work.
Once the template is done and keyword looking program is written, its not that hard to do.
10-20 tv shows per day.
Once subtitles for them are up, some user download them to a folder and runs a program. Post results in the general. Anons decide what should be exposed and what not. Anons decide which episode everyone will take. Download episode, do some screenshots, paste into template, write some additional stuff. 15-20 minute work per episode.
2 templates, one for a whole season for example of netflix show.
One for individual episodes. For the whole season template there will be juicy statistics, diversity quotas, actors by ethnicity, PRODUCERS and OWNERS of the media company by ETHNICITY, score and verdict. Maybe some more things, like the general theme and tropes exposed (powerful black woman, villain white man etc)
Each show can score 1-5, 1 being completely agenda free entertainment, to 5 being literal propaganda machine.
One episode template will be used to shows which are aired weekly and will contain condensed screenshots of the propaganda scenes with subtitles + shit from the whole season template.

I was thought of doing it with academical style language, but you gave me idea of doing it with satirical language. I think it could be more powerful and resonate with zoomers.

Do we have some eloquent anons here?

Can anyone write template verdicts? Lets start with extremes, 1 - completely free agenda entertainment, 5 - propaganda vehicle.
Around 40-70 words i guess?

Great facking idea mate wankers of the week
I might steal that for my show on YouTube
And just because I am a Slav, that is NOT why I am stealing Anglo intellectual property, it’s just how things worked out this time

I still have no idea what you are saying
You want us to write out a paragraph explaining the propaganda of a show on various screen shots of the show?
Sounds clunky and lefty-tier
Just throw on fashwave edits and make the right seem like the side of the strong, the handsome, the smart.
Make the left look dumb and weak and ridiculous.
It writes itself

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No one listens, no one reads. Even if you post nigger crime statistics to Twitter people still call it biased and rayciss. Normies are beyond saving.

i can visualize his method of figuring it out... making it into a consumable meme or infograph or whatever is the difficult part

Defeat by reading history

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I'm interested. We'd need a format. Also I think the term 'cultural marxism' is a little too complicated to get into. Maybe 'liberal propaganda' would be more appropriate

If there is a thumbnail with normies show of choice then they would be more apt to click on it

>cultural marxism isn't real
post proofs


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nice. NPCs already have angry eyebrows without even using the brain

>I just realized how to completely obliterate cultural marxism in hollywood
>we make infographics
Just personally stop consuming their shit

Another note. The perfect show for this would be shameless. Its so pathetic. My brother watched it but I got him off of it

>scene in PTA meeting
>theres an std outbreak
>turns out everybody is cheating on their spouse in the meetings
>everybody is shocked but ok with it

>'my antifa buddies told me about people blocking people from voting'

>gay bipolar kid with jesus complex torches truck

>owns apartment complex
>doesn't want low income housing next door
>will kill her profitability
>lets it happen anyway
>'I don't want to disappoint my people'

If you can stand sitting through this show, it would be RIPE for this meme. And its semi-popular. It's literally 'It's okay to be degenerate' the show.

>Maybe 'liberal propaganda' would be more appropriate
I dont know, it needs to be something catchy with nice logo.
By the way, on the left bottom corner, small stamp:
"Produced by Jow Forums Institute for agenda-free driven entertainment" with pepe logo
>If there is a thumbnail with normies show of choice then they would be more apt to click on it
A TV show header on each infographic. Normies will see tv show header and infographic and will immediately click on it.

I watch shameless too user. Started watching since season 1 (i was bluepilled then) and just stayed. I still watch it, its my guilty pleasure. The propaganda is horrendous and obliviously blatant.

Honestly i think i came up with this idea when i was watching episode of shameless lol. I couldnt fucking stand this propaganda, i could fucking stand that some normie is watching this and its molding his mind, radicalizing him.

Get your leafblowers out, lads

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Good thread.

Fuck yourself, JIDF.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

Attached: jew covers.jpg (1113x729, 362K)

>something catchy with a nice logo
I agree. Cultural marxism is something too hard to look up for a normie. 'Liberal propaganda' is too straightforward.

>Produced by Jow Forums institute for agenda-free driven entertainment
People see Jow Forums and they immediately thing 'agenda driven meme'. Make it seem like a genuine person asking why that shit is on TV

Maybe we just ask a question about the scene.
>Who wrote this?
>What happened to family?

Since this is Jow Forums, I would go full 1488-ish at first. No joke. Later on, after redpilling people here who would give a shit, let them spill the beans by themselves.
On the other hand, I've been thinking of simple stuff to expose the JQ to normies through other outlets. So far I've thought of:
>(((star of david))) = inverted pentagram
>729 crossed

Only symbols and numbers. So it could catch on internationally. Easily reproducible with spray paint, stencil, paper.
I guess the chosen people would have a hard time explaining why this shit is anti-Semitic without spilling spaghetti allover

Bro you need to learn to be more concise with your ideas. Nobody is going to read all that shit.

Unironically true

>Screenshot of TV show
>Quote of TV show
>Somehow explain how the show is propaganda

We are still on step 3. In OP's post he posted more of a methodology on how to access that data


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Fascists are shit at bantz. Sam Hyde gets more butthurt than any of the Cum Town boys

Well that's the point, dumb people can naturally ridicule something if they feel it's ridiculous.
Only people who can talk academically or logically or PC can generate it about any subject in my observations.

It's a clear and concerted effort to expose them, not as baddies, not as evil, not as any particular side of any dicotomy other than ridiculous. If people don't take you seriously then you are fucked socially.

Incel is a great example of a barb caught in Jow Forums which demonstrates it. Nobody takes the incel seriously *so you put a picture of a disabled pesron with some of the vile, hateful comments* and boom, taken seriously.

But believe in the 6 gorrillion!!!!
Why would you do this to a poor, innocent, starving, helpless, victimised, ashamed, embarrassed, helpful, humble, charitable Jew???

Language is power.

But 100%, you get swords, you get spears, you get shields and you can definitely get a statistical analysis of kjoi (key Jew overrepresentation indicators).
I for one encourage you to go through with this and I will definitely watch it . . .

If it's funny

MSM will call it a anti semetic nazi app and only Jow Forumsacks will be using it.

im on linux now and shit doesnt have paint. Ill switch to windows and try to make a template in paint to let you guys visualize this. If thread dies ill make another one exactly the same.
>Maybe we just ask a question about the scene.
Interesting concept. Really interesting.
>In OP's post he posted more of a methodology on how to access that data
Exactly. It seems like a lot of work but i kind of simplified it.
10-20 tv shows daily, look up on
10-20 infographics daily - maybe less, we can omit some shows. Strenght in sheer fucking numbers.
Today every tv company generates a hashtag for a show they're running. It will be impossible for normie to miss it on twitter.

>Jews will call it a anti semetic nazi app and only Jow Forumsacks will be using it.
Imagine my shock

get GIMP. I just switched to Linux

>How to defeat the hollywood jew. For real.

There's mypaint for linux. I think it's a little more complex to use though.

I'll start


Attached: Jew rating.png (1152x648, 523K)


This looks like a lot of work.