[FRANCE YV] Shit hits the fan?

Saw this document on social network, seems to have leaked from the Prefecture.
This document is an order given from the interior minister for Prefets of region's police.
Prefets are regionals officials named by the government to rule regions.
This document is asking to prefet to cease all the fire arms, weapons of category B, C, and D.
Cat A are forbidden thats why they are not mentioned.
If this is real, we can say this is the biggest happening since decades for France.

Attached: 1546800880-armesx.jpg (800x1098, 230K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here is a schema of categories of firearms in France.

Attached: ob_a4db7d_divers-categorie-armes.jpg (960x540, 73K)

I don't know if it's real or not but that is a desperation move. It's a big gamble that could easily push the entire country into civil war.

I don't get it. The government told the police to disarm?

Unfortunatly i can't say much for the moment, i checked the signature's of the minister on different documents online.
Thats seems a true one, but i am not an expert of graphology.

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seize not cease. Do they have a record of who has weapons?

>seize not cease

Macaroon is fucked.

yes seize, my bad.
Yes ofc, in France you have the obligation to delcare weapons to your regional prefecture, even if you are hunter, or a sportive shooter.

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I made a mistake, i meant seize, in order to disarm citizens.

Attached: 1545498817151.jpg (850x556, 136K)

What a time to be alive.
GJs must up the game.

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i started translating this and got this so far

Subject: Implementation of procedures for the seizure of categories B, C and D weapons in accordance with Law No. 2012 of 6 March 2012

in view of the gravity of the current situation and in anticipation of an insurrectional aggravation you would like to put in place without delay the practical arrangements necessary for the use of all the weapons of the aforementioned categories

Just so you know, improvised munitions, while sloppy, are MUCH more effective than the guns they want to seize.

Napalm is easy to mix. Gas, dirty oil, powdered magnesium, and a fragile bottle make for a fire you can't put out with water.

Just don't use a rag for the igniter.

happening??? this is civil war level shit.

I bought guns solely to see when this moment would happen. Of course I won't give them that easily, I want to see how far they are willing to go.
If anything happen, I will let you know.

this entirely changes everything; you may want to start a new thread. I thought, based on your OP, that the police were stepping down to avoid further escalation.

use the phrase "French police ordered to disarm all French citizens" or something like it if you start a new thread.

Good luck frenchanons, this is horrible news if true. They are going full tyranny.

> From: Minister of the Interior
> To: Prefects of the police in departments and regions, Prefects of the police
> Subject: Initiation of procedures of confiscation of firearms of categories B,C and D pursuant to legislation 2012-304 of 6 march 2012.
> Due to the gravity of the current situation and expecting a worsening of the insurrection please put into place without delay the necessary procedures to confiscate all firearms of aforementioned categories held by citizens on the national territory.

Yes, we know illiterate farmers BTFO you three time in a row with IED, but I hope it don't come to this. French soldiers are French after all, and certainly patriots.

Just so I know, how do you size cat D weapons? they are unregistered.

>categorie D
They're gonna seize all the knives.

I don't know what they mean by that, it's black powder shit tier. Cat D aren't subject to registration, so i dunno.

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I guess from now on, if they happen to find them in a home, in a vehicle or on a person, they seize them immediately. They can't go out specifically to confiscate them since they don't know who has them but will confiscate them anytime that they are found incidentally to police work.

> Local police and gendarmerie forces will carry out the confiscation and deliver receipts mentioning the date of the confiscation, type and number of seized weapons, information of the identity of the legal owner and [his] corresponding [firearm] permit numbers.
> This confiscation will be applicable for a period of 6 months, which it can be renewed, and after which the firearms should be returned to their owners.
> Special categories[?] and agents of the State authorized to keep and bear firearms will be exempted from the confiscation of their service weapons. [Service weapons of state agents will not be confiscated].
> Local police forces will be responsible for storage and security of the stored weapons.
> Operational orders will be given to you in the next communications.
> /signed/
> Christophe Castaner

they will never give them back, when ww2 kicked in they destroyed them all.

I hope the French people kill the police that actually follow through with the order. I hope the police do not carry out this order.

Can you check my translation, frog bro?
I'm baking a new bread


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Fake news already debunked fuck off and sage

>> Local police and gendarmerie forces will carry out the confiscation and deliver receipts mentioning the date of the confiscation, type and number of seized weapons, information of the identity of the legal owner and [his] corresponding [firearm] permit numbers.
>> This confiscation will be applicable for a period of 6 months, which it can be renewed, and after which the firearms should be returned to their owners.
>> Special categories[?] and agents of the State authorized to keep and bear firearms will be exempted from the confiscation of their service weapons. [Service weapons of state agents will not be confiscated].
>> Local police forces will be responsible for storage and security of the stored weapons.
>> Operational orders will be given to you in the next communications.
>> /signed/
>> Christophe Castaner

This translation is accurate, can't say better

yes its right...

> Local police forces will be responsible for storage and security of the stored weapons.

Don't those largely support the gilet jaunes? kek

>1 post by this ID



Link for the new batch?

New bread: Get in there

Would Frenchies rebel against such an order?

They're rebelling against much less for the past several weeks nonstop, so I would guess they would.

Just not sure how they feel about guns. I'm too used to seeing Euros shit on us for having them.

>paranoid poltards americans larping

Europe isn't America, we are much much much much more docile, just look at all the laws we have on speech, etc, this is nothing.

The Macron regime is scared

rather overthrow the government at this point, before you'll be treated like a criminal

they are mostly disarmed as it is. it sounds like it would just be some cops going out to countryside and seizing some hunting rifles

this. they could implement this over a period of a couple months and no one would do shit

weird choice of word
>vous voudrez bien
weird way to give an order


French people have a lot of guns by Euro standards:

>Just don't use a rag for the igniter.
What are you supposed to use then?

city dwellers probably have literally zero. very different from US


Sorry officer, a Muslim robbed my guns last night...

You are brain dead if you believe that thing is legit.
And I fucking despise Macron.

can we make duelling with catégory C fashion again?


It's not like the gilets jaunes were using firearms yet. Not in a significant way.
But they won't want you to have them for what is to come.

Attached: __commandant_teste_kantai_collection_drawn_by_maaranto__68e620dd2b24a18c2c2b62d9326d03bb.jpg (1642x802, 319K)

>This confiscation will be applicable for a period of......


Give them up and you will never get them back. Not ever.


Attached: bosnian hellscape prep.jpg (1504x2964, 787K)

Bullshit, macron is supported by hunters and he has nothing against them

Hopefully Obama was able to get enough unregistered guns to Paris for phase 2 after the legal guns have been confiscated.

Attached: Obama Holder Guns in Paris.jpg (948x1306, 481K)

It is open season on anyone taking a government paycheck, war isn't murder and they started it.

The first time a yellow vest is caught with any type of firearm, I'm almost positive this will happen.

If it is fake, they got all the basic info correct.

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Seriously : if the document is real, application it's not possible.
If Macron try to disarm french, ... he is dead.
Pray for this doc is real : french civil war and game over for Macron soon :)

Attached: cavalierjaune.jpg (236x330, 34K)

>asking froggers to surrender their firearms when shit has been on fire for seven weeks straight
has potential to push the country over the tipping point
true if big

>Pray for this doc is real : french civil war and game over for Macron soon :)
Thanks for starting WW3.

Russia will invade mainland Europe and set off a nuke underwater in the north sea, Atlantic and pacific shortly after they invade Turkey.

French have no reason to fight Russians, their army will be destroyed, but only after they inflict massive casualties to western cities.

Russia and Germany will have Christian governments when it is all over, USA will be a backwater, the Boers in Southest Afriky will be the biggest winners.

It might even do it if it's fake. I'd love to know how far it has spread.

Moving all weapons detained by citizens to one little location closed by a little door.

What could go wrong ?

>Hey fucking whites, hand over all weapons
>We will shoot every single white one of you if you don't!!!!
>Enfin la liberté

Attached: Vive La Résistance Alternate 2.jpg (750x633, 28K)

>What could go wrong ?

Attached: yellow forklift vs door.webm (640x360, 2.44M)

Thanks your jewish allies for that.

shitty encode, my bad

Attached: yellow forklift vs door.webm (320x568, 2.47M)

Fucking kek

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I remember reading that in the past cat C weapons didn't need registration.
If true then there are most likely still a lot of unregistered once floating around.


Here in the US our new brand of red flag laws apparently allows for guns to be confiscated from anywhere whether a potential shooter has access or not


And that is only registered firearms.
I remember reading that previously single shot shotguns and didn't need registration.
In most countries you can add one third more from registered firearms to get total number.

Lol the funny thing is that it doesn't even matter if the documents it's real or not because people will believe it is anyway. The cops who obey the order will get shot sooner or later. The cops who don't obey will turn against the government and overthrow it. It's fucking beautiful, the EU is finally over

HEs looking more and more late Hitler

Don't forget that the "new French people" were let in without any controls what-so-fucking-ever.

In Germany one of those shitbags actually brought fucking military weapons into this country and shot around.

Of course those are not allowed in any case, of course not registered.

Which means give your weapons away and you won't have anything to defend yourself.

Clearly the time for war has come, make sure not to let a single government bastard survive.

I am so jealous right now. I wish this was happening in America. I’ve always wanted to storm a bank and hang the employees on the lampposts! I hope this spreads all over and eventually here.