Vox Day

Is Theodore Beale controlled opposition, or is he worth listening to?

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out of touch boomer, but has some valid points

worth listening to

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Insufferably arrogant, but when he's right, he's right. Names the Jew obliquely sometimes, but he's a man that doesn't like cutting himself off from opportunity. Don't expect to pin him down on anything that isn't Christianity, book publishing, or economics.
The obverse of this coin is the obvious one. When he's wrong, he's really wrong, and often quietly covered up and memory holed so that he can continue to be smart in public and lord that over you. Evolved Secret King is Public King, right? "Alt-right" was quietly scuttled from his initial attachment to the scene, which was always itself tenuous. He's always very quick to cut his losses!

It's hard to be willing to lose. Both picking your battles and believing in fate are running away from the same bogeyman.

He's not controlled opposition and is worth listening to. He exposes the centrist/right-wing controlled opposition is his videos a lot like Peterson and Kike Shapiro. He constantly feeds small redpills to the InfoWars/Cernovich crowd and names the Jew. In general, he is a force for good. He's /ourguy/.

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Been following him for years. He knows his shit. Jow Forums is always slow to listen to him because he's not pure white. Also, fedoras absolutely hate him because he's not their idea of a "nice" Christian.

He's Gen X, memeflag.

>Insufferably arrogant
I assume he has good reason to be arrogant. Imagine the scope of retardation he's been exposed to over the course of his life. What's a good example of something he was really wrong on. I haven't been listening to him for long.

He tried to distance himself from Spencer tards, and who wouldn't if they want to be a real nationalist? Spencer is a pro-EU, fag-loving, glow in the dark nigger.

above 30, not a boomer, who is out of touch here boomer?

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Very smart guy who is 100% on our side.

He's wrong on virtually everything and he's a Bible believing baptist Christian.

My only issue with him really is that he believes that Jews have a right to their own home country in Israel, which the Bible clearly teaches against until they are right with God.

Other than that I love Vox Day.

I mean he's wrong on virtually NOTHING, sorry.

On a material level, it would be hypocritical to not allow them their own nation if we want that for ourselves.

what about palestenians?

>guise I have a high IQ and I'm a Christian wow I'm so special

What about them? Have they tried to do anything to form their own country?

I asked him about it once and he said that we're in this situation now and the Jews are in Israel -- but my view is that Western nations should not allow the Jews to live in and occupy Israel. Give them some other area of land that's not Israel, that's uninhabited or something.

The Biblical perspective is that the Jews were NEVER allowed into the promised land when they were at odds with God. They were not allowed to enter in when they left Egypt because of unbelief.

>When he's wrong, he's really wrong

Like the 2018 election prediction? That's why I'm kind of worried about Trump's reelection chances in 2020. He's already calling for a "Trumpslide" and it leads me to think he's been out of the country for too long and underestimates the sleaziness of the Dems.

I just can't understand why he wasted his life making video games, fantasy books, and comics for low IQ escapists to consume

God will do to them what He wants. Who He chooses to use for that isn't up to us. What we shouldn't allow is for them to stay in our countries.

Vox Day is more redpilled than you'd expect. He is like a Stefan Molyneux that talks about the JQ and doesn't cuck on it.
I don't find him that interesting, but from what I've seen the guy is solid. I've not seen him say anything cucked.

>Like the 2018 election prediction?

What did he predict? Source?

Are you asking that seriusly?

He's already said that Trump's reelection depends entirely on the wall at this point. And Trump hasn't cucked yet on that. He shut the whole government down and isn't letting up.

Vox admitted underestimating the significance of incumbents and called out the cucks that retired in light of Trump.

Yes. You do know that Hitler funded the creation of Israel, right?

I like him alot. He works his ass off to redpill fuckers and I can't imagine it paying off for him personally. He's comes off as kind of a dick but it's not him trying to "shock" people. He just hates idiots and thinks 99.9% of people are idiots/gammas/whatever. I think there's like 5 people he respects lol.

It's a character flaw that unfortunately a lot of smart people share, and a lot of them like it! Do you think Vox Day has earned the right to be arrogant? By suffering? Is this a progressive stack or something? He wants fans and he wants admirers! There's nothing wrong with playing to the crowd you want, but don't expect everyone to like it either.
Allying himself with (((alt-right))) personalities is the biggest example. Has he been hawking anyone's books lately? What does Vox Day think about Israel? Does he support a nationalist Israeli-Jewish ethnostate, or does he support Israel because walls and homogeneity work? I think it's the latter. Day is even more brilliant purely as a chameleon. Why does a guy who talks of entryism in such scathing terms live in Italy as an "American Indian Aztec?" Please.
Yes, Spencer is a dumbass. Didn't stop him from glomping onto a movement he could publish books for though! Think of Vox Day as primarily out for Vox Day and it should really stay that way. I like Vox out for Vox because that's where he can come out and fight these great fights that might turn out to be useful for others beyond bragging rights for Vox.

the fuck are you talking about? It was the american jewish lobby

He said the Rs would hold a majority. Go read his fucking blog.

>The importance of the Nazi-Zionist pact for Israel’s establishment is difficult to overstate. According to a 1974 analysis in Jewish Frontier cited by Brenner, between 1933 and 1939 over 60% of all the investment in Jewish Palestine came from Nazi Germany. The worldwide impoverishment of the Great Depression had drastically reduced ongoing Jewish financial support from all other sources, and Brenner reasonably suggests that without Hitler’s financial backing, the nascent Jewish colony, so tiny and fragile, might easily have shriveled up and died during that difficult period.

>Such a conclusion leads to fascinating hypotheticals. When I first stumbled across references to the Ha’avara Agreement on websites here and there, one of the commenters mentioning the issue half-jokingly suggested that if Hitler had won the war, statues would surely have been built to him throughout Israel and he would today be recognized by Jews everywhere as the heroic Gentile leader who had played the central role in reestablishing a national homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine after almost 2000 years of bitter exile.

Stalin gave some land in siberia to the jews. They should live there.

>Once Hitler consolidated power in Germany, he quickly outlawed all other political organizations for the German people, with only the Nazi Party and Nazi political symbols being legally permitted. But a special exception was made for German Jews, and Germany’s local Zionist Party was accorded complete legal status, with Zionist marches, Zionist uniforms, and Zionist flags all fully permitted. Under Hitler, there was strict censorship of all German publications, but the weekly Zionist newspaper was freely sold at all newsstands and street corners. The clear notion seemed to be that a German National Socialist Party was the proper political home for the country’s 99% German majority, while Zionist National Socialism would fill the same role for the tiny Jewish minority.

>In 1934, Zionist leaders invited an important SS official to spend six months visiting the Jewish settlement in Palestine, and upon his return, his very favorable impressions of the growing Zionist enterprise were published as a massive 12-part-series in Joseph Goebbel’s Der Angriff, the flagship media organ of the Nazi Party, bearing the descriptive title “A Nazi Goes to Palestine.” In his very angry 1920 critique of Jewish Bolshevik activity, Churchill had argued that Zionism was locked in a fierce battle with Bolshevism for the soul of European Jewry, and only its victory might ensure amicable future relations between Jew and Gentile. Based on available evidence, Hitler and many of the other Nazi leaders seemed to have reached a somewhat similar conclusion by the mid-1930s.

>The very uncomfortable truth is that the harsh characterizations of Diaspora Jewry found in the pages of Mein Kampf were not all that different from what was voiced by Zionism’s founding fathers and its subsequent leaders, so the cooperation of those two ideological movements was not really so totally surprising.

>Just as we might imagine, America’s overwhelmingly pro-Israel publishing industry was hardly eager to serve as a public conduit for Brenner’s shocking revelations of a close Nazi-Zionist economic partnership, and he mentions that his book agent uniformly received rejections from each firm he approached, based on a wide variety of different excuses. However, he finally managed to locate an extremely obscure publisher in Britain willing to take on the project, and his book was released in 1983, initially receiving no reviews other than a couple of harsh and perfunctory denunciations, though Soviet Izvestia took some interest in his findings until they discovered that he was a hated Trotskyite.

>Since the entire embarrassing subject of a Nazi-Zionist partnership had been kept away from the public eye for almost five decades, this timing surely seems more than merely coincidental. Presumably word of Brenner’s numerous unsuccessful efforts at securing a mainstream publisher during 1982 had gotten around, as had as his eventual success in locating a tiny one in Britain. Having failed to prevent publication of such explosive material, pro-Israel groups quietly decided that their next best option was trying to seize control of the topic themselves, allowing disclosure of those parts of the story that could not be concealed but excluding items of greatest danger, while portraying the sordid history in the best possible light.

decided he was a faggot after the whole threatening-to-sue-gab thing back in 2017

He's not even fully white. Why give him the time of day?

Based mongrel!

Prime example of what I said earlier. Most of them are relegated to /asatru/ and circlejerk about Varg videos, though.

i don't get his obsession with christianity, but i like everything else mostly

hes good and ive enjoyed a few of the castalia house books hes published mostly the stuff from John C Wright.

Impossible to listen to his podcasts and shit, but his books about SJWs are absolutely perfect in every way, as is his book on cuckservatives

He's a short beta faggot. If worms had faces - his would be the perfect template.

>a white movement should be led by a non-white
Based af! He has nothing of value.

Listen to whomsoever you want. Don’t ask Jow Forums if it’s okay. Listen and decide for yourself.

I watch his darkstreams and I'm continuously impressed by him. Wise as hell.

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He is smart, but his arrogance (which a lot of people point out) cause about half of his livestreams to be useless to anyone but him. The examples I'm thinking of are his 10-minute book advertisements and 20-minute tirades at people in chat who mildly disagree with him.
Also he talks way too fucking slowly, goddamn. And that's not because he's smart. I can talk faster AND more articulately than him, simultaneously.

I thought this board was pretty high IQ but if you think Vox Day is especially smart, that can't be true. As another poster said, he's a short silly beta who conjures up a lot of post-hoc rationalization to justify his unavoidable place in the natural hierarchy, which is that of a fat, schlubby, rejected man. I guess his background of leather books fooled you. He's an overgrown edgelord.

Don't just spout bullshit, though.
I hate Shapiro as much as the next guy, but noone can deny that he's been successful, even at a young age. Vox is the same way. Dude invented a video game company in his 20's. What have you done?

i see, someone is projecting

He's without doubt the most self-satisfied, conceited, egotistic and narcissistic man on the internet-utterly insufferable.

Sure, there are metrics by which you could say he is successful. But it turns out it doesnt really change who he is, which is evident to an intelligent observer. Do you think any real succesful dynamo guy talks about alphas and betas, let alone as much as he does? It's fucking pathetic and it tells you all you need to know. Unless you can't see, which I guess you can't.

Here is the ultimate blackpill: Anyone who still has a platform is controlled opposition. They have no other objective besides releasing the pressure valve so that we don't reach the pressure point and take action against the Jews.

The only non-controlled-opposition speakers are those who have already been unpersoned, like Patrick Little and Herve Ryssen.

I mean, I don't really get why he goes on about that all the time, either. I have an IQ hovering somewhere around 140, and I never bothered learning these words to describe people.
But hey, I am not going to denounce someone's argument on premise. I entertain everything, and simply remember it if it's useful. Maybe Vox will be proven right in the future, I'm not sure. But I don't dismiss reasoning based on the state my mind is currently in.

isn't he a bit of a boomer/ ever so slightly ass-blasted re: Juden Peterstein?
does anybody fucking sage anymore?

You're literally the first person who used "boomer" as a pejorative who isn't a shill! You're right, Vox is literally a boomer. You did a good thing today.

Juden Peterstein is a globalist shill and Vox is calling him out,. Fucking leaf.

im not a shill either

I agree. Even the "post-hoc rationalization" is often an effective starting place to model things.
>10-minute book advertisements and 20-minute tirades at people
He doesn't like being wrong and is smart enough to clamp down on troll trapping early on. Shitting on his mistakes publicly is retarded because what you want him to do is bash his skull against your shared enemy repeatedly. Related question, is feeding Vox Day's ego in public good or bad?

Rule of thumb
assume everybody is controlled op

Every single thread about anyone that opposes the Jew World Order is started by shills so that their buddies on discord can flood the thread with slander and accusations and lead to infighting. It's called consensus cracking and even when you bump the thread to defend the guy you are making the problem worse.

vox day founded his own publishing house due to deplatforming risks. he also founded infogalactic for the same reason. he was the first right-winger to preach that you werent going to win against the left on platforms they control

hell, no one was even using the term 'deplatforming' until he did, starting *years* ago. he was also the first on the right to call out shills like shapiro (starting in 2005) and jordan peterson, etc

a lot of people in the alt-right, particularly youtube-obsessed kids, dont realize how much of their ideology first found its way on the internet via vox's blog. things like, the critique of civic nationalism took root on his blog, he might've even been the first man with an audience to blast it. gamergate, comicgate, etc, he's been involved in it. he was the first sociopolitical commentator im aware of that spotted the SJW phenomenon back when they were a small corner of reddit/tumblr

you may not agree with everything he writes, but he's been at the leading edge of the alt-right from the beginning. and he'll be there long after the random youtube celebrities of the day fade into irrelevance

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No, I know. I moved my mouse to block you, because I just do it on-reaction for that word. But then I read your post....
Wait, Vox IS actually a boomer, technically. You're just stating facts.
>what you want him to do is bash his skull against your shared enemy repeatedly
No, I want him to ignore the enemies in his chat to focus on the enemies of the planet. I don't just want to hear him REEEEE for dozens of minutes.
>Vox Day's ego in public good or bad?
What's the point of this question? I don't know, so I'll just answer it on reaction: probably not. Based on the Golden Rule. Having my arguments cut down repeatedly makes them better. Being told I'm amazing makes them worse.

Crack it then, we'll discuss this issue intelligently and come back to largely the same consensus. Reading the other Ted B. is both archaic and esoteric, what is there to even crack? Please make some Vox OC to entertain us at least.

Whether Peterson or Fag Day is right about any particular issue might be up for grabs, but Peterson is way smarter. Fight me

>that ID
I agree about wasting time and energy on chat policing. If he's as smart as he claims then why argue with idiots.

Intelligence is the ability to link ideas. I don't think Peterson is traditionally intelligent, in the information-processing-speed-sense.
He's mildly schitzophrenic, which causes him to make logical connections that people haven't before. Which most people (including me, to be honest) interpret as intellectual originality. Which people often conflate with intelligence.
tl;dr: Peterson is a dynamic intellectual, but does not necessarily have the highest IQ score.
Vox, in comparison, is a fucking robot with little originality. But he's obviously insanely intelligent.

>controlled opposition

He is probably just a man with his own ideas and beliefs, he is not waving any flag nor leading anything, if you don't like him it's fine, he is not poisoning your particular movement from the inside isn't he? And if you like just parts of what he says and dislike the others it should also be fine, you don't need to marry him, what's so complicated about that? Do you always you see the world in absolutes?

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now ur assblasted, bro

>I want him to ignore
It is very much painfully obvious that he will fight and debate anyone to cut his observed losses to an absolute minimum. He takes more bait than Jow Forums does and has more at stake as a now public intellectual. This is one of his character flaws. It would take years for him to stop doing this. I challenge him to, if he's reading this, you clearly do too. Not holding my breath for that one though. His existing fans need that scrappiness, I think. It fits and keeps his "takes all comers" guru image and allows him to drown his losses in a sea of empty victories.
I wanted to know if you were against it because he might be made more egotistical by it. Noble reasoning accepted.

Insanely intelligent? I cant see that. I am 160 IQ no memes though so I'm probably an exception here

And i also tilt schizo so I def prefer Peterson

why so butt-busted over the boomer meme?

>and allows him to drown his losses in a sea of empty victories
That... is honestly what it feels like to me. He gets an endorphine high by proving something correct, and he bases his self-worth on it.
I can't judge, because my brain has a similar quirk. I get a borderline-sexual chemical experience by having someone understand something they didn't before. And while this is an intellectual flaw, in the strictest sense of the word, at least it doesn't push me to ego-based pursuits. I worry for Vox, even though I root for him.
You know what, you're probably right. I just say that because he says it. If I had to judge his IQ by myself, I'd say it's somewhere in the 130's. He reminds me of my brother. Smart enough to get shit, but stupid enough to focus on one task for long enough to get something done.

Vox is 100% right when it comes to his focus on logistic and the building of independent infrastructure for right wing voices. This is basically the long game and it's more important that some tactical / local victory on some leftist controlled platform such as youtube, but it's admittedly only for low time preference individuals.

That being said, his style isn't for everyone, but that's perfectly fine. Effective and influential movements don't necessarily have to be mass movements.

>my brain has a similar quirk
It's the quirk of champions, buddy! Don't let yourself get carried away!

Very lame boomer shill who regularly uses the "Nazis were actually leftists" argument and attacks those who consider that ridiculous.

Peterson wants to fuck his Grandma.

I have an autographed Ethan Van Sciver special pro gun control Batman/Catwoman comic

No strong, successful, self-assured man talks about alphas and betas like Vox Day does. It's all clearly egoic self-massage to make himself feel better about the fact that he has all the objective trappings of success but hes still a gross fat short troll guy

at this point you are either a woman or you take dick in the butt. No arguments only shaming and flat out lies, fuck off to reddit

Sigma checked

I don't like him but I also don't listen to him much. Can't judge.
He reminds me one of those snake oil salesemen/life coaches for some reason.

Look, I'm familiar with womanposting. But I'm a man and what I'm saying is true. The whole alpha/beta thing as he uses it is a coping mechanism. It doesn't even give him the insight into humanity or society he thinks it does. It's simply rationalization to make himself feel better.

It's identification of social classes, you dumb nigger. Has more significance than sex.


I'm 170 and you're wrong sir

The only thing I've ever seen from him was some livestream where he was explaining in a whiny dork voice about how he's actually in some kind of secret category above alpha and how he has to constantly hide his powerlevel so alpha males won't be intimidated and panic once they realize someone like him exists.