Attached: fora i nigher.jpg (640x706, 110K)
Meanwhile in Italy
Lucas Wright
Jose Smith
Grayson Sullivan
i dont get it, is he being deported?
Isaac Rodriguez
What is going on here?
Ayden Brown
Are they taking him back to Africa?
Leo Moore
Ryder Miller
They're going to set the nigger aflame in true african tradition?
Christopher Campbell
mi piace
sorry my italian is fucking bad
Carter Walker
a nigger ambulant seller tried to sell some shit to Salvini and his escort pushed him away
Aaron Perez
leftists are all over it crying crocodile tears obviously
Thomas Smith
it was alright
Chase Diaz
why the fuck does he have a tray full of lighters? and how are they not spilling all over the place, doesn't look like he's being very cooperative.
Joshua Parker
niggers here will sell you anything
Carter Perry
Notice anything?
Hudson Parker
the virgin African
the chad Salvini
Carter Wilson
No, nigger, I don't want your Chinese made bullshit.
Caleb Price
They should have told Salvini to avoid the Gare du Nord when he travels to Paris.
Connor Brown
you still have to face the beachniggeraster
Luke Kelly
Jack Myers
I've been to milan and rome, there are niggers everywhere trying to sell you shit, how is that even legal? Why don't you do anything about it pastabros?
Juan Diaz
This is obviously some eastern euopean place. Look at those heavy jackets. Wear that in italy and you're going to die from overheating before sombrero siesta.
Jose Baker
That would be cultural appropriation, user.
Christian Reed
They do the same here in France, they sell effeil tower arround the real one and some can be really pushy in trying to make you buy some.
Charles Miller
No kidding I'd chase them off with a switch or something
Blake Cook
Based Salvini
Kayden Richardson
that's beyond retarded, who the fuck impulsively buys a BBQ lighter on the street from some diseased nigger?
what the fuck is going on in Italy
Connor Morris
>some can be really pushy in trying to make you buy some.
what happens if I'm pushy back and I break their fuckin jaw with a right hook?
sorry France but this is why I haven't visited your country, it's full of history and beauty but niggers have absolutely ruined the experience for visitors. it's sad because i've always wanted to see the Old World, but it probably won't exist in 50 years.
Carson Richardson
I hope this is a troll. Otherwise I invite you to go to Milano right now. Bring only shorts and t-shirts, as it is always hot there.
Isaiah Garcia
Obviously when people go to the beach they develop a sudden need for bags.
And hats I guess.
Jace Bennett
Italy is 40c and dips to 35c during sombrero siesta time (approx 6 hours)
Bentley Stewart
Gabriel Morgan
Because here in Milan we have a leftist/commie mayor and our local police of course won't do shit because this city is cucked.
Fun fact: months ago a group of peaceful gypsies broke in the mayor house and stole some shit, the police was able to arrest the subhumans and recover 100% of the stolen goods in less than 24 hours. Meanwhile when this happens to me, you or another nobody police won't give a fuck because lmao shit happens.
Also this is going to happen soon to our local police forces if things don't change:
Levi Green
it's not legal but they're mostly left doing their thing unless they become too molesting or there's polcie nearby which does the bare minimum to stop them
Isaiah Miller
The guy is trying to make a living and not be a burden on society. And somehow people think that is bad? WTF.
I though Jow Forums encouraged hard work and not being lazy.
Jason Thomas
Should have hanged him.
Grayson Nguyen
We get this shit in the UK also, they also know on your door in commission based shit, or stand by the door as you leave the store while working for oxfam or some shit.
Really grips my shit. In the UK they call it an 'Entrepreneurial spirit' or some other bollocks.
Wyatt Cook
Your entire post is fucking wrong for these reasons:
>he IS a burden for the society when he sells presumably illegal chink shit which is potentially toxic
>he IS a burden for the society when said merchandise is sold off the books and he pays no taxes for the services he'll use (healthcare for example)
>he IS a burden for the society when he's fuelling a system of illegal trade of chink shit goods making money for some chinese mafia boss or the likes
If he want to make a living he could always go to look for a job at some employment angencies or directly ask in a construction site like every sane person would do.
Ayden Lopez
When did this country become so cucked? All I'm hearing from the media EACH FUCKING DAY is about muh migrants, muh racism
Cameron Bell
The white race will be destroyed by Wakanda.
Prove me wrong.
Wyatt Cook
>The guy is trying to make a living and
he is going to live hard to his country
Jackson Clark
oh no
is he ok
Hunter Foster
don't you have arctic grocery store prices to shitpost
Levi Hill
Nothing of value was lost
Hunter Thomas
...March on Rome 2.0 when?
Ethan Brown
Oh,they're going to give him a Winnie neck tie. It would be racist for us white people to intervene in African Traditions!
Sebastian Phillips
Dumb women who think that it's a lighter it must be safe.
Jordan Bailey
Trump said the media is the enemy of the people. I guess that's true in every country.
Nathan Lewis
Team Fortress 3 looking lit
Chase Martinez
Oh I forgot to switch back to my main meme flag.
Carson Wright
We have the same problem here in the USA they come and start business. Of course, the reason they compete is because they cheat everything they can. Then white businesses go out of business because you can't compete with cheaters. Expect, the cheating whites, It then becomes near impossible to find a decent honest person to things like HVAC work, Car Repair, etc.
Owen White
it's just leftist hivemind at work, they are so obsessed with migrants, it's almost like a cult
luckily the average italian is a pragmatical man and can smell the bullshit, so i don't think lefties will ever gain much ground, also their tendency of eating their own (when Gramellini wrote that Silvia Romano was basically an exhibitionist they crucified him)
we should take the media back from them doe
Nathaniel Ward
It is a good thing people do not trust the media
Jaxson Fisher
he stopped being a nigger
so i guess he is ok
Luis Phillips
Qui, my muther is Italiano, and she sold us kids the biggest pile of shit ever.
Asher Brooks
>i've always wanted to see the Old World, but it probably won't exist in 50 years.
To be fair it's going to be the pre-historic world in 50 years. Of course, trends in humans have tendency of reversing because people aren't robots, well white people at least. I might just be holding on to misplaced hope.
>Drowning NewBorn
The left just call that a post birth DIY abortion the only thing that upset them is that they lost a future voter. They want white people to do that.
Jackson Martinez
Making the case against accepting the boats is very easy. All we have to do is point out that it is unsustainable to keep accepting them. African population will increase four times by the of the century.
All they have is emotional arguments, which may be good to guilt trip the masses but cannot be sustained in a serious, intellectual political debate.
Dylan Roberts
it's disappointing because the cost to incarcerate that monkey will be much, much more than what the abortion would've cost
tragic to think of all the tax dollars lost...
Jack Cruz
William Wood
They will have 10 nigger friends watching each others backs, IF YOU DONT BUY IT YOU ARE A RACISSS
Eli Ross
Grayson Martin
I don't think the left has realistic or precise aims anymore, all they do is engaging in petty squabbles and faux moral crusades, vomiting endelessly sophisms to assert their self-proclaimed "moral" or "intellectual" superiority and basing their positions on what's trendy and petaloso at the moment. At this point they are just cardboard figures with a broken disc behind them, once you have heard one of them you have heard them all.
I just want for them to lose their grip on the media so they can stop poisoning minds, then we can let them all fade away in peace
Kevin Cruz
nice one Dieter
Jason Rogers
Am I a Terroni?
Asher Jenkins
Aiden James
He got a deeper tan
Caleb Nguyen
Kayden Wilson
Tyler Harris
You should include that kind of info in the OP next time, dude.
Gabriel Gonzalez
Great, now if only they'd clear all the niggers out from Piazza Vennezia and Trajan's Market. Nearly got into a fight with an aggressive Senegalese guy trying to mug me with his friends.
Ryan Lopez
kys retard
Brody Flores
Can you guess what (((organization))) is funding Solidarity Cities?
Jonathan Watson
kek. I am whiter than everyone in that pic and i am literally mexican
Jose Adams
It's terrone
And yes
Austin Perez
based, italians are not white hence not cucked
Jonathan Perez
We aren't white
Don't you remember?
>No,PLEASE master,no
James Roberts
Cameron Gray
is that a knife?
Caleb Allen
"You need to go back"
The movie.
Julian Anderson
>"Salvini was in the middle of the crowd and an African street vendor made his way up the line. He approached the minister with his goods asking him to buy something. In front of people in line and security agents, Salvini replied that he would not buy anything from him. The African insisted, bowed and kneeled with his goods in the crowd and plainclothes agents who had surrounded him in the meantime. Salvini told him to leave and at what point the police took him by weight and dragged him away. Perhaps they accompanied him to the police station."
Jaxson Moore
I chuckled.
Ian Murphy
Congrats you have Greek ancestry, while your distant ancestors did great things in the last 200 years they have repeatedly failed. Perhaps you should kys or maybe proud of your ancient heritage.
Nathan Fisher
Liam Cooper
Jaxson Sanders
intermediation in trade links, this is a fact of parasitization and imitation of real work
Jaxon Edwards
Both France and Italy bombed Gaddafi who was blocking migrants going to Europe. Now they can pass. Just STFU, it's your fault
Justin Smith
Destroying Lybia wasn't so smart, but at least it made Israel happy, and that's what matters
Jace Lopez
>t. mudshit retard
Liam Nguyen
wow that's similar to mine
What's weird is that a couple months ago, it was showing Albanian for the "Balkan" part, now it swapped over to Greek
thank god
Jaxson Collins
>Italy bombed Gheddafi
Bentley Rodriguez
deportation is the only way, and all over europe.
Leo Hill
How is it a thing in Rome and Paris, but not here in Brussels?
Thank god btw
Robert Sullivan
Yes as part of NATO, you did. Eeven if Italy didn't participated, it didn't do anything to stop it. Now you have no place to complain.
Nathaniel Baker
>Chinese made bullshit
It's a cover
Their main business is dope
Colton White
Imagine being this bad at baiting
Carson Stewart
>Implying we had the
power to stop it
Thomas Carter
That's very inconsiderate of that nigger
Did he not think before running into a crowd while ablaze could endanger others
Isaiah Bennett
I don't know what happened to my reply but what I meant was:
>Implying whe had the power to stop it
Liam Collins
is there a vid of this?
Carter Ross
We did not partecipate.
>do anything to stop it
We have been largely powerless and manoeuvred by the EU for the last decade, we were not in the position to dictate jackshit
Michael Lee
That's an another renaissance masterpiece right there. Just paint it in Caravaggio style.