Well, Jow Forums?
Well, Jow Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Well what
>you aren't supposed to formulate moral conceptions, you wagecuck nigger
trees literally grow out of thin air
Since when do you drink coffee with a straw?
>wise, conscientious black woman, clueless, uncaring white man
The formula is getting fucking tiresome.
>Guy who paints shitty political Comics for a living wants to tell you how not to be a waste of space
The answer is neither, m'lady ;).
i would choose plastic as it recyclable so better for the environment
i like trees.
>Well, Jow Forums?
Can't I do both?
I want the straw you already charged me for.
i have never used any forms of straws in my entire life
I want to impregnate that bitch with my meat straw
Nofap isn't going so well finbro?
>"no straw"
>sit down
>vibrate ominously
>slather the drink onto skin
>absorb it through pores
>the stress expands my muscles
>am now strong enough for the upcoming race war
Thank you based milkshake
that doesn’t sound very body positive
>On Jow Forums
You did use strawmen, don't lie to us
Assuming you're not a subhuman and dispose of the straw once used in the bin, the impact on the enviroment should be no more than the cup that contains the drink. If you local governance ca n be bothered it'll end up in a modern landfill where many safemeasures are in place to prevent waste leaking from the site thus cause minimal harm to the enviroment.
They should make objects out of hair compressed together, which is effectively what your fingernails are.
>eating fast food
Anyway, considering how environmentally unfriendly the mass raising of cattle required to supply burger chains round the world is, he's already doing pretty bad just by eating there.
straws are for childish pussies.
>i need a wittle tube to dwink my sugar water
straws are boomer-tier.
Straws should be banned for dine-in customers, just like how they don't serve it in a bag if it's dine-in.
Change my mind.
I want both fucking straws right now sheboon
A plastic straw wrapped in paper, or a paper straw wrapped in plastic?
Kill that nig with a washable metal straw
How about allowing companies to vandalize the amazon forest for gold oil and onions ?
Tbh what is so gard about just drinking out of the cup normally?
No, moron. The answer is clearly to lower our standards of living to that of third world countries who live simple lives totally in harmony with nature
>eating fast food at all
I would like both, thank you.
Bitch you dont want to know what (Material) my grandpa used for straws
Why use trees to make the paper straws when you can use hemp to make the paper? It literally grows in a matter of months.
You forgot prevent any form of immigration to lower the population.
A paper plate will fully biodegrade in about 10 years, styrofoam plates still looks new after 35 years. People find yogurt cups and other plastic shit washed up on beaches that expired 35 years ago, from all around the world, still looking brand new.
Buy paper, not plastic.
who the fuck needs straws anyway
Trick question, the tree and the environment are both already dead.
She already has both of the straws right fucking there.
I believe in the plastic straw ban, but I also think it wouldn't make a difference unless India and China were removed from the planet.
Nah, it was just banter. Gonna do nofap for the whole week next week and Friday I have a hot date with a really hot chick.
+1 Internet for awesome cake
Made it myself, no jews getting their greedy noses in this place ;).
my fukken sides
>underrated post
Stop replying to one post pro leftist slide thread you fucking retarded newfaggots. Gurantee this thread will be made again and again and again
>order paper straw
>burn it to release CO2
>order plastic straw
>toss it in the sewer
>throw drink in nigger's face
thats because its been focus tested and developed to get the very best programming response possible from their mindless NPCs.
I'm for banning plastic straws but it's still nice to put your mouth on something that is likelier cleaner than whatever someone hands to you.
This. I don't understand why they don't just use perforated lids that can be sipped from, just like they do for coffee.
Great point. Literally no one will be able to negate this without twisting themselves into a pretzel.
>Stop promoting this thread because we won't be able to persuade anyone that they are wrong, arghhh!
Book burning dimwit
"Feel guilty about the environment goy, while 99% of pollution is causes by big industries.
The liberal mindset is complete corporate slave mentality. They use to absolve responsibility or corporations towards the environment. They allow corporations to wave faggot rainbow flags and get away with exploiting workers. They abandon any economic critiques and allow corporations to funnel their wealth to tax havens and used tricks to never give back to the countries they pedal their shit to. Fucken corporate slaves.
>killing trees is bad
There are more trees in the northern hemisphere now than in the last 2000 years. Maybe the rainforest should be protected, but trees in western nations are abundant and should actually be culled. Fire breaks are necessary and smart.
Get a cleaning kit to clean up the streets of LA and NY since despite supposedly being envirnmentalists, they also are shit at keeping their own cities clean.
I sometimes feel like envirnmentalists don’t actually care about the envirnment anc just want to virtue signal and make people feel guilty over the tiniest of shits.
"Feel guilty about the environment goy, while 99% of pollution is causes by big industries."
>implying fast food is not a big industry
Listen kiwi, you probably can't fathom the waste we have over here. Plastic straws are literally thrown at you without even asking, whenever you buy any sort of beverage at a counter. It's absolutely pointless and unnecessary.
neither, i dont use straws. however, i will throw away all the plastic-wrapped shit that i buy weekly, like produce and associated stickers, box innards (the plastic around the foodstuff), almost any single item in a store, the bullshit junk mail, etc...
a straw is gonna make a difference i tell huwat
Only gays drink through straws
You're not gay, right user?
>my straws are worse than the general pollution the company creates as a whole
paper straws fucking suck anyways
>no pun intended
>kill a tree
So we're all in agreement that vegans are murderers?
this is Jow Forums so who knows
>also noboby is gayer than ur mom
Respect +1