There is no wall planned to Canada, right?

Is Canada even protecting and guarding the border? What about illegals who come to America and then hike North to Canada? Isn’t this a problem. It happens to Germany a lot.

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>Is Canada even protecting and guarding the border?
what, is the responsibility all ours? it's a joint effort and the border is too long to be perfect.

He is talking about the american/mexican border. He is a retarded turkish man.

How is it America’s responsibility to make sure nobody comes to Canada illegally? And as far as I know, Canadians don’t live in a war zone, so don’t illegally cross South into the US.

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what gave you the impression our government cares about illigal immigration?

American/Canada border.

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Oh btw our border is not protected, crazies come and go as they please. I'm surprised you didn't know that. We have checkpoints on highways, but you can just walk over mountains, forests, or swim across rivers. Shit is porous as fuck. The reason we even catch illegals is because someone tips off the cops, otherwise nobody would know.

It's unguarded. In canada you can't get anything without a sin card. So you can come here but you will be fucked.

All governments care. Some more than others.

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Illegals like eating. I think Canada is safe.

>Oh btw our border is not protected, crazies come and go as they please. I'm surprised you didn't know that.
Where did I say it was, you fuck off leaf?

Justin Trudeau is enough to deter me from wanting to illegally immigrate to Canada

lul where do you live, bro? You must be using a vpn to be this naive.

Do you want to know something that is really fucked up? In 28yrs living in Germany, I never showed my ID or driver’s license to a policeman ever. Never. In the 2yrs in the US, I probably showed my ID 100 times in bars, supermarkets, policemen, customs, car rentals, gold clubs, casinos, everywhere.

Quiet down sally, you are scaring the children.

That is very unusual to us. In canada you need a sin card for work or housing, even welfare. You will die without it.

Germany. Our government cares too, just not enough. We paid 6 billion to Turkey to reduce illegal numbers a bit.

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Chink, white dyke, and paki. Yup that's Canada.

Showing ID in bars, customs, car rentals and casinos.
How draconian.

Interesting, here you don’t. I actually once tried to travel with an experied ID to Greece and they only said something when I bordered my plane back like “you know it’s expiiiiired, got to get new ID in Germania”.

The Asian woman is hot.

True, isn’t it? It was like “wtf do you care about my ID, do I look like a criminal”? But it was always “can I see your ID, sir?” Unreal.

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Do you know how big America is? You remind me of some Italians that I met that wanted to see nyc, Niagara Falls, los Angeles, the grand canyon, and Miami in a few days.

You can easily hike to Canada from Mexico. Many people do it.

Yah people with money and plenty of outdoor gear/training. Not your run of the mill wetback.

Krautbro, very very few of the ones who come from south of the US into the US come here. It's a long, long way. Our weather keeps em away too.

To add, I live near Toronto and have literally never seen a Mexican in my life

I cross the border all the time. Canada border is ez. They let in plenty of Pajeets and Chinks anyways. It's cheaper and easier for immigrants to live in the US, plus the colder weather deters them.

Pic related is border near where I live. The house is US but road is Canada.

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Is there any way Trump can incentivize illegals to move North? It would be an easy solution for him.

Where is the border? Where are the passport checks?

Lol! No you don't.
First of all a Sin card isn't required to rent a apartment, second you can work all your life illegally, or at least before you get injured and your employer sacks you. I make about 6000$ a year working illegally while I receive social benefits during Winter months. I could theoretically earn 25k doing that job year long.

Why would you illegaly immigrate to Canada lmao

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why would we build a wall when canada isn't going to be a separate country for much longer?

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It would be impossible to monitor every entry between Canada and the USA. The border is over 5000km long.

there are about a half a dozen unguarded "no duty to report" crossings on the can-am, which blew my mind when i drove across one and it said "welcome to canada"

We are friendly and welcoming to Americans.

what the fuck is wrong with you?

So if they want to get to Canada illegally it's Canada's problem and they should be the ones who build the wall

I make 6000 dollars in 2 months buddy, that isn't a good thing. 25k a year is what a welfare retard gets.

Yes, we are, I saw a youtube video of some idiots trying to sneak through.

What do you mean? A leaf can't travel to Ireland?

You're missing the point. The easiest way for radicals to enter the US is not from Mexico. They use shady passports to get to Canada, then just drive to the US.
The wall may help with illegals, but to keep out terrorists we need to secure the north as well. Perhaps even higher priority.

I really doubt it. People here are already pissed off about Syrians that Trudeau brought in. Despite what you see/hear here, we aren't as bad as you might think. I mean obviously it's not great, but we got on board the happy-go-lucky leftist bandwagon kind of late. Trudeau was possibly the last leftist leader elected before the global right wing backlash occurred. There's a very good chance of him losing our election this year. And if Trump suggested moving the illegals there to Canada, you'd have a unifying factor for both sides here. The left would be pissed because it was something trump did, the right pissed because of illegals.

hahaha come to canada. Your funny

You need to do this naaaaaaooooo! Quebec would be easy to turn and Alberta would save a fuckton if they joined. This can be peacefull. It is manifest destiny and canadian children would be forever greatful to their fathers.

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before 9/11 Canadians could walk across the boarder without ID to buy milk

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A true national struggle

alberta state militia would be some bad motherfuckers

It would cost a lot more than the barbed wire and rebar fence being proposed for the Mexican border. Canuks don't need a wall from us.

Pretty sure Trump thinks he can monitor all 2000 miles of Southern border 24/7, so Canada should be doable too.

The US has a much larger economy than Canada. Why would economic migrants want to come here? Never mind the fact they'd have to travel farther.
Also, Canada is much more open to using identification to verify legal status. It's not a polarized partisan issue here.

we have this neighboring which absorbs all the rest of the Americas like a slimy, used, mongrelized sponge

we have tactical nukes and incendiary bombs if the shit hits the fan on the border

Canada is a leading force in extreme Right Globally Juden, Southern, Goldy, Papa GF.
We’re just fine

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>before 9/11 Canadians could walk across the boarder without ID to buy milk

Now they have to fly a plane there to buy milk?

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the sun will never set on the canadian empire

>Implying they wouldn't fight at your sides.
25% of their taxes leave their province to pay for gibs in other provinces.

lol at the picture

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what if canada turned fascist and conquered the usa?

That’s because they are so far North so the sun never rises.

Protect?? Hahah no
we just let them in and give them 1k a week per family memeber so they can drive benzs from 2009 and live in nice suburban areas

Most of the canadian population is more south than Germany, scheißekopf

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Mexico border is significantly easier to monitor thanks to almost all of it being a giant desert. Also shorter too. Canadian wall would be 100x the cost

This. Also, it’d be cheaper to build the border wall with Guatemala, than along the US-Mexico border.

Mexico isn’t really that bad. It’s just made shitty by the southerners and the southerners moving North.

Yeah, I don’t believe it. You guys just manipulated that map.

>Canadian wall would be 100x the cost

And worth every cent

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he is lying, ontario is a shithole full of non canadians.

ammexation might just make america whiter

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also unsurvivable most of year with few crossings and less towns for thousnads of miles

>Be Canada
>Don't get "independence" from UK till 1982
>British crown is still the head of state, pay taxes to the crown, the crown can dissolve the government because they feel like it
Canada is not a real country, no point defending the border of a nonexistent country. Canadians are literally just squatters